View Full Version : General Care Questions

04-26-2011, 08:31 AM
Hi All--
Squirt is an 8-week old orphaned grey (black!) squirrel. Being a single and my first rescue, I want to make sure I'm doing everything right! He's eating 20/50 3 times a day, 15-20mls each time, boo balls, some veggies, few fruits, few nuts and some rodent block. He seems to be thriving--fuzzy coat, fluffly tail, fat belly, active and he grooms himself. :)
I have a few questions I couldn't find the answers to on the boards:
1. How long will he take formula from the syringe? When that eases off, do I provide formula in a lap bowl? For how long?
2. Should he be drinking water from a lap bowl or is a water bottle ok?
3. What's an appropriate amount of veggies for him to eat per day to prevent disease? I've just started introducing a wide variety based on Henry's website, but I'm not sure how much is enough.
4. How do I provide enough exercise? Right now, he's in a large ferret cage until the big cage is built. He enjoys climbing around it (in and out when supervised!) has a few different shelves, and a hammock to sleep in. I don't want the little bugger to get fat! I can't exactly let him run of the house...3 kids, a dog and a cat prevent that. :)
5. Do I have to do anything with his nails? I'm sure that tree-climbing takes care of keeping them "filed" in the wild. Anything I should provide as a scratching post besides large branches?
Just for fun...Is it unusual for them to be "self-potty-trained"? He kept using a certain corner, so I provided a large dish with disposal bedding in it. Now he only pees in that...very easy to clean! He'll even leave the syringe and my lap to go back to the cage to use his bathroom. :)
Thanks SO MUCH for your help! TSB has been such a great resource.:thankyou
Trying to attach a pic of Squirt and his sock buddy enjoying the warm spring breezes...

island rehabber
04-26-2011, 09:25 AM
Welcome! Squirt is gorgeous! I must admit I am partial to the blackies myself (got two now :D). I'll try to address your questions in context:
I have a few questions I couldn't find the answers to on the boards:
1. How long will he take formula from the syringe? When that eases off, do I provide formula in a lap bowl? For how long? As long as he wants, and you should let him. You can try giving it to him in a bowl if he's not the type who flips it over and makes a mess. :)
2. Should he be drinking water from a lap bowl or is a water bottle ok? my preference is water bottles. They will pee in water bowls and flip them around. Also, if you are raising to release and doing it properly, as your squirrel matures you may not WANT to stick your hand in there to change the water. :D
3. What's an appropriate amount of veggies for him to eat per day to prevent disease? I've just started introducing a wide variety based on Henry's website, but I'm not sure how much is enough. I give 2 1"x 1" cubes of things, or two leaves of each good veggie - per squirrel
4. How do I provide enough exercise? Right now, he's in a large ferret cage until the big cage is built. He enjoys climbing around it (in and out when supervised!) has a few different shelves, and a hammock to sleep in. I don't want the little bugger to get fat! I can't exactly let him run of the house...3 kids, a dog and a cat prevent that. :) Have swingy things (a stuffy on a bungee cord works great) as well as big branches & things for him to run and climb on in his cage. The run of the house amongst domestic pets is never a good idea.
5. Do I have to do anything with his nails? I'm sure that tree-climbing takes care of keeping them "filed" in the wild. Anything I should provide as a scratching post besides large branches? Branches will do the trick. But his nails will never be NOT scratchy on your skin. :D
Just for fun...Is it unusual for them to be "self-potty-trained"? He kept using a certain corner, so I provided a large dish with disposal bedding in it. Now he only pees in that...very easy to clean! He'll even leave the syringe and my lap to go back to the cage to use his bathroom. :) You are one lucky squirrel keeper! That's great if you have a corner-pooper and pee'er! Doesn't happen often! :thumbsup

04-26-2011, 04:03 PM
Thanks for all of your help! I definitely want to release this little guy, so anything I can do to help that is good with me. He certainly doesn't mind being handled now, but I can tell he's already getting itchy...ready to run free! He seems to be coming off the syringe (maybe he's just intrigued with all of new goodies?) so I did try a little lid full of formula just now to see how he does. He seems to like everything I'm putting in front of him so far (kale, avocado, snap peas, cucumbers...) so I guess that's good. Is there such a thing as too many boo balls? Interesting about the "bathroom" stuff! He definitely only pees in one corner and poops in his hammock (not ideal for him, but easy to clean!)