View Full Version : Formula for babies question

03-30-2011, 06:52 PM
This is my first time using Fox Valley formula. I used the Esbilac until the problems came about and I lost 3 possum babies using it. I got 4 squirrel babies last week that are apprx. 5 weeks now and am feeding them FV 32/40. Should I switch them to the next formula or is it ok to continue with this until weaned?

03-30-2011, 07:09 PM
Many people just use the 32/40 all the way through. The 20/50 has more fat - that is the second number - and it seems to help fill them out in the gangly teenage phase. I think you could accomplish the same thing by introducing a small amount of heavy cream - no more than a quarter part to the 2:1 ratio, or part heavy cream part full fat yogurt (Stoneyfield Yobaby).

03-30-2011, 10:53 PM
I personally would suggest that you finish off what you left of the 32/40 and then order the 20/50 - the next stage is made to help bulk of the growing adult squirrel with extra fat and protein that the infant formula does not have.

As a very wise licensed rehabber once told me..... the more I add to the formula the less of the actual formula the squirrel is drinking.

Jackie in Tampa
03-30-2011, 11:10 PM
I use 32/40 for all sqs, no matter the age...works well for us...
and I am a non licensed rehabber that adds yogurt and heavy cream!:D
I have ohlala perfectly gorgeous healthy smart sqs!:Love_Icon

03-31-2011, 09:55 AM
I did start adding a bit of heavy whipping cream this past weekend. I always did so with the esbilac too and the babies grow great on it! :)
Fat little fuzzers! :D

Thanks for the input. I had just never used Fox Valley but am happy with it and SO happy there is such a great alternative to esbilac.


island rehabber
03-31-2011, 10:28 AM
I don't think there is "one right answer" here (right, Jackie? :D :Pals) We find what works best for our squirrels, as well as what we can most easily and consistently deal with. Besides the fact that everything you add dilutes the amount of formula the baby gets, one of my reasons for not adding whipping cream or full-fat yogurt is, frankly, that I live on a small island with a poorly-stocked grocery mart that never has it. Going to the mainland for every little thing is a pain, especially in baby season. The other reason is that all that calculating of 1 part-to-3 parts- to 1.5 parts of stuff makes me queasy. :D

05-07-2011, 07:37 PM
are you supposed to give the formula warm or cold?

how much of the actual formula do you add?

05-07-2011, 07:40 PM
Warm formula for sure. Quite warm actually.

05-07-2011, 07:54 PM
my squirrel isnt taking the formula.

should I try putting it in yogurt? does flavor matter?

05-07-2011, 07:58 PM
How old is the squirrel an is he on heat so he is nice and warm when you try to feed? Did he stop taking it suddenly?

05-07-2011, 08:41 PM
he's about 3 months old ish (around there). he has that bone disease from lack of calcium- and started to eat his hands- but he's way better, active again and improving. so he eats tums. and then i recently got the fox valleys 32/40 formula. he's never had it before and he's being stubborn about eating the yogurt too. all he likes is avacado and raspberries.

05-07-2011, 08:43 PM
How old is the squirrel an is he on heat so he is nice and warm when you try to feed? Did he stop taking it suddenly?
Exactly my question. If the formula is too cold they will simply not take it. Sometimes if they have to potty or pooh...they wont take it.

05-07-2011, 08:45 PM
3 months is weaning age. I used the boo balls...they still got the FV but got to eat like a big squirrel.

05-07-2011, 08:48 PM
Jo Schmoe you are taking the thoughts from my head! I am glad I'm on the right page! Sammy still eats boo balls.

05-07-2011, 08:50 PM
Jo Schmoe you are taking the thoughts from my head! I am glad I'm on the right page! Sammy still eats boo balls.
LOL...great minds....great minds. I will be using them on the little red rockers too...as fireweed so awesomely named them!!!

05-07-2011, 08:54 PM
Love the name! Good job Fireweed!

05-07-2011, 09:04 PM
he's about 3 months old ish (around there). he has that bone disease from lack of calcium- and started to eat his hands- but he's way better, active again and improving. so he eats tums. and then i recently got the fox valleys 32/40 formula. he's never had it before and he's being stubborn about eating the yogurt too. all he likes is avacado and raspberries.

:Welcome Lucy!!!

are you any where near houston? ... we have some wonderful rehabbers down there who have access to vets ..as well as wonderful experience... maybe they can help a little....

there is a vanilla yogurt by danone ...full cream that many squirrels love and will eat with the fox valley....

but it sound like your little one is very fussy and so it maybe a little more difficult for you to get him onto a healthier diet....

mbd (metabolic bone disease) is awful.... painful and makes their bones very brittle ... so i'd be careful that he can't fall and hurt himself....

also he'll need a heating pad because it makes them very cold....

have you already introduced him in his own thread?

you could post in the non-life threatning help needed ...since he is a mbd squirrel or you could post him in the nursery.... regardless ... i'd love to see more of him.....

:D :thumbsup:Welcome