View Full Version : Open Eyes! Now what?

03-26-2011, 06:36 PM
So Ollie opened one of her little eyes a little bit ago!! :jump (Other still closed).
Pistachio's are still closed but I know he's right behind his sister. My question is, now what should I be doing, time-frame wise, as far as heat, potty stimulation, foods, etc. I found mixed info from other sites when I looked a couple weeks ago, and I trust all of you guy's experience. Thanks!

P.S. I posted this in another forum as well... Not sure which it belonged in.

03-26-2011, 09:08 PM
This thread is fine to post in..... at this point I would keep on doing what you have been doing - then when they have all opened their eyes I would give them a week to get their bearings about them as they learn to walk and try to stand, then start to offer them peeled chopped apples and some chopped walnuts, dry Cheerios can also be given as a treat.

HHB can be offered in the morning as a supplement to their daily formula @ http://www.henryspets.com/