View Full Version : Help! Squirrel Alert!
Last night my dogs went nuts and when I went to find out what was up, they were chasing this injured squirrel. My dogs were more playing than trying to hurt it. The injuries seem to stem from it falling from the Oak tree in my back yard. It was slow and apparently 'shell-shocked'. It ran no more than a quick stride of a person. It was too weak to climb anything. It had blood (semi-dry at that moment) coming from its nose. Compared to others in the neighborhood it does not seem full grown.
I put it in a soft pet carrier, with a towel for added warmth, fresh water, rinsed hazel nuts, a grape, a few flakes of wheaties and cheerios. It did not try to bite me.
Today, it seems much stronger and quicker. It still does not try to bite as I pet repeatedly several times throughout the day or even hold it. It is resistant about me grabbing him. It seems a bit more comfy as I hold it. But it does make a purring sound as I scratch its head while it leans again my other hand (my other hand is outside the pet carrier).
Is it cold or is it actually purring?
When I am holding it, I feel it softly trembling. Is it scared?
How do I know how old it is?
How do I know the gender?
Why does it not seem to eat in spite of it looking better and the blood gone?
He is really cute and surprisingly tame with me. I would like to keep him but should I let it go? If so, when?
Did I do anything wrong?
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanx in advance, Nuke
Sorry I forgot to mention, as of this moment it still has not eaten anything.
04-05-2011, 11:26 PM
Mike - any potential you could post a picture. A weight would also be helpful.
Make sure it stays warm in a low stress environment. Do you have access to a small 1 or 3cc syringe. If so you might be able to get it to take some Pedialyte or electrolyte solution. If not at least make sure it has water. If it is still young it has some pretty specific nutritional needs. It might be best if you could find a wildlife rehabber near you!
04-05-2011, 11:34 PM
As far as your questions:
•Is it cold or is it actually purring?
It is likely stressed and cold, but young squirrels definitely purr
•When I am holding it, I feel it softly trembling. Is it scared?
Yes and stress is bad - if you could keep it in a warm, low light quiet environment it would be best
•How do I know how old it is?
Need a picture or at least a weight
•How do I know the gender?
Usually pretty obvious. If he has a visiable protrusion/penis about 1 inch from his anus he's a guy. If there is a small protrusion closer to the anus she's a girl :-)
•Why does it not seem to eat in spite of it looking better and the blood gone?
Stress, lack of foods that it is used to, sick. It's possible that he is just too young to be eating solids foods - important to determine his age
•He is really cute and surprisingly tame with me. I would like to keep him but should I let it go? If so, when?
You need to keep him until you are sure he is safe to be released. As I mentioned it might be best to find a rehabber to look at him.
•Did I do anything wrong?
Absolutely not - sounds like you are doing everything you can for him
04-05-2011, 11:40 PM
Last night my dogs went nuts and when I went to find out what was up, they were chasing this injured squirrel. My dogs were more playing than trying to hurt it. The injuries seem to stem from it falling from the Oak tree in my back yard. It was slow and apparently 'shell-shocked'. It ran no more than a quick stride of a person. It was too weak to climb anything. It had blood (semi-dry at that moment) coming from its nose. Compared to others in the neighborhood it does not seem full grown.
I put it in a soft pet carrier, with a towel for added warmth, fresh water, rinsed hazel nuts, a grape, a few flakes of wheaties and cheerios. It did not try to bite me.
Today, it seems much stronger and quicker. It still does not try to bite as I pet repeatedly several times throughout the day or even hold it. It is resistant about me grabbing him. It seems a bit more comfy as I hold it. But it does make a purring sound as I scratch its head while it leans again my other hand (my other hand is outside the pet carrier).
Is it cold or is it actually purring?
When I am holding it, I feel it softly trembling. Is it scared?
How do I know how old it is?
How do I know the gender?
Why does it not seem to eat in spite of it looking better and the blood gone?
He is really cute and surprisingly tame with me. I would like to keep him but should I let it go? If so, when?
Did I do anything wrong?
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanx in advance, Nuke
Hello Nuke,:wave123
You've come to a good place so hang in here and someone will be along that can really help you. It is late so please be patent, it may take until morning to get the help you need.
He is injuried, do not let him go. He needs help. Keep him warm. If you have a heating pad, set on low covering half of the carrier under some padding. He needs to be kept warm and quiet. Squirrels do purr but like a cat it don't always mean they are content. It could be purring to console itself with it's injuries. Something better then a towel is best as they can catch their feet/nails in fibers of the towel and hurt themselves. Old T-shirt, sheet, something material like that. He could have injuried his mouth, teeth from the fall or dog, maybe that's why he's not eating.
There are sites in here that can help you with how to nurse this baby but hang in here with us, some more experenced people will get to you soon.
04-05-2011, 11:43 PM
As far as your questions:
•Is it cold or is it actually purring?
It is likely stressed and cold, but young squirrels definitely purr
•When I am holding it, I feel it softly trembling. Is it scared?
Yes and stress if bad - if you could keep it in a warm, low light quiet environment it would be best
•How do I know how old it is?
Need a picture or at least a weight
•How do I know the gender?
Usually pretty obvious. If he has a visiable protrusion/penis about 1 inch from his anus he's a guy. If there is a small protrusion closer to the anus she's a girl :-)
•Why does it not seem to eat in spite of it looking better and the blood gone?
Stress, lack of foods that it is used to, sick. It's possible that he is just too young to be eating solids foods - important to determine his age
•He is really cute and surprisingly tame with me. I would like to keep him but should I let it go? If so, when?
You need to keep him until you are sure he is safe to be released. As I mentioned it might be best to find a rehabber to look at him.
•Did I do anything wrong?
Absolutely not - sounds like you are doing everything you can for him
04-05-2011, 11:43 PM
Couple of other pointers:
It would be preferable to use a cotton t-shirt or other non-"terri cloth" material to put in his container. You mentioned a towel, but they can get the claws stuck in the loops and do damage to themselves.
If you have a heating pad you could put in on low under just one half of tghe container.
04-05-2011, 11:46 PM
Hello Nuke,:wave123
You've come to a good place so hang in here and someone will be along that can really help you. It is late so please be patent, it may take until morning to get the help you need.
He is injuried, do not let him go. He needs help. Keep him warm. If you have a heating pad, set on low covering half of the carrier under some padding. He needs to be kept warm and quiet. Squirrels do purr but like a cat it don't always mean they are content. It could be purring to console itself with it's injuries. Something better then a towel is best as they can catch their feet/nails in fibers of the towel and hurt themselves. Old T-shirt, sheet, something material like that. He could have injuried his mouth, teeth from the fall or dog, maybe that's why he's not eating.
There are sites in here that can help you with how to nurse this baby but hang in here with us, some more experenced people will get to you soon.
04-06-2011, 09:52 AM
could you say what county you are in?... we might have some experienced people nearby who can help the little one.:bump
04-06-2011, 10:41 AM
Are you still with us? :thinking How is the little one doing today?
Jackie in Tampa
04-06-2011, 10:45 AM
just seeing this, let me know if I amm close enough to help...
otherwise florida is a safe state, so it's ok to have a sq and some vets will see them.
there are many florida members throughout the state...
we will help you help the sq:grouphug
:Welcome :bowdown
Wow!!! You guys are great!
Stitch as we are calling him for now seems even more energetic. I have since changed out the towel for old shirts. I have taken an empty water bottle and filled it with hot tap water and put in a thick tube sock. He jumps on it or cuddles next to it on occasion. I change it out with fresh hot water as I can.
I also change out his drinking water. Is room temp water or cold water better? I have not yet witnessed him eating. I was trying to hand feed it a small carrot and he looked like he was about to bite it and then he covered himself in the shirts. I provided a picture of him in his cage. The grape he is next to is a large one (inch length wise) for size comparison.
He still lets me scratch his head or back with no issue. He is reluctant to be picked up but has not bit me; however, he scratches and growls at me if I scratch at the screen at his cage on occasion. When he sniffs my finger he stops. He probably thinks my hand is a predator or he doesn't like the sound is my guess. I only do that to check responsiveness NOT to pester him.
Based on what you great souls have written so far. I believe it is not eating due to stress and discomfort. I no longer see any sign of external physical injury. No blood, or trace of blood, from its nose. I keep the room only with natural light. If pets become onery I remove them from the area.
I live in Springhill, FL. It is about an hour north of Tampa for those unfamiliar with it.
Recommendations on type of heating pad and where to purchase?
He has fleas (I think that is what they are). Recommendations?
Another quickie update:
Stitch made an attempt to bite as I was handling him. He did not puncture skin nor did it hurt but I feel the sharpness of his teeth against my finger. His attempt seemed half-hearted. I was trying to get him used to my warmth and heart beat but today he wanted to stay under the shirts with the warm water bottle.
Did he not bite due to weak or injured jaw?
I do not know if I should celebrate or fear his attempt to bite.
04-06-2011, 11:10 PM
I bought my heat pad from that fox valley guy. For the fleas you can use DAWN in warm water to clean him. He is really cute ! as for biting I don't know. They do bite if you try to touch them while they eating though. Anyway good luck !
04-06-2011, 11:20 PM
Hi Nuke,
Welcome back to the Board - glad to hear Stitch is doing OK!
It is a bit concerning that he is not eating! How much water is he drinking (water temperature doesn't matter)?
Have you tried a variety of foods - chunks of apple, pear, blue berries, straberries, veggies such as avocado, pea pods, kale? How about nuts - have you tried to give him a walnut, pecan etc?
04-06-2011, 11:26 PM
Regarding fleas wiping him down with dawn soap can work. Also you can get flea powder at any pet store - make sure it is for cats and kittens and follow the directions
04-06-2011, 11:57 PM
Am I missing sometime? I'm wondering if this little guy needs to be on formula? He looks like he might need to still have some formula, IMO. Did anyone determine his age. I kind of think he is not eating because he needs formula. How much does he weigh? I hope others will take a look and advise as to formula or not. If he is fiesty to handle, you could wrap him in a blankie so he can't bite or scratch you.
Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator
squirrely pearly
04-06-2011, 11:58 PM
looks pretty young..maybe needs formula? are there any rehabbers near you? Have you saw him drink water at all?
04-07-2011, 12:10 AM
looks pretty young..maybe needs formula? are there any rehabbers near you? Have you saw him drink water at all?
I was just wondering this very thing. I really think he is not eating solid food because he has no idea what to do with it. Lets get this guy on formula ASAP. You need to contact one of the FL rehabbers for help. They can show/tell you how to get him started on Fox Valley right away. If he is not drinking, it is going to get serious here quickly. I think he just doesn't know how to eat or drink yet. You can make the temporary formula until you can order Fox Valley formula. I will try to find it and give it to you now.
04-07-2011, 12:57 AM
You need to get some 1cc or 3cc syringes from your pharmacy. Tell them you need to hand feed baby squirrels. Will usually give them to you. Now you should hydrate this baby with pedialite or home made recipe;
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 quart warm water
Keep refrigerated.
Give him at least 6-10 or more cc of above.
After he has had a few feedings of pedialite or home made recipe wait until next feeding and then start him on the formula below.
Then he needs to start on formula. Jackie in Tampa Temporary Replacement Formula:
1 cup Goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup Dannon all natural vanilla yogurt (Not light)
Mix well and keep in a plastic or glass container in refrigerator. Lasts 72 hours in refrigerator.
Warm formula to feed. Only takes a few seconds in the microwave. Be careful not to overheat will curdle the yogurt.
Please contact a Fl member for more help. They will have some supplies you will need right away.(Syringes, nipples, formula , etc) They can help you help him.
Marty Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator
04-07-2011, 12:59 AM
I was just wondering this very thing. I really think he is not eating solid food because he has no idea what to do with it. Lets get this guy on formula ASAP. You need to contact one of the FL rehabbers for help. They can show/tell you how to get him started on Fox Valley right away. If he is not drinking, it is going to get serious here quickly. I think he just doesn't know how to eat or drink yet. You can make the temporary formula until you can order Fox Valley formula. I will try to find it and give it to you now.
Could not agree more about getting some nurishment into this little one asap! Also, still concerned about the blood you saw. Not trying to undermind the efforts your making but you/he may need more experenced help.
I personally don't know the Flordia area but is there any rehabber on TSB or otherwise close to your area that could take a look at him?
Jackie in Tampa
04-07-2011, 07:28 AM
:) thanks ya'll...
I can help!!!
I will PM my number to NUKE...
Nuke , when you see this, please call me...
I can help!!:Love_Icon
04-07-2011, 09:42 AM
If Jackie an help that is great. I am in Spring Hill/Hudson and have raised and released several and I have two right now getting ready to rotate into release cage. This kid looks like he needs formula. I have some Fox Valley. I can take this or just help out but if Jackie can pick up from Tampa thats great, but I am here is Spring Hill and willing to help. Let me know
Jackie in Tampa
04-07-2011, 10:13 AM
I have spoke with Nuke, he does realize the need and urgency for formula...
I have a baby that needs a sibbling, so I think The Little one will be happy here!
THanks Nuke for the call, talk to you later today!:)
Crazy...nice to see you up there and FV to boot!:bowdown
One Ocean, thank you also...
Florida members rock!:alright.gif F.A.R.T.s
( Florida Area/Advanced Rescue Team):)
04-07-2011, 10:24 AM
Very good!:D Always ready to give a squirrel a hand. Glad baby will have a nest friend! Let me know if I can be of any help.
04-07-2011, 10:33 AM
Jackie, :thankyou , Sorry for my really late night PM. I was worried that this little one was needing formula still instead of solids. Thanks for responding to this little one's need. Love this FL team. :bowdown Again, thanks.
Jackie in Tampa
04-07-2011, 10:48 AM
Fingers crossed Nuke and GF will agree with the idea of him coming here!
I did stress the need for formula...
This is a must!:thumbsup
Will keep all in the loop!:wave123
04-07-2011, 10:52 AM
Nuke you did good on rescuing this baby, without your intervention he wouldn't have stood a chance. :bowdown And thanks for hanging in here with us, your giving this little one the best chance to grow up to be a big guy... or gal?
YouDoWhat, Jackie, Ya'll Rock!! Keep us posted Jackie. :thumbsup
04-07-2011, 01:19 PM
Jackie, :thankyou , Sorry for my really late night PM. I was worried that this little one was needing formula still instead of solids. Thanks for responding to this little one's need. Love this FL team. :bowdown Again, thanks.
Poor Jackie, I did the exact same thing to her late last night. How many emergency PMs did you get girl? Hope it all goes well.
First, let me reiterate: "You guys are awesome!" The support and proactive nature of your concern is an example for all to emulate. D.C. can learn something able caring for their constituents from you.
Second, I would love to keep him but that would not be in Stitch's best interest. My ignorance and inexperience combined with my self serving pleasure of owning such an awesome creature is completely wrong. So that was an easy tempation to alleviate. Maybe with training and guidance, I would be better prepared to rehabilitate if misfortune should strike another cousin of Stitch. I WILL be giving him up to first experienced and reputable person that can get him AFTER my wife talks to her friend. This will hopefully occur today or even tonight. If I don't get response within the next couple of hours I will have someone from this board to get him. Stitch needs someone like one of you like yesterday. I only ask that while he is being rehabilitated that pix can be posted here or sent to me especially if it is too far or inconvenient to see him once in a while. I would also like to learn more about these magnificent creatures and what I can do to be better prepared should there be a next time.
Third, and most importantly, he continues to be docile and active. The water level has gone down since I last put fresh water but I have not witnessed him drinking. I did see him "play" in it. So...?
Please send me emails, PMs on how to contact you. Please recommend who to gravitate towards and if it applies who to avoid. I will keep all information discreet.
I have been contacted by Jackie and had a wonderful conversation. She is far from me in comparison to some of the others that have sent me messages.
Everyone has given me some out-freaking-standing tips and suggestions. My heartfelt appreciation to you all.
I will post again in less than a couple hours.
My son, Stitch, is now in the capable hands of Crazy4Squirrels. She showed me pictures of her release cages and the many squirrels who have had the blessing of falling into her hands. She explained to me the process from rehab to release. She showed me pix of them be loving and her 'battle' scars that sometimes occur. This truly is a labor of love for her. Stitch is in blessed hands.
Jackie, with a heart of gold, or at the very least the heart of a squirrel,:) is very supportive of my decision. I hope Crazy4Squirrels and Jackie will have continued contact, as I know they will, to find out what is in the best interests of Stitch and possibly other future squirrels.
The assistance from this forum has been unparalleled in comparison to anything I have ever experienced.
Thanx again.
Eternally grateful,
04-07-2011, 05:49 PM
Stich is a little girl. She seems 8 weekish. Very aggitated right now. I did put some RR on the paw but I wanted to look at her when we got home and she became upset. I gave her 1 1/2 cc of Ped. and I will hydrate a litttle more before offering some FV. She moves around fine and I do not see anything obvious or swelling at her nose or mouth. Jackie I PM you with my number if you can all me I would appreciate it because if you have one about the same age I would like to see her with a play mate instead of alone.
Nuke is awsome and very considerate about animals! I enjoy seeing someone who truely cares! A pleasure.
Please contact me Jackie and let me know if you have a nest mate and we can meet.
04-07-2011, 05:57 PM
Beautifully said, Nuke. And congratulations along with many thanks for putting Stich's interest above your own in this situation. We need omre people like you around in this world. :bowdown
And you are right .... If politicians would care for human life - instead of power and/or their wallet - even one tenth of how much this board cares for squirrels (and for squirrel lovers) the world would be an entirely different place... a much better one indeed. :Love_Icon
I just can't wait to see pics of little Stitch.
So my son is a daughter? Hmm, some parents fear that sort of information. No matter, I just want what is best for her.
When seemingly aggitated, which was rare with me (okay okay, I only had her two days), I simply put my hand against the cage and stroked her back and head to relax her. It seemed to work and she would lean up against my hand. I showed your coworker (I apologize that I do not recall her name). Stitch would walk up and lean on my hand. Warmth or scent? Not sure. I am sure she will do the same once she is comfy again.
I hope I didn't spend too much time with her to cause difficulty to rehab. She is a sweetheart. What can I say? She is a daddy's girl. LOL. No regrets, she is in the best place. But I do miss her already.
04-07-2011, 06:23 PM
Stitch has probably become aggitated because of the change. Squirrels don't like change. :D
I am sure she will adapt and someday be a beautiful, wild squirrel.
You did an amazing thing for her. Your selflessness is to be applauded. Most people would've kept her because she would be a cool pet to have, but you put her needs before your wants. You would make a GREAT wildlife rehabber!
I am sure pictures will be shared for you to keep up on her progress. We love pictures and when some of us forget others have a tendency to gently remind us with things like: :worthless
Your little Stitch is a real cutie-pie!
squirrely pearly
04-07-2011, 07:23 PM
so glad you got her to a specialist! Great work Nuke, and a great heart too. :Love_Icon
Another squirrel lover on board!! YaY :jump :jump
Jackie in Tampa
04-07-2011, 07:45 PM
:bowdown awsome al!
thank you for doing what's best for stitch!:Love_Icon
crazy, thanks for being so ready and prepared! love it!:bowdown
i do need a sq this age...have a singleton wanting a cage mate!:crazy :crazy
if you have others her age...i have no problem with it either way!
But would love to have her!:D
fart has been saving alot of sweeties..:alright.gif
I love this!!!!!!:jump
CRAZY, I am swamped /dinner time!...but will call soon...
if you want to trade her off tonight, it may be a while..
unless you are upto a serious drive!:eek:
I live near Ballast Point Park in South Tampa, way south!
04-07-2011, 09:46 PM
Nuke and all,
Stitch is doing fine. She is calmer now. She had 2cc's of formula then later some more Ped. She is on light heat and I just fed her 4ccs of formula. She took some time because she curled up in my hand and I loved on her. It is normal to be a little upset with all the changes but she is calm and snuggled in. She let me hold her on her back and look at her face. I don't see any boo boos but she may be a little tender from a bump on her face from a fall or the dogs.
I am meeting with Jackie to hand Stitch to her so she can be with a nest mate. I feel that is very important because she will have a warm buddy to sleep with and play, they will bond and that is a great thing.
I will update again when I feed her later.
She is cute!:Love_Icon
04-07-2011, 10:32 PM
Nuke, I believe that God put this little squirrel in your hands for a reason. It may not be totally apparent at this minute but if only for you to pass on how wonderful this often maligned and misunderstood creature is. My screen name is a question I hear many times."You do what?" Sadly the next question is often,"Why?" You, Nuke, will always know the answer to that second question. They are special creatures who work their way into your heart so quickly. Thank you for saving your little girl. Without you she would surely have met a scared, hungry, and lonely end. I hope you will stick around with us and watch your baby girl grow. The reason she calmed when you put your hand near her is because she sensed love and she knew she could trust that hand. She would not have come over to you if she had not trusted you. I am so pleased you found TSB and most of all the FL members. They are wonderful people.
Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator
04-07-2011, 11:48 PM
Our Stitch just ate 6 cc's. She is still a little leary of being taken out but calm. She takes a little time, hold her wrapped up and petting her, then touching her little face then I give her the syringe. She does fine. She does not latch on but she is a little new at this and older but she ate good. I pet her head and she was falling asleep. She has my heart already but she is meant for a "sibling" (cage mate). She will do very well!:)
First, we need to credit my wife. She assisted me in gathering info and items around the house to best 'jury-rig' a temporary habitat for Stitch. She remembered about the soft pet carrier, she is the one who found the idea on the internet about making a temp water bottle to warm our little buddy, and she found the TSB. I immediately posted as soon as I registered. Without her it is possible I may not have found the TSB or if I did it would have undoubtedly taken longer. She would have supported either decision to keep Stitch or not as she did not want to overtly influence my decision. Though she misses her already she is proud of my decision.
Second, To a great degree I credit the TSB. I received near instant responses from multiple members. Tips, concerns, was all useful. I adjusted according to the info provided and learned so much from you guys in 2 very short adventurous days. This is a gift you provided me. You rekindled my belief in the human spirit. Each and everyone of you did that from the smallest advice to actually taking on the responsibility of this little angel.
Third, I apologize if I neglect to mention anyone but Jackie and Crazy4Squirrels, well, they are simply crazy for squirrels. Their experience, excitement, passion, unconditional assistance among other great attributes was infectious. Once we communicated telephonically, they were always respectful, never pushy, eager to assist in ANY possible way. As C4S knows I was running around trying to find the best situation for my Lil Stitch. She was patient and prepared. I explained to Jackie my intentions once I figured out the best thing in my opinion and she blessed my method and manner. I knew for certain I was doing the right thing and absolutely NO ulterior motive or anger was shown (I did tell you was losing faith in my fellow man, right?). I encouraged her to continue contact with C4S and obviously has done so as evidenced in this thread. This is not team work. This is not community. This is beyond that. This is family.
Lastly, many of you have shown appreciation for what I did and my decision. I would be lying if I said it was not important. I love it but the TSB is made from you not me. I simply found our injured little baby and because of your contributions as a whole, you were found and YOU guys took care of the rest. I will hang around to see how my Lil Stitch is doing and maybe maintain contact with C4S and Jackie once in a blue moon and learn a bit here and there. Thank you for being my, and especially Stitche's heroes.
-Nuke (Al)
04-08-2011, 01:21 AM
Yay! I love happy endings.
04-08-2011, 09:51 AM
:jump Little Stitch is good this morning. She ate 7cc's very happily. She is still hand shy, but that will change with handling and feeding. She is more like 6-7weekish after watching her this morning. She has a pretty little tint of orange on her belly. Before I left I gave her another 3cc's of formula. I merely reached in with the syringe and she knew what it was for. She will do very well.
Jackie will need to treat for fleas after transport this evening.
She peed this morning and did a couple of poops that I saw, funny how squirrel people focus on poop.:rotfl
Tickle's Mom
04-08-2011, 10:27 AM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
:poop :poop :poop :poop
It's a very good thing :wahoo :wahoo
04-08-2011, 02:15 PM
So happy this little one is doing well . She is in the best of care with the FL team standing always ready to help. :bowdown
I am so happy that Stitch is in great hands. C4S knows now what a sweetie she is. I feel bad I did not have the knowledge to help her sooner. I am just glad that I passed her on before she exhibited signs that were not so good. All I was able to offer was rest and protection but she needed more. Thank C4S for doing what I could not. C4S may I ask if you could take a few pix of Stitch before she goes to her new home and family?
Best Life
04-08-2011, 05:13 PM
:camera Pictures along the way would be so nice if you can manage it! So, is Stitch going to little Tina's house tonight? I'm just thrilled for both of them that they will have each other! (and the rest of the gang is a lot of fun, too :crazy )
Jackie in Tampa
04-08-2011, 08:29 PM
Crazy4...what a pleasure to meet you!
Al, Stitch is now with Tina Sq and Archie!:thumbsup 'I will go treat fleas as soon as I am done doing my feedings here, Archie will take pics and we'll get them posted on here!
Stitch is gorgeous and perfect!:Love_Icon
Thanks all for a wonderful recovery!:alright.gif
04-09-2011, 09:47 AM
First, we need to credit my wife. She assisted me in gathering info and items around the house to best 'jury-rig' a temporary habitat for Stitch. She remembered about the soft pet carrier, she is the one who found the idea on the internet about making a temp water bottle to warm our little buddy, and she found the TSB. I immediately posted as soon as I registered. Without her it is possible I may not have found the TSB or if I did it would have undoubtedly taken longer. She would have supported either decision to keep Stitch or not as she did not want to overtly influence my decision. Though she misses her already she is proud of my decision.
Second, To a great degree I credit the TSB. I received near instant responses from multiple members. Tips, concerns, was all useful. I adjusted according to the info provided and learned so much from you guys in 2 very short adventurous days. This is a gift you provided me. You rekindled my belief in the human spirit. Each and everyone of you did that from the smallest advice to actually taking on the responsibility of this little angel.
Third, I apologize if I neglect to mention anyone but Jackie and Crazy4Squirrels, well, they are simply crazy for squirrels. Their experience, excitement, passion, unconditional assistance among other great attributes was infectious. Once we communicated telephonically, they were always respectful, never pushy, eager to assist in ANY possible way. As C4S knows I was running around trying to find the best situation for my Lil Stitch. She was patient and prepared. I explained to Jackie my intentions once I figured out the best thing in my opinion and she blessed my method and manner. I knew for certain I was doing the right thing and absolutely NO ulterior motive or anger was shown (I did tell you was losing faith in my fellow man, right?). I encouraged her to continue contact with C4S and obviously has done so as evidenced in this thread. This is not team work. This is not community. This is beyond that. This is family.
Lastly, many of you have shown appreciation for what I did and my decision. I would be lying if I said it was not important. I love it but the TSB is made from you not me. I simply found our injured little baby and because of your contributions as a whole, you were found and YOU guys took care of the rest. I will hang around to see how my Lil Stitch is doing and maybe maintain contact with C4S and Jackie once in a blue moon and learn a bit here and there. Thank you for being my, and especially Stitche's heroes.
-Nuke (Al)
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
04-09-2011, 03:45 PM
Hey Nuke
I want you to know that it truely was fate that you came to me with litttle Stitch and that Jackie had just the right baby for her. I know this beacause darling Jackie and Archie brought her nest mate to meet me last night and her name is Tina just as mine is. I believe you were meant to be there to rescue her and you found me (Tina ) I hooked up with Jackie and Archie and Now stitch will be raised with Tina.
Jackie & Archie, it truely was a pleasure!!!! We have hearts that have a pc in common. Thank You and I am soo happy for Stitch and Tina!!
Best Life
04-09-2011, 03:55 PM
TSB is like Match.Com only better! There really IS somebody for everybody out there! Thank you, all of you, and can't wait to see pictures!
Thank you so much for the update. I can't wait to see pix of Stitch and her new sister. I can not applaud you guys enough for your continued efforts and contributions. As I said before I would support Tina's and Jackie's decisions 110% as I know you have a better idea on what to do. I am NOT disappointed one bit. If the opportunity to assist another little angel should arise (and I hope it doesn't), I know I can count on TSB. Meanwhile, I will be better prepared for a situation I hope doesn't happen.
PS I was comtemplating catching this bugger but a little voice in my head asked, "Are you vying for the Darwin Awards?" Okay my bit of corny humor.
04-10-2011, 07:54 PM
:D Oh, now that's just funny,really funny!!! Al, you're a trip!!
Jackie in Tampa
04-10-2011, 09:27 PM
Archie did send a pic, but to my email...and I don't know wasn't a good pic anyways...telephone pic..The update this morning was Stitch was not mean, she was very sweet and her and Sq Tina are already sisters!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Both eating well and content...
thanks again Person Tina and Al/Nuke!:thankyou
I can't wait to see them! :)
04-11-2011, 11:14 AM
Yeah, I got the pic too. So glad she is settled in with her buddy. I knew she would warm up, she needed to know she was home and safe:D .
04-11-2011, 01:23 PM
Sounds like another happy TSB ending. Nuke, thank you for saving little Stitch and C4S and Jackie for hooking her up with a sweet little sister. Can't wait for pictures :jump :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
04-19-2011, 09:07 PM
Archie brought the girls over, they are gorgeous...wish I would have clicked off a few pics...
They needed a bigger cage and some gear...they are hooked up!:thumbsup
They love HHBs and also kale is a fav!
They are cracking nuts in the shell, no problem...fat fluffy tails..
both Tina and terry look great!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
04-20-2011, 12:06 PM
Oh, glad to hear! Stitch is Terry?? Sounds great!Tina and Terry!! I am glad that Archie is enjoying the girls. Hugs to all.:D
Jackie in Tampa
04-20-2011, 12:14 PM
yes and archie sometimes still calls her stitch...she must be multi personality...:rotfl
she looked great!!!!
Hi T!!!!:wave123
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