View Full Version : Hi.... I want to help

03-22-2011, 01:46 PM
I graduated from high school and went through all of the vet assisting program. For the past 5 years I have raised squirrels atleast a few a season.:thumbsup I started when a friend of mine introduced me to it my sophomore year and loved it and them. I do not keep them permanently unless they are not able to be released. I raise them and release them when it is safe to do so and they are ready. I have not yet had any who were unreleasable. I am currently for the first time EMPTY!! and would like to volunteer to help. If you need help contact me and I will be monitoring the board to offer my help when necessary. I can take up to 8 pinkies at once and more as they get older and feedings get less often. I have the space and housing for up to 20 if you include room for "teenagers" and outdoor play areas.

mjs :Love_Icon

island rehabber
03-22-2011, 02:03 PM
omg, can you pleeeeeeeeeeeze move to New York City? I would die and go to heaven if somebody within 50 miles of me said what you just posted!!!!

Thanks anyway for being there. :D :thankyou

Tickle's Mom
03-22-2011, 02:14 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......we have babies all year long!! She's O.U.R.S. :poke

03-22-2011, 02:36 PM
Just wait until Jackie sees this. LOL! You are very near one of our rehabbers (JackieInTampa) who has babies year round. Feel free to send her a pm & offer your help. Welcome! (Wish you were closer to me! I have more than I should right now! :sanp3 )

03-22-2011, 03:55 PM
W-E-L-C-O-M-E- TSB already LOVES you LOTS
There are SOOOOOO many Florida folks...esp. Jackie in Tampa that will be keeping your phone number on SPEED DIAL...Thanks for opening your home to the Little Ones...

################################################## ###################

Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

VISIT the KING at :


03-22-2011, 03:57 PM
Welcome to the F.A.R.T team:thumbsup

03-22-2011, 04:45 PM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :thumbsup :thumbsup :wave123 :wave123

03-22-2011, 06:24 PM
welcome!! i think it is great that someone so young wants to help out!! i have been raising squirrels since i was 13. i love it!!

Tara L
03-23-2011, 07:15 PM
Me too!! I am brand spanking new to TSB and do not currently have any little guys (have fostered squirrels and opossums for the past few years.) I am hoping to get some soon & would love to hear from Jackie since I also live in Tampa. I am also trying to find the post regarding the anti-cruelty petition. Forgive me if I am in the wrong place.

Tickle's Mom
03-23-2011, 07:37 PM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome Tara and be warned, IR aka: Island Rehabber will try to convince you to move to New Yawk!!

But you are ours !!!!:poke

03-23-2011, 08:02 PM
and WE get to ADD ANOTHER ONE to the FLORIDA LIST - :wahoo :wahoo

03-23-2011, 08:15 PM
Me too!! I am brand spanking new to TSB and do not currently have any little guys (have fostered squirrels and opossums for the past few years.) I am hoping to get some soon & would love to hear from Jackie since I also live in Tampa. I am also trying to find the post regarding the anti-cruelty petition. Forgive me if I am in the wrong place.
Jackie:What ...with all these new VOLUNTEERS... is there a FLORIDA Squad or maybe even a Platoon forming...??

Squad - 9 to 10 soldiers. Typically commanded by a sergeant or staff sergeant, a squad or section is the smallest element in the Army structure, and its size is dependent on its function.

Platoon - 16 to 44 soldiers. A platoon is led by a lieutenant with an NCO as second in command, and consists of two to four squads or sections.

03-23-2011, 08:32 PM
:Welcome to TSB. Happy to meet you. :wave123

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehilibitator

03-23-2011, 08:32 PM
Jackie:What ...with all these new VOLUNTEERS... is there a FLORIDA Squad or maybe even a Platoon forming...??

Squad - 9 to 10 soldiers. Typically commanded by a sergeant or staff sergeant, a squad or section is the smallest element in the Army structure, and its size is dependent on its function.

Platoon - 16 to 44 soldiers. A platoon is led by a lieutenant with an NCO as second in command, and consists of two to four squads or sections.

so what do they call 11 thru 15? lol

Tara L
03-23-2011, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the friendly welcome! I think the platoon may come in handy for the petition drive. I was checking some of the older posts (re wildlife laws) and was wondering if we had some sort of coalition to help educate others and create a safer environment out there for these little guys.

ps i'm going home to ny in may & ir can find me feeding the fatties in central park!

Tickle's Mom
03-23-2011, 09:06 PM
:sanp3 :sanp3 :sanp3 :sanp3 :sanp3

Just remember where you belong:poke ....we have babies all year long in FLORIDA...where you LIVE.....where you want to STAY...in FLORIDA....where you are needed.......in FLORIDA!!!:flash3

Tara L
03-23-2011, 09:30 PM
Wow! You guys can be pretty harsh. Haven't you heard of southern hospitality? Just kidding. I can't leave my little guys for too long. I'm afraid they might forget me.

Tickle's Mom
03-23-2011, 09:38 PM
Wow! You guys can be pretty harsh. Haven't you heard of southern hospitality? Just kidding. I can't leave my little guys for too long. I'm afraid they might forget me.

Oh shuga, now don't worry your pretty lil head about nuthin. Bless your heart.

How's that? :dono

Tara L
03-23-2011, 09:44 PM
Thanks. I've been trying to work my way around this site, but I can't even put my own name on my buddy list or check out my own profile. What am I missing? ps do you have any opossums? i think i miss them the most.

Tickle's Mom
03-23-2011, 10:16 PM
Thanks. I've been trying to work my way around this site, but I can't even put my own name on my buddy list or check out my own profile. What am I missing? ps do you have any opossums? i think i miss them the most.

Nope........no possums but I feed five or six every night on my front porch.:D

I've been on here since November and I still don't know my way around! I just learned to post pictures - kept hitting the wrong submit button. DUUUUHH! There are plenty of members who have possums.....I'll try to find that info for ya.


03-24-2011, 07:25 AM
We Florida folks just have to make sure we have all our county's covered. Sooooo we have enlistment facilities scattered through out the state and boot camp training is every other month....... Just kidding


island rehabber
03-24-2011, 07:33 AM

Tara L
03-24-2011, 01:05 PM
SNJ - So glad to see your post. You mentioned on another thread about a school worker who told you her neighbor shoots squirrels in his yard with a BB gun. This is illegal in the state (acc to FWC.) Please inform her to call her local sheriffs office the next time he does it (or sooner.) In Hills Co, we have teenagers who 'hunt' them & I was adv they are not even allowed to carry bb guns openly. Unfort, nothing can be done until they are 'caught in the act' so I can only warn & inform my nbrs. But shooting in a residential nbrhood is illegal. I can help you if you want to write something for your local paper or HO newsletter. You may want to include your local Sheriff's Office nonemerg phone#. It seems a big part of caring for these critters is educating others. Let me know what U think - you're not that far away.

03-24-2011, 01:30 PM
Thanks guys. I am going to pm Jackie and let her know I am ready and waiting for some babies and she should send them this way ASAP!! LOL.... I have some family in New York and head up to Oceanside in the summers so she can find me hanging feeders around through friends and family yards and feeding in the park in the city. I can't believe i have never joined this group in the past. I actually was refered by someone rescuing in the area that didn't need help but thought someone here might.

Jackie in Tampa
03-24-2011, 01:45 PM
:Welcome :wave123 :Welcome:wave123 :Welcome :wave123

:wott wow..we are getting strong in Florida...:wott

Team F.A.R.T. :jump
more members means more rescues...lovin' it!!!:alright.gif

:wave123 :jump :wave123 :jump :wave123 :jump :wave123

03-24-2011, 01:53 PM
SNJ - So glad to see your post. You mentioned on another thread about a school worker who told you her neighbor shoots squirrels in his yard with a BB gun. This is illegal in the state (acc to FWC.) Please inform her to call her local sheriffs office the next time he does it (or sooner.) In Hills Co, we have teenagers who 'hunt' them & I was adv they are not even allowed to carry bb guns openly. Unfort, nothing can be done until they are 'caught in the act' so I can only warn & inform my nbrs. But shooting in a residential nbrhood is illegal. I can help you if you want to write something for your local paper or HO newsletter. You may want to include your local Sheriff's Office nonemerg phone#. It seems a big part of caring for these critters is educating others. Let me know what U think - you're not that far away.

Unfortunately the school worker won't do anything about it because she "hates squirrels because they eat the birds food." Those were her exact words. She had told me her neighbor told her if she saw any squirrels missing part of an ear it's because he missed and only grazed them.
Can someone please tell me how people can be sooooooo freaking cruel?
As far as the letter writing goes I'm not sure what city they even leave in and I don't think it's the same one she works in. Plus, I know nothing about the poeple actually doing the shooting and like you said they have to be caught in the act. Trust me I've been trying to restrain myself from flying over the counter at the school and knocking this lady upside the head.

Tara L
03-24-2011, 01:57 PM
Jackie - or anyone nearby - do u know a rehabber who is experienced w/pinky opossums? The e-clinic I use is putting together a list and we have a great need for people who can do this. I am not very experienced at it but would love to train w/someone who is. I have lots of time & supplies but need more practice. Pls help! Last season many were put down and I don't want that to happen again. I want to be ready for them.

Tara L
03-24-2011, 02:03 PM
snj - I guess that explains your picture above. You're just teaching those guys to defend themselves! I think I'll sign mine up for one of your boot camps.

03-24-2011, 02:10 PM
snj - I guess that explains your picture above. You're just teaching those guys to defend themselves! I think I'll sign mine up for one of your boot camps.

The picture was kind of two sided. It went with the issues with the BB guns but also with the Florida squad and platoon talk that had been going on earlier. :D

Jackie in Tampa
03-24-2011, 02:34 PM
I have no experience with possies.. we have fed and contained several a few years ago, but two weeks later they were of release age...
I do not know anyone in our area myself.
There are members that do possies on TSB..try Mandie, Nature's Gift or Lynne, Squirrels Rule & Bunnies Too...there are others also:thumbsup
Good luck with that!:bowdown

03-24-2011, 02:57 PM
I have done nm birds and oppossums a few times as well as one raccoon until someone could get it that had the vaccines.

Tara L
03-24-2011, 03:05 PM
SqMom, Would you be able to take pinky opossums? If so, I can try to PM you the eclinic info & U get on their list. Actually you could sign up for other babies too. I want someone to train me to do the pinkies.

03-24-2011, 03:24 PM
I have done nm birds and oppossums a few times as well as one raccoon until someone could get it that had the vaccines.

Tara L
03-24-2011, 03:40 PM
Is that a yes to signing up with the Tampa clinic? I'm not sure how far away you are but we can work that out. Also, I am specifically looking for someone to help with pinkie opossums since that is our greatest need.

03-24-2011, 04:22 PM
Thats definately a yes. I am about 45 minutes south of Tampa

Jackie in Tampa
03-25-2011, 09:35 AM
this is great,,,
is everyone ready for babies???"?
got fv? hhb's? [blocks]
rice buddy?
sterlite's? carrier?
heating pads?
syringes and nipples?
baby recieving blankets?
vet care? or rehabber for meds?...
[i can help if needed]
transitional caging...
starting with hamster cage, two mid cages and finally a release cage or plan?
if you are genuinely ready and able...pm, dawn NUTMEGS MOMMY, michele MPETYS or myself...and we will notify the squork!:D

03-25-2011, 10:30 AM
Hey Susan! Glad to meet you. Jackie has got it right in her post. If you really want to help with baby squirrels, there is no doubt you will be able to get some; so it is best to be prepared now. I remember when I got my first squirrels a little over a year ago. Was totally unprepared and did not know about this board. I was running all over town getting what I thought I needed while little ones were left at home in a box.

One of our local rehabbers has shut her doors due to a lack of funding. She was taking in 300 to 500 babies per year. So you can imagine what this means to those of us in the Tampa Bay area! I believe she said her main squirrel season started in June / July but as you can see from reading this board, we have squirrel babies all year round here in Florida. I currently have seven babies, the oldest two being about 15 weeks old!

I will PM my telephone number to you. Please call if you have any questions about any of the items on Jackie's list or if you have any questions about anything else.


03-25-2011, 10:35 AM
Reading back thru this thread, I see that Tara L. from Tampa also is interested in helping. I will send you my telephone number as well. Thanks.

03-25-2011, 10:54 AM
I am definately ready I just bought more pedialyte and thats was the only thing I was low on I am going to pm asap. :Love_Icon

03-25-2011, 12:27 PM
If anyone needs help a little further south I would be more than happy to help the lil' FYR balls. :D

Jackie in Tampa
09-17-2011, 10:28 AM
:wave123 Hi SqlyMom....
Are ya still interested in helping with littles?
Susan Nesmith is looking for help...
as well as many other rehabbers...
everyone is full...:Love_Icon