View Full Version : Rescue Remedy

04-07-2011, 08:34 AM
I will be transporting an 8mth old squirrel and I would like to give her some RR before so she is a little more calm. I bought the RR and now the questions are: 1) how much do I put on a treat
2) how long till it takes effect
3) are there any adverse reactions to watch for
If someone could possibly answer I would be very greatful. Thanks

04-07-2011, 09:51 AM
I will be transporting an 8mth old squirrel and I would like to give her some RR before so she is a little more calm. I bought the RR and now the questions are: 1) how much do I put on a treat
2) how long till it takes effect
3) are there any adverse reactions to watch for
If someone could possibly answer I would be very greatful. Thanks

I have never put it on a treat, didn't know you could. I spray a dab on my finger and then rub it onto one ear. Then I spritz the bottom of one foot making sure squirrel eyes are safe from the spritz. I administered 45 minutes before a long drive to the vet for a 7 week old and she actually seemed to enjoy the ride; was calm with motion, sights and sounds. Was great with vet and getting teeth examined and trimmed. Two weeks later, I only put it on about 15 minutes before vet visit (vet was at closer location). She was not as calm as before so next time I will put it on a little earlier.

04-07-2011, 10:07 AM
Yeah, this one is an oral solution/drops. I will take this one back and see if they have the spray. Oops just read further it does say you can rub on ear, nose, paw. I will check to see if they have the spray. Thanks. We can rub it on her then load up the cage while the RR takes effect. I will have her in a small cage and cover with a blanket.

Jackie in Tampa
04-07-2011, 11:23 AM
it's transdermal, so any app is good..
on ear, paw etc...can be put in drinking water, I use a small soda cap.
The type you have is fine...you can add some to a small amount of water in a spray bottle also.
I like this product and have used for a few years with great results.
As a matter of fact, I think Fred needs a little discretely rubbed behind HIS ear today!;)

almost forgot, the human version is better than the petstore type (no alcohol)..

04-08-2011, 08:55 AM
I used it on Stitch's paw yesterday and I think it helped. It is an oil so I just rubbed it on her pads.
Thanks. I will use some before I transport her tonight.:flash3

04-08-2011, 09:23 AM
If your squirrel likes yogurt, I add 3 drops or so to yogurt and it gets lapped right up.