View Full Version : "Snuggle Safe Disks" AREN'T ALWAYS SAFE
island rehabber
03-29-2011, 09:45 AM
Last Saturday, as I was packing up my baby squirrels to leave Tomo's wonderful luncheon, something happened which had never happened before: one of my Snuggle Safe microwaveable warming disks, which I had just nuked for 2 minutes, BURST. It spewed burning hot wax all over the bottom of the large bag where it was sitting underneath both containers of baby squirrels! Needless to say I grabbed the containers and moved them off the disk, then grabbed the sopping wet bag containing the disk and ran to throw them in the bathroom sink. thank GOD both baby containers were the type with solid bottoms...had they been in my beige open top carrier which has air holes along the bottom, the burning hot wax would have seeped in and burned the babies :eek:.
This disk was my older one; maybe 5-6 years old. I had never heard of this happening, but it did. From now on, I will be enclosing all disks in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag (or two!) before putting it anywhere near my squirrel babies.
Tomo: I am SO SORRY about the waxy mess on your table and sink!
SUMMARY: Check your Snuggle Safe Disk for holes....don't overheat it in a sealed container (Ziploc) for EXTRA PRECAUTION.
And never, ever EVER put the disk under the babies!!! ONLY under the CONTAINER they are in!
03-29-2011, 10:24 AM
Wow, I have never heard of that happening. I use them for my degus (they lie directly on I am scared to use them with them.) And I always heat mine for 5 mins, too. (Mine are new, both less then a year old). I use it with a cover or fleece over it. Can you contact the company (even being older, they still should be aware.) Glad everyone was ok (well, except Tomo's table....:tilt )
03-30-2011, 03:37 PM
I urge you to check the discussion thread at Handicapped Since the incident that happened to me, we have been compiling every incident we can find for informational purposes. A zip lock bag will melt if anything like this happens. As you will see, the company has been contacted, but has yet to respond. If you do write to them, feel free to add this link to your story. Hopefully, they will eventually stop ignoring the situation. Personally, I will never trust the product again.
I am so glad the babies were not burned!
03-30-2011, 03:41 PM
I discovered that my link is not valid in the message above and I can't find your edit button. Here is the correct link. You will see photographs of what happened to me. Thanks for your patience!
03-30-2011, 04:14 PM
The link is asking for me to log in. Now I am terrifed to use these, which is awful, my degus love them!
03-30-2011, 07:07 PM
Hello head moderator tells me that the link is doing the same thing to her - asking for a log in. I have come back and tried it four times and it takes me directly to the thread. If anyone is interested in reading more and seeing the photographs, you might want to register for our board. It is very non-invasive and quick. I believe we have the most comprehensive collection of stories posted on the web in one place regarding the danger of this product. I have contacted the manufacturer, the product safety recall agency and consumer products. The only response I have received is an acknowlegement from consumer products. We have to keep each other informed and I pray that no other animal is hurt by this. My animals were lucky, my house is still standing, but there is a story about a family's cats who were injured during a plane flight because of the Snuggle Safe. You will see another story of a woman's patio catching fire. Our web address is
Tickle's Mom
03-30-2011, 07:48 PM
I'm registered and logged in - where is this info on your site? I have searched and searched......
03-30-2011, 10:38 PM
03-30-2011, 10:46 PM
Maybe 4 years then get new ones?????:dono
09-04-2011, 08:36 AM
This is an older thread but I want to add one additional danger. I also had a snuggle disk melt, a new one. The fumes that came from that burning hot liquid were making my babies cough and as soon as I got a sniff of it, I knew it was harmful. I threw it right out the door but not before it ruined my microwave and burned my hand. I now use the warming pads that are for reptiles that go under the cage and if they need more, I heat a regular water bottle and put that in there.
10-25-2012, 12:05 AM
WOW I just saw this. I have 2 discs, have always used them, will be throwing them in the trash tomorrow. The saddest day was when my first heating pad died because it did not shut off by itself. When I went to replace it all I could find were pads that automatically shut off after 2 hours. So instead of setting the alarm every 4 hours during the night for feedings it became every 2 hours for heat. UGH .
So glad I saw this, IR, thank you ! :goodpost Also read the handicappedpets link, OMG, I wonder if they still sell these things !:nono
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