View Full Version : Hello! Meet Godfrey :)

04-09-2011, 11:09 AM
Hello all! Just found this board, and have been reading so much on here the last couple of days. I thought it was time to introduce myself :)

I am new to the squirrel thing, though not new to raising orphan animals (I have successfully raised and released cottontails several times). I was just given a little squirrel about a week ago, and have been trying to learn everything I possibly can!

My little guy is (we are guessing) about 6 weeks old. A friend of mine found him crawling around in the middle of the road, dehydrated, cold, covered in fleas, and eyes unopened. She warmed him up, re-hydrated him, picked all the fleas off, and then asked if I would raise him, as she had no real experience with raising any kind of orphan. She had him for about 2 1/2 days, and gave him pedialyte the first day, and kitten formula after that.

He opened his eyes up the evening before I took him home. He was pretty lethargic and not eating well (the bottle/nipple she was using was about drowning him every time he tried to eat). I went out and bought some espilac, I thought it would at least be better for him than the kitten formula. I've been mixing a bit of yogurt and heavy cream with it. I also got a 3cc syringe (it was the smallest I could find after a 3 hr search). I've been very careful syringe feeding him, only letting out one drop at a time (the same way I fed the bunnies). He gets very frustrated with me about not feeding him fast enough, but I prefer having him irritated with me to him getting sick;) He's eating about 6-7 cc's every 4 hours or so, although the last couple of nights he's gone about 7 hrs between late night feeding and early morning feeding. I've been stimulating him after every meal, but he's started to fight me on it (I have seen him going on his own). After reading on the boards here I've ordered some FV formula, just waiting on it to get here.

He is in a 22"x17" bird cage right now, with a small nest box (with an old tshirt in it and a heating pad under it), and a few branches. I've also put in a small ceramic bowl with a bit a water, and a few rat blocks in there with him.
Since I've been feeding him the formula/yogurt/cream he has exploded with energy and growing like a weed :D Yesterday he started experimenting with the water bowl and gnawing on rat blocks. He's getting more playful and vocal every day, which is absolutely thrilling considering how he was a week ago!

The plan is to release him on our property when he's old enough. We live outside of town, in fairly wooded area with a happy healthy fat squirrel population ;) So far I am the only one to handle him (aside from the lady who gave him to me) and I have kept him from catching so much as a glimpse of our dog (who stays on the other side of the house via a doggy gate).

Anyway, sorry for the novel, lol! Just wanted to get all the info in there so I could ask if I am doing everything I should be? I'm sure I will have more questions soon :)

And I do have pictures! Meet Godfrey :)

The day he was found
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/206442_1324253522756_1723428902_545320_5106627_n.j pg

The next day - his eyes opened later that evening
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/207194_1306156111756_1766144521_529936_601961_n.jp g

Asleep in my sweater, I'd had him for one day
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200170_1945914608729_1268452700_2298277_6853899_n. jpg

Getting more active :)
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/205452_10150149400597834_500897833_6446385_1868548 _n.jpg

Playing on the branches for the first time
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/216540_10150150983297834_500897833_6458304_1475579 _n.jpg

Thanks for letting me share!!

04-09-2011, 11:16 AM
Well what a little doll Godfrey is and WELCOME!!! You'll find (as you have already) a TON of great information on this board. Sounds to me like you're doing everything right so far. Fox Valley on the way, water and rodent blocks to get used to :thumbsup The only thing I might suggest is being careful of him being able to get up too high and fall. Babies aren't that coordiated at this age. I'd make sure the bottom of his cage is well padded with blanklets and that he can't fall more than about 12 inches. Just my personal thoughts. Nice work, he looks very healty and happy :jump

04-09-2011, 11:24 AM
Thanks!! I was worried about him falling, as he wasn't all that coordinated when he started trying to climb things, lol. The branches are only about 6" off the bottom of the cage, and there is t-shirt padding underneath them, just in case! ;)

04-09-2011, 11:54 AM
Well what a little doll Godfrey is and WELCOME!!! You'll find (as you have already) a TON of great information on this board. Sounds to me like you're doing everything right so far. Fox Valley on the way, water and rodent blocks to get used to :thumbsup The only thing I might suggest is being careful of him being able to get up too high and fall. Babies aren't that coordiated at this age. I'd make sure the bottom of his cage is well padded with blanklets and that he can't fall more than about 12 inches. Just my personal thoughts. Nice work, he looks very healty and happy :jump
:Welcome yes, all that and it is great that you keep your dog out of his sight! :thumbsup So many people don't realize the dangers of squirrels getting used to dogs and cats!
Keep the photos coming!:)

04-09-2011, 01:58 PM
he is adorable!! sounds like you are doing everything you can for him. keep the pics coming. we love pics on here!!:Welcome

04-09-2011, 04:51 PM
Welcome to TSB...
What a handsome Little Dude you have there...
In your cage...look for places he might slip and get wedged, between the branches and the cage. He's still so small he isn't as strong or coordinated as an adult.

Keep your photos coming....thanks.
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Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

VISIT Rama ---the KING at:


04-09-2011, 05:42 PM
Thanks everyone! He sure is fun. I feel a lot better hearing that I'm doing everything I should be :)
Stosh - Thanks for pointing that out, it hadn't even crossed my mind! We will make some adjustments right away :D

island rehabber
04-09-2011, 06:06 PM
Wecome, AES and Godfrey! He looks like an adorable, healthy boy -- good job! You've gotten some good tips from everyone already so I'll just say keep doing what you're doing. Since you will be releasing him, you can begin to feed him his formula through the bars of the cage soon, instead of taking him out to feed -- this begins the process of independence from you so that he will think of himself as a SQUIRREL :D.

04-10-2011, 07:24 AM
Hi and welcome! He is just adorable!!! My squirrely girl has that same racoon stuffie...it is her favorite wrestling toy, so soft and floppy. I am looking forward to updates on your little guy

04-13-2011, 05:53 PM
Mr Godfrey is doing just great! I have a couple quick question and an update :D

We're gradually switching over to fv formula right now - is that right? Or should I just stop the other all together and switch him to straight fv right away?

I haven't started feeding him through the bars yet...I did try it out, and he got very VERY frustrated with that, and was more making a mess of the milk than actually eating it. He's only interested in me if he sees I have his food ready, and he does still want to come out for that. Is it a big deal if I still take him out for feedings a bit longer, or should I just let him work out his frustrations of eating through the bars?
I don't think we'll have a problem with his being independant, lol. He's already very territorial of "his" cage, especially the nest box. When I get in there to clean it he grunts at me and tries to chase/scare me away! I've taken to putting a couple drops of milk on my hand before I reach in there, to avoid getting as many bites and scatches. He's been getting very bored lately, so I've been moving him outside during the day (when I can keep an eye on him) He LOVES it. His new favorite thing is sunbathing on the branches, he loves watching/listening to the local squirrels (there's 5-10 out in the yard on any given afternoon). He chased away and robin who curiously approached his cage. I'm actually amazed at how "wild" he's acting at such a young age, especially having been only with me since he opened his eyes.
To help with his boredom I've added lots of fun things from outside that I've noticed the wild squirrels like. A couple small branches from the "favorite" trees; several small twigs that he loves to carry around and gnaw on; various dry leaves (he tears them up and just generally makes a mess out of them). We have several red granite rocks in the yard that the squirrels love to sit on, so I grabbed a small one to put in with him - he sprawled out on it and started gnawing on the end, lol. He does really love to gnaw on anything and everything. He's also started hugging on and grooming his raccoon stuffy, and even bringing it some of the twigs ;) I try to keep the branches and twigs situated so that he can't get stuck anywhere, but he does enjoy redecorating, lol.
All together he is a happy healthy little squirrel :thumbsup He already has a healthy fear of other people - anytime my SO walks by him, he tries to act big and bad, and then hides in his nest box letting out little squirrel curses until it's all clear :rotfl
Here's a pic of him from the other day, having a good time being outside :)
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/207340_10150155483577834_500897833_6496421_6762806 _n.jpg

04-13-2011, 06:40 PM
I'm not a rehabber, but I have 2 permanent squirrels, so here are my 2 cents. . .there are 2 schools of thought, one is to not handle the squirrel very much so it stays as wild as possible. The other one is that baby squirrels NEED love, especially single ones with no sibs. My local rehabber always treats her singles different. She snuggles them as if they were going to be pets. Then at about 4 or 5 months old, she starts to wild them up. She gradually transitions them to an outdoor cage and weans them off of her, then eventually to a soft release. She's never had it fail. My personal opinion is that every baby animal needs to feel the physical warmth and love of another being to properly develop and be happy. The only way they can feel that (if they don't have sibs) is to get it from you. It's a different story with babies that have sibs. I'd still snuggle them, but not as much. So I'd snuggle and love that single baby so it's happy and you can wild it up when the time comes. That shouldn't be a problem at all. He's ADORABLE!!! Good luck with Godfrey!:grouphug

04-13-2011, 07:01 PM
Thanks Busysqrl! That's kind of what I was thinking with him being a single baby. I've pretty much just let him decide from the start when/if he wants cuddles, but he's just not into it that much :thinking lol He does like to play on me after he eats - but it's playing on me, he really doesn't care to play with me. He does sometimes fall asleep on me, but usually wakes up and wants back in "his" box. He's agressive toward me a bit when he's in the cage, when he's out feeding/playing he doesn't have a problem with me (I'm his personal jungle gym:D ) All in all he is a very independent little guy! Is that normal at this age? Lol

04-13-2011, 07:45 PM
Yes, you're little sweetie pea sounds very normal. At that age they will waffle back and forth between wanting to snuggle and trying to be a big independent squirrel. They are so cute watching them go through that process. Much like a small child will do. Enjoy your baby. Makes me wish my girl was a baby again .:grouphug :Love_Icon

04-13-2011, 11:16 PM
I'm not a rehabber, but I have 2 permanent squirrels, so here are my 2 cents. . .there are 2 schools of thought, one is to not handle the squirrel very much so it stays as wild as possible. The other one is that baby squirrels NEED love, especially single ones with no sibs. My local rehabber always treats her singles different. She snuggles them as if they were going to be pets. Then at about 4 or 5 months old, she starts to wild them up. She gradually transitions them to an outdoor cage and weans them off of her, then eventually to a soft release. She's never had it fail. My personal opinion is that every baby animal needs to feel the physical warmth and love of another being to properly develop and be happy. The only way they can feel that (if they don't have sibs) is to get it from you. It's a different story with babies that have sibs. I'd still snuggle them, but not as much. So I'd snuggle and love that single baby so it's happy and you can wild it up when the time comes. That shouldn't be a problem at all. He's ADORABLE!!! Good luck with Godfrey!:grouphug
Hi and :Welcome I am a rehabilitator and I agree with the above approach. I think this little one is still a little young to back off of handling just yet, IMO because he is a singleton. We all do it differently, I know, I continue to hold mine to feed them until I /they wean at about 13-14 weeks and then offer in a bowl 1x per day until they go to the outdoor pre-release cages at 16 weeks. Rodent block, Boo Balls and healthy fruits and veggies are offered from the time their eyes open. Actually, when they open their eyes I only offer rodent block along with their scheduled daily formula for about three weeks. If you offer anything else they usually will only eat other things that are offered not the rodent block. In 3 weeks of just formula and block you will be assured that they will eat block. Given a choice they usually won't eat block. Keep us posted. Your little one is darling. :Love_Icon

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rebabilitator

Best Life
04-13-2011, 11:40 PM
Yup, I cuddle mine as much as they choose to (which isn't much once their little eyes open) and I agree that all babies need contact with another living being to feel secure and thrive. I'm NOT a licensed rehabber, but care for fosters, and find that I am more like their favorite 'safe tree' than a person to them. When they're badly startled, they'll jump on me if I'm handy, but if they can get higher quickly, they will. It really is amazing watching them grow up; once they get in those trees it all seems to come naturally.

04-14-2011, 11:07 AM
Safe tree would definitely describe how he feels about me! Hahaha.
Of course, now that I've gone and said he isn't much into cuddling, he had to go and make a liar out me, he's being very cuddly today ;) LOL
He's got rodent blocks, and is gnawing on them a bit. I don't plan to give him anything else until he's eating those regularly, but when I do start to give him fruits/veggies, what is the best thing to start with?

04-14-2011, 11:10 AM
:Welcome, AES. As for your darling Godfrey, I have one word to say: KLUNK! :Love_Icon

04-14-2011, 11:20 AM
Safe tree would definitely describe how he feels about me! Hahaha.
Of course, now that I've gone and said he isn't much into cuddling, he had to go and make a liar out me, he's being very cuddly today ;) LOL
He's got rodent blocks, and is gnawing on them a bit. I don't plan to give him anything else until he's eating those regularly, but when I do start to give him fruits/veggies, what is the best thing to start with?

Yep, at that age, they do waffle between being cuddly and trying to be independent :jump For starter foods, I'd give snap peas, cut them down the middle so he can see the little peas inside. You could also give zuchinni and try some acorn or butternut squash. For fruits you could try blueberries and apple. They usually love those.

04-14-2011, 11:22 AM
I just wanted to add that I am SO glad I found this forum and learned about the FV formula. Over the last few days he has suddenly GROWN and really filled out. And his energy has doubled (I didn't even know that would be possible, lol). I feel sooooo much better feeding him that stuff, and he LOVES it. He's like a whole new squirrel from last week :D :thankyou

04-14-2011, 11:24 AM
Yep, at that age, they do waffle between being cuddly and trying to be independent :jump For starter foods, I'd give snap peas, cut them down the middle so he can see the little peas inside. You could also give zuchinni and try some acorn or butternut squash. For fruits you could try blueberries and apple. They usually love those.

Ok cool! I will be spending a lot more time at the farmers market ;)

04-14-2011, 11:25 AM
Yes FV is really the best thing out there right now for baby squirrels. I know some people still feed Esbilac and doctor it up, but I would NEVER take the chance of feeding that stuff again. I know a rehabber who had about 60 babies die from it the summer the formula changed. It was terrible.

Good work! Sounds like little Godfrey is just blossoming! Give him a kiss from me :grouphug

04-14-2011, 09:36 PM
Hey look! There are squirrels out there!
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/205193_10150157390817834_500897833_6508808_6897134 _n.jpg

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/215082_10150157390852834_500897833_6508809_6263498 _n.jpg

Nom nom on the rodent blocks :)
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/216236_10150157390897834_500897833_6508810_7193424 _n.jpg

Fat, fuzzy, and happy :D
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/206366_10150157390917834_500897833_6508812_2823425 _n.jpg

Perhaps I should start another thread for him, I have a feeling I might drown this one with pics:rotfl

04-15-2011, 11:39 AM
OMGosh, he is just the cutest lil guy!!!! Looks like he's enjoying his time outside in the nice weather. :D He's inside your house most of the time, right?

04-15-2011, 12:01 PM
omg.....what a cute little guy!!!

04-15-2011, 12:16 PM
OMGosh, he is just the cutest lil guy!!!! Looks like he's enjoying his time outside in the nice weather. :D He's inside your house most of the time, right?

Oh yes, he is inside almost all of the time. I only take him out on warm afternoons :thumbsup

04-15-2011, 12:19 PM
:thumbsup He really is a little doll! Can you take videos and post them? I would love to see him scamper around :jump

04-15-2011, 02:44 PM
Trust me, if my camera or phone could take videos, I would already have some posted :D I'll see what I can do about that though ;) I could sit and watch him play for hours (oh wait, I do!):rotfl

04-15-2011, 03:20 PM
A couple more from yesterday ;)

Trying to drag the raccoon into his box lol:D
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/206642_10150158014957834_500897833_6513189_7687555 _n.jpg

He has decided that the only good way to get in his box, is to climb up the branch to get on top of it, and then go in upside down :rotfl
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/207413_10150158015027834_500897833_6513190_3765369 _n.jpg

04-16-2011, 09:17 AM
Anyway, sorry for the novel, lol! Just wanted to get all the info in there so I could ask if I am doing everything I should be? I'm sure I will have more questions soon :)

And I do have pictures! Meet Godfrey :)

Thanks for letting me share!!

Oh we like novels, :Squirrel stories very much. Those mjs pictures are fantastic. :thumbsup. Pls feel free to share with us, or ask any questions abt raising 6 week old Godfrey :multi
:Welcome to TSB

04-25-2011, 03:58 PM
Stared a new thread :D