03-26-2011, 06:36 PM
So Ollie opened one of her little eyes a little bit ago!! :jump (Other still closed).
Pistachio's are still closed but I know he's right behind his sister. My question is, now what should I be doing, time-frame wise, as far as heat, potty stimulation, foods, etc. I found mixed info from other sites when I looked a couple weeks ago, and I trust all of you guy's experience. Thanks!
P.S. I posted this in another forum as well... Not sure which it belonged in.
Pistachio's are still closed but I know he's right behind his sister. My question is, now what should I be doing, time-frame wise, as far as heat, potty stimulation, foods, etc. I found mixed info from other sites when I looked a couple weeks ago, and I trust all of you guy's experience. Thanks!
P.S. I posted this in another forum as well... Not sure which it belonged in.