View Full Version : Hates the release cage!

m&bs mom
04-24-2011, 09:48 AM
Ok...so we have the new release cage built for Grayson but he HATES it. I only left him out there for about 20 minutes had brought him back in. He chatters and keeps running from one end to the other. Doing flips and shaking his tail. He started breathing really fast and I got worried so took him in.

He is about 8 months old and is spoiled! He is out of his cage for about 1.5 hours each morning during the week and for about 4 hours evenings. Weekends he has more time out of the cage as we are here more often on weekends.

I bought a rabbit harness and tried that on him a few weeks ago. I took him out just to get a feel for the outdoors...he kept climbing up my leg.

Do I just keep putting him out for a few minutes at a time and keep increasing the length of time? He is an only squirrel right now and the only singleton that we have raised. All the others have always have another squirrel buddy.

Thanks in advance for replies and suggestions!

04-24-2011, 10:39 AM
In my experience, the majority of baby squirrels are terrified when I start taking them outside for pre-release, but I never had one that didn't wild up and was happy to finally be released into the great outdoors where they belong!. I try to do it gradually - 30 minutes one day, 1 hour the next, 2, 4, ect until I start leaving them outside all day. For a week or so I still bring them in at night, but then I start leaving them out around the clock. I usually keep them for at least 3 weeks after they are out all day/night. Are you using a nest box - that definitely provides security for them. Are you planning to release in your yard?

If you had a single squirrel for 8 months it will take him a little longer - and probably take you a little longer since you have become so attached!

04-24-2011, 02:06 PM
In my experience, the majority of baby squirrels are terrified when I start taking them outside for pre-release, but I never had one that didn't wild up and was happy to finally be released into the great outdoors where they belong!. I try to do it gradually - 30 minutes one day, 1 hour the next, 2, 4, ect until I start leaving them outside all day. For a week or so I still bring them in at night, but then I start leaving them out around the clock. I usually keep them for at least 3 weeks after they are out all day/night. Are you using a nest box - that definitely provides security for them. Are you planning to release in your yard?

If you had a single squirrel for 8 months it will take him a little longer - and probably take you a little longer since you have become so attached!
:goodpost This is excellent advice for a wonderful soft release. The nest box part is very important. Gives them a safe place to hide and check out things by peeking out when they feel brave enough to do so. If after a few days your baby doesn't get more comfortable then we will have to go to plan B. (Don't ask me what plan B is. I haven't figured it out yet!:rotfl )

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator

m&bs mom
04-24-2011, 05:00 PM
Thank you for the replies.

Yes, he had his own nest box and his blanket in the new cage. He wouldn't go in! For the short time he was out and just kept running and doing flips (this is what he does inside when he wants to go out).

I have done soft releases before but like I said, never a singleton. The others have always done well...this time not so well.

I will try again tomorrow and see how it goes. It might help if we don't stand there and watch him. I will just watch from the window and hope he can't see me.

He will be released on our property (4 acres wooded and 1.5 lawn). We have a variety here of red squirrels and grays along with some chippies.

Plan B?? I hope that we don't have to cross that path!

Thanks again!

04-24-2011, 06:18 PM
Uh oh, Plan B?? :rotfl Maybe just a short while outside in the release cage as you suggested while you watch from the house would work. I have released many singletons on my property. I always watch them carefully because they are a little more difficult. Poor babies it seems so lonely but most will become fascinated with the many wonderful activities there are to watch and do outside in squirrel world. Let us know how it goes?


04-25-2011, 03:06 AM
Keep in Mind....
Squirrels are like Kids - They know what buttons to push to get what they want.