View Full Version : Uni Milk Help Please

04-01-2011, 09:32 AM
Someone I work with was very generous and donated alot of unimilk to me. My question is I am not familiar with this formula. Can I use it? If I do use it should I add the yogurt heavy cream mixture or anything else to it? Help please.

Nancy in New York
04-01-2011, 10:06 AM
Someone I work with was very generous and donated alot of unimilk to me. My question is I am not familiar with this formula. Can I use it? If I do use it should I add the yogurt heavy cream mixture or anything else to it? Help please.

I did a fast google and it appears this is for human consumption, I wouldn't use it on squirrels...:dono

04-01-2011, 10:09 AM
It is a puppy formula that can be used for everything from calves to puppies. The bag says it is ok for oppossums but I am just cautious with it for squirrels as well. I know someone that has always used it with no problem for oppossums but I have never seen it used for squirrels.:dono

Jackie in Tampa
04-01-2011, 01:13 PM
I ck'ed with a few rehab friends...we have never heard of it.
Can you give more label info please..
manufacturer, country of origin etc..anything to help identify it.

I would stick with FV for the sqs!:)

Nancy in New York
04-01-2011, 02:07 PM
I ck'ed with a few rehab friends...we have never heard of it.
Can you give more label info please..
manufacturer, country of origin etc..anything to help identify it.

I would stick with FV for the sqs!:)

Company Overview
UNIMILK operates as a dairy producer in Ukraine. It has dairy production plants in Russia and Ukraine. The company was founded in 2002 and is based in Moscow, the Russian Federation. As of October 26, 2010, Unimilk Company operates as a subsidiary of Danone.

UnimilkŪ Multi-Purpose Milk Replacer
by Manna Pro

All purpose, instant, non-medicated milk replacer. Formulated for several different species. Aids in the digestion of milk proteins and fats.

Not for use in lambs.

Milk replacer for all species of animals except sheep
Convenient resealable bag (3.5 lb only)
22% Crude Protein and 15% Crude Fat
Excellent for puppies, goat kids and foals

Jackie in Tampa
04-01-2011, 02:52 PM
thanks NIN!:thumbsup
not that that helps me any...but for the dieticians{for lack of correct word, nitritionists}...that may help!

04-01-2011, 03:30 PM
22% protein and 15% fat is much too low for baby squirrels, unless that is already the liquid form :dono.

The formula rehabbers use for squirrels is 32-33% protein and 40% fat. Rehabbers vary in the brands of formula they use (some like fox valley, some Zoologic, some Esbilac) but the protein to fat ratio is essential and doesn't vary. So, you'll either have to majorly beef up that formula by adding whey protein and heavy whipping cream (I have no idea how to figure how much of each, 4skwerlz might be able to help) or I'd just give it to someone with goats or something that need formula or something, because as it is it is not good for squirrels.

04-01-2011, 05:46 PM
I've gotten that donated to me since I'm in farm country and its at the local feed store. I don't use for my baby squirrels but I do make boo balls for the release squirrels and for the wild squirrels and use for my older coonies when they are drinking AND eating. When you depend on donations you find a use for everything - like the 10 5# buckets of Esbilac!!!