View Full Version : Hi, I'm new here
03-30-2011, 11:30 AM
So yeah, I'm new here.
My name's Jared, and I go to a liberal arts college in New Jersey that's littered with squirrels. :Squirrel It was part of why I chose the college I'm going to, to be honest. Ever since sixth grade, I've wanted a pet squirrel. I realize the wild is probably a better place for them, but I can't help but think befriending a squirrel would be rewarding for both the squirrel and myself. I've been reading the forum about safety issues with having squirrels as pets, and I think this is a terrific squirrel-loving community that I'd really like to be a part of. I don't expect to take in a squirrel anytime soon, but sometime before I die, I would really like to live with one. So it's only logical to me that I learn about taking care of squirrels (and enjoy the chance to oggle at the cutest furballs to walk the earth) here.
:squirrel But more about me...
I'm 21 and missing my boy scout camping experiences. I'm in a relatively serious relationship with a girl that stayed with me through the six weeks I was hospitalized for depression, not to mention the long recovery I've had since being released a year ago. I'm an econ major that should really probably be a psychology major, but I figure psychology's overrated and that economics will pay better than following psychology with a bad department. I'm into science fiction, wild ideas, and philosophy, and I generally like people (especially helping them). :squirrel
Oh...and on a completely relevant note, how would you keep pet squirrels from chewing on electric wires?
So tell me about you; tell me about the squirrel board. :squirrel
There are lots of folks here that don't have a squirrel as a pet.
They just enjoy the mischievious antics they provide.
Browse through the breed specific area and have fun.
03-30-2011, 11:56 AM
Hello & Welcome...... :wave123
Yuk Anti-Lick Gel
Jackie in Tampa
03-30-2011, 12:04 PM
:Welcome :wave123
03-30-2011, 03:31 PM
Welcome! You have found the right place to share the wonders of squirrels. TSB Rocks! :Welcome
04-29-2011, 04:19 AM
Hi Jared. I'm new here too and I think I'm already learning good stuff from the posts people share. Good luck with school and with your continuing good relationship with squirrels. :)
04-29-2011, 07:44 AM
Welcome to TSB...
I am in Costa Rica and TSB saved my little Rama Rota who came to me with eyes still shut at 3 weeks old.
Much to learn here..
################################################## #####################
Stosh >>> keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
VISIT the KING at:
04-29-2011, 09:02 AM
Hi and welcome! While I do not recommend acquiring a squirrel to have as a pet...I think it is wonderful that you want to learn - because you never know when one might just drop into your life...and if that happens, who knows-the little squirrel might decide that pampered indoor life is just what they want.
Read as much as you can here...I have had my Princess for a year now...and it is a huge commitment emotionally, time wise,and financially. As far as chewing wires go....chewing everything is part of squirrel life...and I do mean everything, drywall, furniture, wood trim...keyboards... cables....on n on n on. You CAN teach and discipline a squirrel...mine no longer tries to jump on the TV or chew wires. At first we did the "aaannhhtt no no" sound, but she got a teen squirrel 'tude and started ignoring that--so NOW we just spritz the keyboard duster air can at her, and works great! she gives wide berth to the TV and cables:D (sadly I have to leave the room to blow my keyboard out now-I did not really think that through so well:shakehead )
Enjoy your campus squirrels...they are truly special creatures
04-29-2011, 01:11 PM
Oh...and on a completely relevant note, how would you keep pet squirrels from chewing on electric wires?Watch them Watch them Watch them - when they are out of their CAGE!
Never take your eyes off a Squirrel when its in your house
and Never come between a Squirrel and its NUTs!
04-29-2011, 02:56 PM
Just to make sure you want a pet squirrel...I shall lend Knothead to you for 30 days...if you live through it then......:thumbsup
I might start a new business with the Knothead "lend a pet" that way you can try em out before you invest:thumbsup
They are a LOT of work and a LOT of work....More WORK than FUN...Sweep, Sweep then Sweep some more...:osnap you have to be there for the looooong haul...Vacations? few and far between it's just easier to stay at home:osnap
"HUG A KNOTHEAD" How's that for a business name?
04-29-2011, 02:58 PM
Just to make sure you want a pet squirrel...I shall lend Knothead to you for 30 days...if you live through it then......:thumbsup
I might start a new business with the Knothead "lend a pet" that way you can try em out before you invest:thumbsup
They are a LOT of work and a LOT of work....More WORK than FUN...Sweep, Sweep then Sweep some more...:osnap you have to be there for the looooong haul...Vacations? few and far between it's just easier to stay at home:osnap
"HUG A KNOTHEAD" How's that for a business name?
And you would not have to pay me...I WOULD PAY YOU:jump
04-29-2011, 04:44 PM
Hello & :Welcome
I agree with everyone. My little one is two and i found her under horrible circumstances. She chose to stay with us but it is a huge commitment. No vacations, we spend about $50-$75 a month on her diet alone, we basically had to make our lives revolve around her needs. I can't tell you how much furniture, how many remotes, TVcomponents and various other things have succumb to her teeth, including my feet! I wouldn't change it for the world but it is a big responsibility.
04-29-2011, 05:04 PM
:Welcome to TSB and I couldnt agree more with everything that has already been said. HUGE commitment - time and money-wise. My girls were only about 3 days old when I found them - I got no sleep and had no social life for 3 months straight. If not for my vet-tech friend/squirrel-sitter taking them overnight once or twice a week, I probably would not have been able to do it. I will say for sure though, if I could go back, I would certainly do it again. It was by far the most difficult three months, but equally rewarding. Too many people think of our wonderful squees as nuisance pests - until my girls came along, they were mostly part of the scenery of the outdoors in my world - Boy did that change! The spirit, intelligence and loving nature of these critters just blows my mind. I was blessed to be able to care for my babies, and will never think otherwise. We're very glad to have you aboard - stay, watch, laugh, cry, learn and LOVE. Thats what this amazing forum is all about :) Its a pleasure to have you here.
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