View Full Version : Flyer Chirps, Convulsions? Help!

03-22-2011, 03:41 AM
I'm not sure if he's doing this intentionally or unintentionally. I've just never heard or seen him do this before and it's really really got me worried! About 20 minutes ago when I climbed in to bed, I heard him start chirping really really loudly. He sounded exactly like a cricket, a pitch I never heard him make before. I've heard him chirp, usually for less than a minute or until I pet him or gave him a treat except this time I got up and pet him and he didn't stop. I even picked him up and he still kept making the noise. He hopped off my hand and sat on the curtains again right in front of me, and I could see every time he made the noise his stomach convulsed. It looked almost like the sound was coming from his stomach and not his mouth. His eyes looked slightly watery but that could have been from me turning the light on. He also looked like he was grinding his teeth or chewing or something for a few seconds only then he stopped doing that. I gave him a pumpkin seed to see if that's what he wanted, and he eagerly took it and began eating it almost like normal, except his stomach kept convulsing and he kept making the sound the entire time he ate it! His stomach was convulsing so much each time he chirped it was making his whole body move a little bit, he looked like he had the hiccups almost. Is this a normal way for them to make sound? I've never actually watched him chirp, it was always just brief. But tonight he did that for about 5 or 6 minutes straight and then stopped all on his own. A couple minutes after he stopped, he did it again for a couple seconds and then stopped this time as soon as I turned on my light again which makes me think it could be intentional. I haven't heard him make any noise since and he's running around like normal now. At the moment he's actually gliding back and forth between my curtains and my bed so I'm guessing he's feeling a lot better. This wasn't a seizure was it?? I really hope he's only doing it for attention. I'm still really worried though. I recorded a video of it but the sounds I guess were too high-pitched for my phone to pick up. You can clearly see his body moving though. I'm also not sure where I could upload it to post here, I'd rather not post it on youtube because I don't want it to be viewable to the entire internet, just here. If this sounds like a serious problem though I'll post it on there or on my facebook or anywhere and link it here. This is the only actual health scare I've ever had with him. I would really appreciate your help!

Edit: Didn't realize you could upload a video and have it unlisted. I'm uploading it now.

03-22-2011, 04:10 AM
Here's the video. Each time he moves in the video, he makes a chirp. They're simultaneous.

03-22-2011, 05:49 AM
Wow, I have never seen anything like that in my flyers. It does look like he has a bad case of hiccups. I am sure someone with more experience will chime in. Try pm'ing Muffinsquirrel or Mrs. Skul, they are the most experienced flyer people here. How is he now, did it stop? The teeth grinding thing can be a sign of pain, but they can do it for a lot of reasons. He looks good physically (size, fur, eyes, etc).

03-22-2011, 08:53 AM
Yea, he stopped doing it the rest of the night thankfully. I did notice he was making like a chittering noise while he was running around after that. I don't know if that means anything. But he seemed playful during the chittering so I don't think he was in pain though..

03-22-2011, 09:16 AM
I have watched my outdoor chipmunks start their alarm call and it shakes their whole bodies. They seem to get going and cannot stop - and yes, I have watched them sit and eat and still they are chirping, spitting crumbs all over. I think that once they get frightened of something and start alarming, sometimes they have trouble stopping!

03-22-2011, 11:42 AM
I have watched my outdoor chipmunks start their alarm call and it shakes their whole bodies. They seem to get going and cannot stop - and yes, I have watched them sit and eat and still they are chirping, spitting crumbs all over. I think that once they get frightened of something and start alarming, sometimes they have trouble stopping!
That makes me feel a lot better, thank you!!!!

03-22-2011, 11:57 AM
Same thing with squirrels. It convulses their stomachs and once it gets going it keeps going even after they are peacefully eating something. It is like hiccups. From your description it sounded like an alarm call to me. What might have alarmed him? It is usually a DANGER! cry.

03-22-2011, 12:21 PM
Same thing with squirrels. It convulses their stomachs and once it gets going it keeps going even after they are peacefully eating something. It is like hiccups. From your description it sounded like an alarm call to me. What might have alarmed him? It is usually a DANGER! cry.
No idea.. I turned out the light, turned off the tv, and climbed into bed.. then a couple seconds later he started doing it. maybe my bed creaked? Only predator in the room was the snake, but Jester's never acted threatened by him.. I actually think he kind of enjoys teasing him.. he hops around on his tank all the time.. yea, I really don't know :dono