View Full Version : How much calcium/day?

04-12-2011, 10:14 AM
Just received my Henry's Healthy Treats Block. My 1yr female old eats it only if I don't give her anything else..(or minimal anything else) She's starting to eat it a bit better, but still is not crazy about it. It seems that calcium/protein are the main things to worry about and this block addresses that. I also read you can feed them Tums(for Ca++). How much of a Tums tablet, per day? Or even a dosage would be helpful.... She did gobble up a "fruit" flavored crumb of Tums, so I am pretty sure she'd eat it w/ no problem. Will still try w/ the Henry's...
Any other concerning facts about other things in the TUMS that she shouldn't have.....


Jackie in Tampa
04-12-2011, 12:16 PM
:Welcome :wave123
Grey Sq? :poke where's the pics!!!!!:D

RVA for rodents is 330mgs a day...
If two HHbs and healthy diet no need for tums unless calcium low/MBD!
I am in Tampa if I can help with anything!
Welcome to TSB!:wave123

Here's a link to the nutrition forum...
you will find tons of great info!!!:thumbsup

04-12-2011, 12:49 PM

If you're still concerned about needing extra calcium and protein, you could always give her yogurt, it's a good source of both. Just make sure it's not the fat-free kind. :)