View Full Version : Need Help with Baby Flyer!

04-06-2011, 05:39 PM
stitch had wattery diarrhea what can i do??? please help

Peanuts mom
04-06-2011, 06:04 PM
I'm sure you'll get lots of advise, this is a great place for help!
It was a great help to me and Peanut who had diarrhea a lot, watery as could be, scared me half to death! No expert here but.... how bad is it? Does it smell? I had to get Peanut on meds at one point to help him get rid of it! Make sure you hydrate, if he is small they dry out fast! I was told to stop food, just hydrate for a few days and that always worked!
Wish I could help you more but I know others will jump in here any minute with better advise than I could offer! Peanut is big now, getting ready to release...:shakehead

04-06-2011, 06:26 PM
what about gas relief drops?

04-06-2011, 06:29 PM
Pedialyte for no more than 24 hours I think to begin with.

island rehabber
04-06-2011, 06:45 PM
You can give stitch a drop of Kaopectate to stop the diarrhea temporarily, but of course you need to find out why it happend in the first place.

04-06-2011, 06:57 PM
all i ever feed him is pedialyte puppy fourmila and cheerios

04-06-2011, 08:15 PM
what should i get my babys to eat while im out at the store?

04-06-2011, 08:20 PM
is the soft hamster bedding a good idea for my baby flyer ?

04-06-2011, 08:28 PM
what do you mean by soft hamster bedding, is that the name of it or does it have a different brand name? I used Carefresh in my cage, its like a soft papery/cottony substrate. Its really good, really absorbent, and when he was little he liked burying himself in it.

04-06-2011, 08:33 PM
yea its like that so it will be good?

04-06-2011, 08:41 PM
Yep should be fine. Worked great for me. :thumbsup
I would definitely not use any sort of scented woodchips.

04-06-2011, 08:43 PM
i dont like the wod chips i tried it wen i had hamsters and i hated it,, what type of fruit should i get, is it ok to get the ones thats in syrip or fresh fruit? and what types, they loves grapes but i would like to offer more fruits

04-06-2011, 09:05 PM
I'm not an expert, but this is what I've learned so far about diet. I would focus more on veggies than fruits, offer fruits and nuts as treats mostly.
Mushrooms are really good for them, I would buy one of those and give him a piece of it each day. Any sort of green or leafy vegetable is really good for them, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli. YOGURT, really good for them, don't get fat-free though.
This is what I would do. "By the pound" veggies and fruits are your best friends with this. I literally buy a single mushroom, like 5 stringbeans, a couple leaves of kale, 3 grapes, etc and they only amount to like 20 cents each. That way you can test what he likes and doesn't like with a lot of different foods. Even if they're pre-portioned or rubberbanded, if it says per pound you can usually get away with opening it and taking what you need.
I'm not sure about fruits in syrups, my guess is they have a lot of sugar though so I'd avoid them. same with canned veggies. what does work is some frozen fruits and veggies as long as they have no added sugar, salt, preservatives, etc. If you check where ingredients would be listed, it should tell you if there is anything added. As long as there is nothing extra added to the fruit, just the fruit, they're fine. I would try the fresh veggies first though like I mentioned above. As for fruits, they can eat just about any type of fruit in moderation.
Hope this helps.

04-06-2011, 09:12 PM
If you are talking about the Grocery Store..... here is a LIST of ALL SAFE FOODS & NUTS:

04-06-2011, 09:16 PM
what should i get my babys to eat while im out at the store?

Remember that your baby needs formula and rodent blocks MOST OF ALL at this stage! You should place an order of Fox Valley formula and some Henry's Blocks.

Green veggies are on top of the list for fresh foods... check out the list in the nutrition forum.

04-06-2011, 09:18 PM
i dont like the wod chips i tried it wen i had hamsters and i hated it,, what type of fruit should i get, is it ok to get the ones thats in syrip or fresh fruit? and what types, they loves grapes but i would like to offer more fruits

Rooh: may I suggest you keep all your posts in one single thread... ask different questions, all you want there, but it's easier in one thread. I mean it will be easier for both you and the members to keep track of your baby's progess that way.

BE CAREFUL WITH GRAPES!!!!! You have to PEEL them...we had one lil guy who almost died choking on one last week here on TSB!

Did you read how to make homemade formula until you can get some FV? If you are going to introduce some foods, make that veggies - leafy greens like kale, green beans, brussel sprouts - so and do so one veggie per day... if he does not tolerate one food you want to know which food it is... that's why one type at a time.

For the bedding I would not use the wood chips, because the dust can cause respiratory probs. Best use cotton bedding for hamsters or fleece or old t-shirts. :)
Get the FORMULA and the rodent blocs, rooh... we can't stress that enough... without those, even with veggies and fruits, your baby risks developing Metabolic Bone Disease - MBD - which can be fatal. Do what's right by him sweetie. :)

04-06-2011, 09:35 PM
all i ever feed him is pedialyte puppy fourmila and cheerios

Do you mean Esbilac puppy formula? If so, tthat is the most likely culprit for the diarrhea and it can become dangerous - a baby with diarrhea can dehydrate fast.

Please post all in the same place, rooh... as I said before... it will be easier to help you. More people will see your posts and be aware of how to help than if they try to jump from one forum thread to another.

04-06-2011, 11:48 PM
Rooh: may I suggest you keep all your posts in one single thread... ask different questions, all you want there, but it's easier in one thread. I mean it will be easier for both you and the members to keep track of your baby's progess that way.
I second this suggestion - and this will make it easier for you to come back and locate the answer you need from a question you asked a day or two ago.... its an amazing way to keep tracked of all the wonderful advice thats given here on TSB (just make sure you book mark the page).

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

04-06-2011, 11:55 PM
its jus powder that i mix with water. it dont have the e word on it. i check him every time i feed him he stays hydrated