View Full Version : Aggression - 9 month old

04-08-2011, 01:49 AM
I'm pretty sure he's 9 months old...
Grey Squirrel. Male.
We got him as a baby, got him nice and healthy and happy, litter trained. (I"m very proud of his litter training. He's such a good boy!)

He has a 4-ish story cage. Ish being that two of the stories are more like landings, but it's a nice large cage. He gets outside-cage time every day. Hasn't been outside, the weather has been HORRIBLE recently. Plan on leash training him soon, as well as setting up the spare cage once we get some sunshine.

He doesn't seem to want to go outside or be 'wild'. He's VERY contest with his humans. I've taken him outside a few times to go get the mail and he just sits on my shoulder. I don't think he knows what the outside world is...He used to pace at my window last summer, but not anymore. That only lasted a few days. Then he learned he could watch people from outside, and now he doesn't sit by the window at all.

He's REALLY good with being told no when chewing on things like desks, my camera, etc. He's not much of a wire chewer.

He's such a darling and loving boy, but the last few months he has been developing some quirks. One, I don't know why but he was having free-time when my sister was helping me fold my laundry. She picked up a skirt of mine and he freaked out, attacking her. This was before Christmas and her nail is pretty much just slowly dying right now. She's not angry...We think maybe he's possessive over black fabric. I put a black sheet over his cage as a baby so he didn't mess up the wall the cage was by, as well as keep it dark for naptime. I also wear black hoodies a lot and since I"m his main caretaker...idk if squirrels get possessive over fabric or not, but he was fine until she picked up that skirt...

He's been more aggressive lately too. I don't know if it's just the season...or if he's sick...or hormones...He's not neutered. We DO have a vet who is willing to do it and has done it. He's an exotic animal vet and has been wonderful with our other exotics (skunks, and previously sugar gliders). I read that since squirrels don't mate in captivity, so I didn't think much of it. Assumed that his hormones wouldn't effect him in any way. (Silly me?)

My mom wants him neutered, I don't really care either way. (shrug)

Also, he lost some tail fur. It's on the tip. It's not bare, but it's not as full as it should be, and that worries me. Is he not getting enough calcium? He gets mushrooms, avacado, leafy greens (kale, etc) and other yummy veggies. He also gets his rodent blocks (he's out of squirrel blocks. Rodent blocks are used when we don't have the squirrel blocks handy.)

Since he doesn't have his blox, I've been adding some calcium via rep-cal. I was also thinking of using some vionate that we have leftover from the suggies. It's full of healthy stuff. http://www.jefferspet.com/vionate%23174%3B-vitamin-mineral-powder/p/95/

He gets a treat once or twice a day of a walnut or two. I got unpeeled raw just for convenience while giving a treat, since I also give it to skunks and they can not shell them like squirrels can. Though he gets shelled ones once in a while. He was a little slow learning on what to do with the shells. He didn't know there was yummy stuff inside it, silly Kalvyn.

One more thing, last week his fur looked greasy. At first I thought he was sick, but then I realized I gave him avacado so then figured he was just playing with it. I chased him with a paper towel to wash him. Didn't go over well, but cleaned him a bit. It' snot as bad now, but greasier than it was previously. Is he not grooming himself? Is it a sign of something? There is so very little info on squirrels on the internet >:

Slight backstory - when we got him as a baby, he had mites and internal parasites. Coccidia. Got him his meds for it, he's been great ever since...

Sorry this is SOOO long, but I know it is more helpful the more info you give out. After he got too bitey/aggressive tonight I put him in his cage, as I have done the last few nights. My plan was to let him out in a few minutes when he calms down, but he just goes right to bed. When I did that to him as a baby, he's pace for a minute or two, and once he sat nicely I'd let him back out. Now he goes right to his nest. I don't know if that has anything to do with his aggression, but after only a half hour of playtime, he shouldn't be so sleepy.

Lesson: Even if you use your own water form your own cup to fill up his water dish, he will insist on drinking it out of your cup. It's much better that way.

Thank you in advance. If I'm doing something wrong, be brutal. No need to sugar coat it. Also, good weight? He doesn't feel to skinny or fat. Looks lightly thinner than the wild squirrels, but he didn't stock up on nuts for winter...he's VERY active. Burns lots of calories. He loves bells and will roll around with this rattle-toy-puppy-thing for an hour at a time. He loves to chew on wicker bird toys and "cosmic chews" which are ice-pop looking wood sticks for rodents. He always picks the blue one if you give him options.

Ramble ramble blah blah :D

04-08-2011, 07:05 AM
Welcome to TSB---you should get quite a bit of GOOD info from members here...We all have been thru many "PHASES" of Squirrel MOODS.
My Rama Rota, a Costa Rican, Variegated Tree squirrel, got "nasty" at 9 mths and then at one year. both were short lived ( 7-10 days) but hard on the emotions.
It's not personal --HORMONES !!
I even made a Helmet to protect my face just after the Christmas assault HA!...It worked great and allowed me to continue to play with the KING.
Hope your guy's MOOD passes quickly...and

PHOTOS PHOTOS PHOTOS>>>We at TSB eat them for Breakfast !!!

Kalvyn I'm pretty sure he's 9 months old...
Grey Squirrel. Male

We Need his NAME ??? We are on FIRST NAME BASIS with all Squirrels..

################################################## ################

Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

VISIT the KING at :


04-08-2011, 03:00 PM
His name is Kalvyn. My little sweet boy. His aggression mood has been more than 7-10 days, though. He's not attacking (Except that one time to my sister). He just plays very rough, and this wasn't the norm for him. He's such a spoiled little boy. We wanted to take him to a rehab, but we knew they wouldn't release him because he was so attached to people right away. (The local rehabs here are VERY strict, as our state has VERY strict rules. If he has physical human contact other than the rehabber's, then he would have to be killed. I don't like our laws. >: )

Here are some links to photos. I would upload them right onto TSB but I don't want to stretch the page, and I don't feel like resizing them lol :'D

In this one you can see how his fur was greasy. This was before I washed him.

Here he is, same day, with one of my friends. He's in school to be a vet, so he came over with SUPER HEAVY DUTY gloves to help me trim our male skunk's claws. That failed. The gloves are not 'bite proof' like they claim to be. Kinda proud of CJ for being so strong...

Here he is laying in his cage. He was being bad so tried to punish him via his cage and he just layed there and stared at me.

His cage is in perfect view of the computer, and if we play videos he approves of (I've caught him clicking/grunting in the beat of song before!) he will lay ontop of his nest and watch over your shoulder.

And finally, a blurry picture I took of him because he just doesn't hold still unless he's asleep or eating.

ANy idea on why is tail is not as puffy as it should be? And what's a good brand of rodent blocks to get for when we don't have the squirrel blocks handy? I've looked for...what's the brand...Katee? Something like that? But haven't found rat/rodent ones. Only rabbit and guinea pig pellets. And chinchilla once...

I'd also like to add, in the photo where he's laying on the floor of one of the stories staring at the camera, the dead looking thing behind him isn't a dead thing. It's part of a wicker toy (that had a bell inside of it) and he destroyed, but still plays with. And I also read that squirrels prefer harder sleeping places, like nesting boxes. We offered him a nesting box and chinchilla bath house (both with a little bedding and plenty of things for him to make a nest out of) but he always went for one of the other softer sleeping places like his cube (in the photos) a pyramid he has (In the wash) or one of his hammocks. He wouldn't even go near the other nests, so we took them out. He also had a large wheel to run in (wodent wheel, very awesome wheels) with an attachment thing that trims their claws with sandpaper, but has a guard on it to protect paws. We had it for the suggies. He was small enough when he was younger to use the wheel but he had no idea what it was and ignored it.

He also has a few toys in his cage, but he tosses them all on the bottom level to play with (which I found odd since squirrels prefer height....) but if that's where he wants them...

And toys he doesn't like he banishes to his litter box. >:

04-09-2011, 05:46 PM
I found the Kaytee rat blocks. He's actually eating them! He stopped eating the last brand we got. Yay! His harness is too small for him, anymore. When did he get so bit? They grow up so fast! I don't want to buy another unless I know it fits him, but I can't take him to try them on at the store unless he's on a harness! Crazy.

04-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Maybe you can take a string and tie it around him, then mark it so as to know what length around you will need. Then take the string to the store and use it to measure against the harnesses there. :) Be sure you mease both around the neck and the belly. And if you keep your bill I'm guessing the sotre might exchange it if by chance it doesn't fit. ;)

04-09-2011, 08:54 PM
Have you ever gotten a harness for squirrels before? I learned with the skunks that they are very good at escaping, and I'm not sure on the squirrel's ability to wiggle out...I'm confident that if her were to get out, he wouldn't wonder too far. He comes when called. Such a good boy. But others might not see him as a sweet heart and mistake his love for people as aggression. Even though he is aggressive, he only gets that way when playing. He gets too into it I think...

and then a few hormonal angry bits like we figured out before. I'm giving him more outside cage time in hopes he will lessen up on his aggression too. He's a real good help with my photography, since I'm in school for it.

Best homework helper ever. (He knows how to turn my camera on and off...if only I could teach him to do it on command ;D)

04-09-2011, 09:05 PM
what's a good brand of rodent blocks to get for when we don't have the squirrel blocks handy? I've looked for...what's the brand...Katee? Something like that? But haven't found rat/rodent ones.The BEST BRAND out there is HT Rodent Block #2018 found @ http://www.thecraftyrat.com/ - YOU can also order it in Bulk from Ebay.

Dont forget to look into buying HHB Squirrel Blocks @ http://henryspets.com/

04-09-2011, 09:12 PM
...He's a real good help with my photography, since I'm in school for it.

Best homework helper ever. (He knows how to turn my camera on and off...if only I could teach him to do it on command ;D)

As you can see from my avatar Scooter was my personal photo assistant too :)

04-09-2011, 09:14 PM
Have you ever gotten a harness for squirrels before? I learned with the skunks that they are very good at escaping, and I'm not sure on the squirrel's ability to wiggle out...I'm confident that if her were to get out, he wouldn't wonder too far. He comes when called. Such a good boy. ;D)
My Rama has a "Bullet Head" .Tapers to a point from his shoulders...so he has "NO NECK" Ha!
I've tried about 4 or 5 different brands...He wiggles out of every one...

04-09-2011, 09:18 PM
Oh we do get the squirrel blocks, but we're in-between orders right now. And my money had to go to school. I hate to lessen his nutrition for school, as well as medication for our German Shepherd who has EPI, but sometimes it has to be done. My teacher said either I buy the stuff for class, or I drop out of the class, which we already paid for. >:

So I was hoping to find the best store-bought blocks to be able to pick up for emergencies. Kalvyn ate one of the Kaytee blocks, but no more than that. I offered him three...they're kinda small. The bag suggest 2-3 blocks for a rat daily...I know he's not a rat, but it sounded like a good number for now....It's much less than 2 of the Henry blocks, though. THey're very small...Henry blocks are large...Though I remember last time I checked that they had ones for picky eaters. I will be getting those, since he has gotten very picky in his blocks since we last ordered them. Silly Kal.

Does anyone know if it would be better to neuter him or no? Also, I was showing my mom his tail (she got home from the hospital today after being there for about two weeks D': ) and she said his tail fur-loss looks just like when he was younger and had mites. I don't know how he'd get them again inside the house, and none of the other animals got them, but we gave him his frontline anyway. One drop on the back of the neck/shoulders. He's so good with his frontline. When talking about him, I realize how well squirrels can be trained. ANd I didn't even try to train him in most of the things he did, like his frontline. He likes to sit in hands...His potty training he did mostly by himself. ANd he comes when called which I didn't train him in.I taught him his name and he did the rest himself. :'D I feel like he should be in a squirrel show, lol

04-09-2011, 09:20 PM
As you can see from my avatar Scooter was my personal photo assistant too :)
I have to find it, it's onmy laptop that needs a new charger right now so I can't get the photo, but I got a shot of him jumping at the lens when he was a baby. For homework I had to take photos ofwhere I do most of my work, and he was wondering around and 'helped'. I included it in my homework because my pets are a part of my room, so why not? :D

I'd love to get more shots of him with my camera, but he doesn't hold still very long, lol!

04-09-2011, 09:22 PM
My Rama has a "Bullet Head" .Tapers to a point from his shoulders...so he has "NO NECK" Ha!
I've tried about 4 or 5 different brands...He wiggles out of every one...Did you try the kitten/ferret/lizard ones that are just strings with a plastic bit to tighten it? That worked very well for Kal, but i"m not sure where it is and I don't want to buy another one because I find them to be over priced just for string...I bet they can be found online for cheap though.

It fit and kept him close when he was a baby, so I would imagine it would be great for older squirrels, too :D

And your Rama is amazing! I've been showing off his pictures to EVERYONE!

04-09-2011, 09:22 PM
I read your words and I can hear all the pride and love you have for your baby Kal. You're such a proud parent... :rolf and you have every right to be! :grouphug

04-09-2011, 09:26 PM
Did you try the kitten/ferret/lizard ones that are just strings with a plastic bit to tighten it? That worked very well for Kal, but i"m not sure where it is and I don't want to buy another one because I find them to be over priced just for string...I bet they can be found online for cheap though.

It fit and kept him close when he was a baby, so I would imagine it would be great for older squirrels, too :D

And your Rama is amazing! I've been showing off his pictures to EVERYONE!

I'm sorry to interfere but... The ferret harness with a plastic bit do NOT work for squirrels!!!! :nono My little Hami wiggled out of his in less than 5 seconds flat!!! ... and he was still a young one at the time. Now, no sooner do you even try to fasten it on him that he has it off. The plastic bit slides off to easily, especially for an adult squirrel - whose body btw is much shorter than a ferret, that's why it's easier for them to take it off.

04-09-2011, 09:31 PM
Please keep in mind that while loss of tail fur can be due to mites, as you have stated, it can also be due to some thing missing in the squirrels diet..... can you please tell us what your squirrel eats in a basic week? - or day.

04-09-2011, 09:33 PM
he has hit his sexual maturity and it is mating season. we have a male squirrel who is two now. he is a non releasable. he did that his first mating season. he is much calmer now. we do not have him neurted. i just think that is cruel to do to a wild animal. yes...we are keeping Leroy...he cant climb very well and he has had a head injury that we think messed him up pretty good. now he is just a lover. he freaks if we try and take him outside. he has a huge cage in the front window and loves to just look outside. you can try and not handle him as much if you want. or just give him some space.

04-09-2011, 10:06 PM
I read your words and I can hear all the pride and love you have for your baby Kal. You're such a proud parent... :rolf and you have every right to be! :grouphug
I love Kal!
When we had Sugar gliders, they didn't view me as their 'tree' and safe spot. One of our females would sleep in my shirt, but not often. And I tried very hard to bond with them. (I loved them until the end anyway, and spoiled them rotten!)

Kal came months after they passed away. The male passed, away and after that the depression hit the girls and they didn't make it long after that. It was so sad. Kal helped fill that void. I am his tree and when he has the option to run around the house (unsupervised sometimes) he would rather spend his time playing with me or sitting on my head. He makes me feel special. <3

04-09-2011, 10:10 PM
he has hit his sexual maturity and it is mating season. we have a male squirrel who is two now. he is a non releasable. he did that his first mating season. he is much calmer now. we do not have him neurted. i just think that is cruel to do to a wild animal. yes...we are keeping Leroy...he cant climb very well and he has had a head injury that we think messed him up pretty good. now he is just a lover. he freaks if we try and take him outside. he has a huge cage in the front window and loves to just look outside. you can try and not handle him as much if you want. or just give him some space.
Kalvyn actually came from a breeder. I read squirrels don't mate in captivity, so I wonder how these breeders breed...but whatever. A friend got him, but had to go out of state when he was a baby and asked if we'd babysit. He bonded to me and I can't let him go now.

I wondered for a while if he wanted to be wild (since I read domestic squirrels don't breed...so I assumed he was illegaly taken from the wild..BAD BREEDER!), but he seems very much in love with his human life.

I mean..come on...where is he going to get a nice warm, fleece hammock in the wild? And there is no youtube in the wild! He loves watching videos...

I'm glad to hear that his aggression should pass. It's already less than it was two days ago when I posted this. I'm light on college classes this semester so I have more free time. I'm using that free time to play with him and handle him more. I think he enjoys this.