View Full Version : Yogurt & 3 wk olds

03-29-2011, 09:53 AM
How old should a baby squirrel be before you can start putting yogurt in their Fox Valley to help fill their seemingly bottomless pits up? - I am asking as I have three precious three week old babies that are eating 3 cc every feeding and it does not seem to be holding them over until their next feeding (every 2-3 hrs)..... I am finding suckling marks on private body parts.


island rehabber
03-29-2011, 09:59 AM
I would feed them more than 3cc....and space the feedings to every 4 hrs. When mine were 3 wks old they were taking 4-5cc, every 4 hrs. Now, a week later, they are up to 7-8cc every 5 hrs. As for yogurt, I never use it so someone else will have to weigh in on that one. Just remember that every time you add something to formula, you are by necessity cutting down the amount of formula the baby actually takes. And all the nutrients within, also.

Jackie in Tampa
03-29-2011, 10:00 AM
How old should a baby squirrel be before you can start putting yogurt in their Fox Valley to help fill their seemingly bottomless pits up? - I am asking as I have three precious three week old babies that are eating 3 cc every feeding and it does not seem to be holding them over until their next feeding (every 2-3 hrs)..... I am finding suckling marks on private body parts.

:peace not the first day, however the second day that I have a pinkie, I use yogurt and cream...
everyone here from birth to almost 9y/o old drinks the same formula!
Yep, my Rocky has started gladly and I mean GLADLY drinking FV!!!!!:alright.gif
they all do now, even Henry likes it a few times a week!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use the 32/40 or whatever it is....*brain fade smilie here* the early stage FV always!:)
:wave123 Hi Carolyn!!

island rehabber
03-29-2011, 10:07 AM
I use the 32/40 or whatever it is....*brain fade smilie here* the early stage FV always!:)

:rotflJackie I'm so glad I'm not the only one -- look how I labelled my container....:shakehead :D

03-29-2011, 10:08 AM
Just remember that every time you add something to formula, you are by necessity cutting down the amount of formula the baby actually takes. And all the nutrients within, also.

Yeah I usually dont add yogurt to my formula - I like to hold off and give it to them after they wean them self from the formula, but these little boogers dont like to eat that much at a time and I was trying to stretch their feeding time out.

I will wait 4 hours until I feed them next time and see if I can get more than 3cc down them..... :thumbsup

03-29-2011, 10:10 AM
:wave123 Hi Carolyn!!

:wave123 Jackie - Nice to see YOU around....... :wave123 :rotfl :wave123

Jackie in Tampa
03-29-2011, 10:11 AM
:rotflJackie I'm so glad I'm not the only one -- look how I labelled my container....:shakehead :D:D :rotfl

03-29-2011, 10:47 AM
The formula amount sounds about right, but toward the end of week 3 they should be up to 3.5-4cc every 3-4 hours.

3 weeks olds will tend to suckle on their brothers and sisters (feet, head, private parts, etc...) - it is natural. Although if they are suckling on boy privates- then they can become irritated.

You can try seperating them until they open their eyes ~week 5. Otherwise I've had luck with putting the rubber small animal bottle feeding tips (already cut w/ hole in tip) in the cage to suckle on. I rub some peanutbutter on the outside of the tip then rinse it off with water so just the "smell" stays on it.

03-29-2011, 11:50 AM
Ok - I feed the babies, it was four hours since their last feeding and this is what I got... with straight formula.

Marven 4 cc
Chester 3.5 cc
Lizzie 3 cc

Marven is the biggest of the three and my biggest eater
Lizzie is the smallest of the three and tends to eat the least
Chester eats as he wants.... some times its a lot and some times its less (we go with the flow).

I basically increase their formula as they allow or show me they want "will take" more.

03-30-2011, 01:07 AM
Well, I have tried getting more formula into the little ones and I dont think its going to happen...... 3cc seems to be the average these guys are willing (or able) to take in atm.

I even waited another 45 minutes with their last feeding and they still would not take any more than 3cc to 3.5cc before they started to rejected or spit out the formula..... guess I will have to stay with the present amount of 3cc every 3 hours until their little tummies grow, therefore, allowing for more intake of the fox valley.

Thanks for the advice and suggestions... :thankyou