View Full Version : Pinkies!!!!! So small

04-01-2011, 01:09 PM
OK, so today was a CRAZY day! It is April fools day and it started with a 2 hour delay for kids school due to snow! I finally got to work to attempt to get my head above water and my friend called who had just cut down a dead tree in the horse pasture. Sure enough, there were squirrels in a nest. Four tiny pinkies with black dots for umbilcus still. By the time she called me, one baby had been under the tree in the snow and the others were exposed to the cold morning with no momma to keep warm. I could not possibly leave them there for the momma to come back as these people would still be working to cut up the tree for another 3 hours. The babies would be frozen by then. Anyway, I thought the one on the ground was dead. he was blue and stone cold. I did not give up on him though. I stuffed him in one side of my bra and the other three on the other side! Sorry but it is warm in there!!
When I got home with them, the blue baby was now bluer and limp. I got my heating pad out and set them all down to evaluate. I have two with some head bruising and dried blood in the nostrils, but now that they are warm, they are strong and looking good. The blue baby came to life, and although he looks a bit off on his color, he is yawning and breathing at the same rate as the others. Now, These guys had been fed by mom early this morning I am sure. At what point will they get hungry enough to suckle? I just dampen the lips with fox valley, and they kind of smack their lips and taste, but no suckling. I dont want to wet them too much and fear aspiration, but I must encourage them to eat right? I can give them some time to rest after there near death body temps.
I have never raised a squirrel so small. I am a bit stressed, but have had great success with babies that were about 3 weeks old. I know what I am doing I think. I have all the right supplies, but need some support here. I am in the North east and we have squirrel babies already????????

Jackie in Tampa
04-01-2011, 01:16 PM
start with homemade pedialyte, very warm...
do you have a 1cc syringe and nipples?
1 quart warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt, mix and store in fridge for upto 72 hours...then pitch.

A sterlite container and cotton baby recieving blankets will help to keep them warmer than a cage will, make sure you drill holes in the top.
You are going to be just fine...
hold them upright, not tilted back, if milk does come from nose, tip nose gently to the floor, allowing milk to run out of nose ...wipe off excess, wait until sq is composed again, breathing steady and resume...

there are pinkies everywhere:Love_Icon

04-01-2011, 01:20 PM
The most important thing to do at this moment is to get them warm (no feeding until they are warm). If you do not have a heating pad you can cover with a t-shirt or soft blanket to place them on - get a water bottle and fill it with hot water then slide it into a dress sock and place it next to the babies to keep them warm...... or you can pour a cup of rice in an old tied off sock and heat it in the microwave for 45 seconds for warmth.


04-01-2011, 01:24 PM
And pinkie tend to 'guppy mouth' alot, so go from the side, literally a drop at a time, wait for them to completely swallow, then another drop. It is time comsuming, unless you can tube. That is the same age Bean came to Jodi at. Sending tons of prayers for these precious little ones (and yes, it is raining pinkies, it seems....and we had snow here today, too....ggggggrrrrrrr....)

04-01-2011, 01:27 PM
:thumbsup I've raised them from 4days on.... Get them warm first! Do pedialyte for the first 12-24 hrs. Use a 1cc syringe- go drop by drop. I've found that they typically take to the apple flavor the best. When feeding make sure they are facing horizontal (like laying on belly or slightly to one side and extra will drip out of mouth that way.). You might be able to get 0.1-0.3cc max if they are really only days old- their bellies are really small.

Do a pinch test of skin for dehydration .

if they are days old- they will need very small amounts of fluids (pedialyte first then transition slowly to formula) every 1.5-2 hrs.

04-01-2011, 01:28 PM
Keep them warm. My guys were about a week old when I got them....I used a warmed sock buddy for them to lay on while I fed them....this way they didnt get chilled. Worked great for me....just ask my nearly 2.5 pound fat butts!!!
And remember....go very very slow.
Good luck...and great save!!!

04-01-2011, 01:32 PM
Keep them warm. My guys were about a week old when I got them....I used a warmed sock buddy for them to lay on while I fed them....this way they didnt get chilled.
This is the 1 cup of rice in the old sock warmed in a microwave I mentioned..... works GREAT!! at keeping a pinkie warm.
I was told that a pinkie could pass away fast if its tiny body is placed in cold hands (wear gloves, use fleece, or lay on rice buddy).

Nancy in New York
04-01-2011, 02:02 PM
:thumbsup I've raised them from 4days on.... Get them warm first! Do pedialyte for the first 12-24 hrs. Use a 1cc syringe- go drop by drop. I've found that they typically take to the apple flavor the best. When feeding make sure they are facing horizontal (like laying on belly or slightly to one side and extra will drip out of mouth that way.). You might be able to get 0.1-0.3cc max if they are really only days old- their bellies are really small.

Do a pinch test of skin for dehydration .

if they are days old- they will need very small amounts of fluids (pedialyte first then transition slowly to formula) every 1.5-2 hrs.

The pinch test on pinkies really doesn't work well...the have so many wrinkles anyway...:)

island rehabber
04-01-2011, 02:16 PM
Fantastic and perfect advice from everyone above, WW! You've got it all right here. But because I can't resist having the last word, here's my thing about pinkies: :D


WARMTH: a heating pad on low, under half their container (not under THEM) is best. Plastic tubs or terrariums are good because the environment is more humid and their skin doesn't dry out. When feeding a pinky, if your hands are warm you can use tissue paper to wrap and hold him...if your hands are cold, WARM a cloth or glove before picking up the pinky or you will chill him instantly.

HYDRATION: pinkies need hydration in the form of formula -- or Pedialyte in the beginning -- at least every 2.5 hrs. This means getting up at least once during the night. I get up twice, and it still means they will go 3.5 hrs sometimes without food but it's usually ok. If they look flat and skinny when you get up to feed them, you are not feeding OFTEN enough. Sorry kids, it's a rough gig those first 2 weeks.

CONSISTENCY: consistent heat.....consistent feedings....if your schedule is going to make you sporadic or unpredictable in caring for these teeny-weenies, give them to someone who has the time to care for them properly. If you don't have a heating pad, GET ONE, without an auto shut-off. Microwave disks are too unpredictable for pinkies and may cook them. Hot water bottles don't last nearly long enough for these fragile babies.

PATIENCE: Feed pinkies slo-o-o--owly. Very slowly. Teeny drop by teeny drop, preferably with a 0.5 (1/2) cc syringe or a 1cc at the LARGEST. Use a nipple attachment for best results. Go very, very slowly. If it takes you 5 minutes to get half a cc of formula into a pinky, you're doing it perfectly. This is how we avoid aspiration, the #1 cause of death in pinkies and the reason why "some say" there is only a 50% success rate in saving them.

04-01-2011, 03:54 PM
The babies all look good. They are nice and warm now. I have them in a plastic container with soft cloth, and the whole thing is on heating pad. I have fox valley here and the proper o ring 1cc and nipples. I have rehabbed squirrels before, but never this small. BUT......I used to breed lady Gouldian Finches, and I hand fed a day old hatchling that kept getting kicked out of the nest! They are the size of a honey bee when hatched!!!!! Imagine that? With no aspiration.
I will do my best with these guys. i am fully aware of the commitment involved. I just need you guys for support and help with questions, as I go along. I will try to keep posting.

Nancy in New York
04-01-2011, 04:09 PM
The babies all look good. They are nice and warm now. I have them in a plastic container with soft cloth, and the whole thing is on heating pad. I have fox valley here and the proper o ring 1cc and nipples. I have rehabbed squirrels before, but never this small. BUT......I used to breed lady Gouldian Finches, and I hand fed a day old hatchling that kept getting kicked out of the nest! They are the size of a honey bee when hatched!!!!! Imagine that? With no aspiration.
I will do my best with these guys. i am fully aware of the commitment involved. I just need you guys for support and help with questions, as I go along. I will try to keep posting.

We're all standing by ready to answer questions...You'll do fine, just go slow...:grouphug

04-01-2011, 04:42 PM
so far...you are getting alot of good advice. i am just waiting for pics lo.

04-01-2011, 09:22 PM
So far, so good. I had two pinkies actually eat with enthusiasm! The other two were more resistant, but still got some into them. My guess is that these guys are like 5 days old max. Every two hours they take like .3 - .5 cc each Aside from the bruises from the fall, they look plump and good.

04-01-2011, 09:29 PM
Good to hear....... :thumbsup

04-01-2011, 09:35 PM
Awwwww..... I just can't WAIT to see these little angels. WTG Wonka for all the devotion and commitment!!! :bowdown

04-01-2011, 09:48 PM
Wonderful news! Prayers continue.....

island rehabber
04-01-2011, 10:39 PM
WW, some pinkies are not suckers until they are much older. You've got lappers and sippers....some barely touch the tip of the syringe with their tiny toungues. It's ok...just get used to each baby's particular style and all will be fine. But never take NO for an answer with a pink. Purr, humm, put them near your heart for a minute or two to stmulate their feeding response, but get SOMETHING into them each feeding. :thumbsup

04-01-2011, 10:55 PM
I have found singing softly to little Bean seems to lull her into a rythym (course, could be she is just thinking...'faster I finish, faster she shuts up'....but hey, it works! lol)

island rehabber
04-01-2011, 11:02 PM
I have found singing softly to little Bean seems to lull her into a rythym (course, could be she is just thinking...'faster I finish, faster she shuts up'....but hey, it works! lol)


04-01-2011, 11:48 PM
I have found singing softly to little Bean seems to lull her into a rythym (course, could be she is just thinking...'faster I finish, faster she shuts up'....but hey, it works! lol)

LOL...i give mine kisses after they finish eating. i am surprised i still have my nose!! lol