View Full Version : Pale pinkies??

04-05-2011, 04:33 PM
OK, so by the great thoughts and ideas of so many of you on this board, my pinkies are doing really well now on the half goat milk formula and half FV. One question??? To me they look pale. They are plenty warm, eager to eat every two hours, pooping little soft yellow baby poo balls, peeing like crazy, actively wiggling around to find a comfy spot, but they just seem pale to me. They are beginning to get grey skin ( from fur shadow), with a clear line where the belly fur will be white someday, but their bare feet and in the mouth, looks pale. Just trying to catch something BEFORE it becomes a problem. Any thoughts? I like to see them nice and rosy pink. They have nice calm breathing. Nothing labored, no clicking, no milk from the nose accidents either. I am happy with everything, except they should look pinker to me. Maybe I am just freaking out from the loss of the tiny one, but just trying to be careful. No chance the half and half mix is lacking Iron? They have been on it now 24 hours. They love it and digest it very, very well. I also noticed for sure the boy baby had a broken leg. These tiny babies were found by people cutting a big tree down. They were tucked into a nice hole in the tree, but they must have taken a good bang, as the girl had a bruised head and the boys bum was bruised and his ankle. I see now that he has grown a bit, that the leg was broken. I have only had them 5 days, but you know how much they grow. I see a little jog in his leg just above those crazy reversible squirrel ankles. Now that the bruising is gone, I can see the healing bump on the bone. It must have been just a crack to the bone, as it was never loose like two pieces. he crawls around just fine and it does not affect his ankle or knee. He has a slight bend to the leg. I have a feeling as he grows, this will elongate and straigten out. Not too worried about this, as he uses it fine and it is healing well. Just another thing these poor babies!!!

04-05-2011, 05:01 PM
Can you get pics? Its possible with the darkening of the body, the pink parts look lighter. Seeing would help.