View Full Version : Meet Pat

03-21-2011, 10:29 AM
Last Tuesday 3/15 (one week ago tomorrow) I innocently went to the mail box and on my way back my life changed. Usually squirrels run before I can get very close, this one, hanging towards the bottom of the tree, held it's ground momentarily. This drew my attention to a slight irregularity in the yard. It was a baby squirrel. At first I wasn't sure it was alive. The nearest nest is about 90 ft up a huge pine in our front yard. The tree the baby was under is about 30 feet. However it didn't appear to have any obvious damage - no blood or anything, just listless. My husband came (he had yard gloves on) and picked the baby off the ground. We have both hawks and cats on that side of our yard.

I went to the web and found several helpful sights giving basic rescue info. I tried to get the mama to come, the baby never made a sound. Eyes were closed, but he was fully furred. We made a little fake nest with the baby in it and while we had a few looker, after 2 hours and it was beginning to get dark & cool, we took it inside.

I gave it a little G2 (gatorade light) 1 ml (is that also a cc?) about every 2 hours for 12 hours. In the morning I went to the pet store and found some puppy milk (the wrong kind apparently after reading your site) and began a weak puppy milk introduction. By this time I found out it should have about 4-5 cc, I used a glass eye dropper as it was all I had. The baby began to really be aggressive at eating when the milk was introduced - even 75% diluted.

I have become quite frustrated (not at the squirrel - at the humans).. First, I tried for 2 days to find some entity or person who was qualified or experienced to take the squirrel to rehab. I live in NW Louisiana. Our Wildlife rehab website is a joke. Nothing up north, it's all about South Louisiana. The one place I do know is where I ride my bike, and I've seen the Vexcon (Dirty Jobs) guy Billy take possums and raccoons there, but they have not called me back after several attempts to contact them.

NO vets will take a look at the squirrel. So I began the attempt at keeping the squirrel alive. We named it Pat, (after the SNL androgynous character) because we couldn't tell, boy or girl. I began a log of what I fed it and what the "outcome" was. At first, the stool looked like it might be a flea! After using 3 bifocals, I confirmed it was just a very hard, dehydrated blackish stool. We had several more of these over the day - none came out while I was feeding, I would just find them. Pat wet in the container I had made (aquarium with cuddle fur & t-shirts). I chose white so I could see what was going on "output" wise. Clear urine. It had one little stool now and again about the size of a blackberry seed.

The 18th, we had a little "toothpaste" stool which was mustard yellow. Freaked out, I cut back on both the amount and proportion of formula, going back to a little G2. By the 19th, Pat had a regular little solid stool, and I returned gradually to 100% formula. Pat was regularly wetting in the same spot in the cage. But we had no stool for over 30 hours. Then yesterday when I worried that this baby was NOT "outputting" enough, I got better info (you tube had a video of stimulation) and I got a little mustard one, but then in a couple of hours, I got more, but it was toothpastey with a little looseness, was orange, and smelled.

Not knowing if I was overfeeding, having problems with the liquid Esbilac or there was a bigger problem, I sent my husband to the store to get goats milk, yogurt & cream to make the emergency formula. (By this time I had gone to my ORTHOPEDIST, who gave me 3cc syringes - this town is hopeless on helping people get equipment to rescue this baby.) They are disposables, and since I have ordered some from one of the suggested online stores along with FV. I also used the nipple from the Pet Ag bottle my husband had gotten early on and I refused to use (no control at all there!) but I realized I could put the nipple ON the square luer lok and it would work. OMG Pat was in heaven with that!

But I am still not getting much stool from Pat at all. I have taken a couple of pics this morning. The left eye started opening up yesterday and this morning it has both open. Pat is very active, but compliant. He is an aggressive feeder, sucking so hard it almost pulls the 3 cc plunger!

Could you look at this little guy and tell me if the belly is bloated or if there is something I'm missing? This shot was taken following 5 ml of Janet's goat milk formula.
https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B8AqlZTRp2WwYWVhMmZhNzAtNTdmNC00YjgwLTgyY jMtMzg0MDU1ZWFiYzQx&hl=en

Thank you for this extremely helpful blog.
Terry from Shreveport, LA

03-21-2011, 10:35 AM
:Welcome A lot of us have had the same problem with first trying to seek help, your in a good place now. Be patent and more experenced members will be on shortly.

03-21-2011, 10:41 AM
I see the link didn't post. :( Ideas?

03-21-2011, 11:23 AM
Is it because I haven't been fully vetted? I'll try it again using Picasa.

Jackie in Tampa
03-21-2011, 11:30 AM
Pat's a girl!:Love_Icon
I love that you named her after 'the Pat":rotfl
She looks great, I am sure she is able to take the formula full strength...
poops vary. I wouldn't worry too much!
I know someone near you if you need some help!
Glad you ordered syringes etc, it will make a great big difference!!
She's so precious! Oh lala!!!:Love_Icon

:Welcome :wave123 welcome to TSB...we love baby sqs!!!!:D

03-21-2011, 11:31 AM
Oh, that is a lovely little GIRL and not bloated at all. That tummy can get a lot fuller right after feeding.

Rule of thumb is to feed 5-7% of body weight in grams (a 100 gram squirrel would take 5-7cc of food) at each feeding. Try to potty both before and after eating. She may not have enough food in her to produce much at this point. At least she is off the esbilac - that is the pasty, nasty poo - typical esbilac reaction. As long as the tummy is still soft and squishy like a water balloon and not drum tight like an air filled balloon, you don't have bloat issues.

Bloat is often caused not by too much food at a sitting, rather by not waiting for the baby to digest what is in there already You want to attain a cycle of fiil/empty/fill/empty rather that a little bit at a time. That way the old food is being flushed away through digestion rather than sitting in there with other food beginning to ferment.

Do you want someone to help you find a GOOD rehabber or are you completely smitten and ready to shoot anyone who tries to pry her away from you? The squirrel magic works fast...

03-21-2011, 11:57 AM
She is adorable! You are in great hands here as far as needing any squirrel help - welcome!

03-21-2011, 12:05 PM
Pat looks extremely cute! :thankyou

:Welcome to the TSB family
we all love squirrels

Keep us posted :D

03-21-2011, 01:06 PM
Rule of thumb is to feed 5-7% of body weight in grams (a 100 gram squirrel would take 5-7cc of food) at each feeding. Try to potty both before and after eating. She may not have enough food in her to produce much at this point.
*snip* You want to attain a cycle of fiil/empty/fill/empty rather that a little bit at a time. *snip* Do you want someone to help you find a GOOD rehabber or are you completely smitten and ready to shoot anyone who tries to pry her away from you? The squirrel magic works fast...

She seems so sweet. My intention is to release her back out with the dozens of squirrels that live in my yard. I feed them sunflower seeds most of the winter/spring, but now I have much better info on what to offer them in addition to the natural items they forage! But I don't think I want to keep her as a pet - (it's illegal where I live & I don't have a license) I feel selfish doing that. I'm not ready to shoot anyone just yet, unless they try to HURT her! lol I WOULD like to take her to a vet for a fecal check, just to make sure some nasty bug isn't hiding, but I haven't found one yet.

So 5-7 cc - how often? I think I may have the "too often" thing going. I've been feeding every 3 hours, we had stretched it out to 4 hours before the little diarrhea episode yesterday, and I had cut her food back a tad, (in case it was overfeeding), changed her formula, and also I shortened the time in between.

Poor little thing, she's just been on a classic "yoyo" diet!

And I think it might be the full/empty and before/after. The stimulation responded better (yesterday) to the before feeding - I actually got stool albeit loose, but that was the first time I had stimulated her to have a bm. Previously it was a TINY little dropping in her bed area.

When should I think about solid foods?

03-21-2011, 01:44 PM
So for (since midnight) I fed her 5cc @ 3/6/9 am, I delayed the noon feeding until 1, prior to 1 I did a stim, got lots of urine, so indication there was anything else waiting for me. She was not happy after a bit, so I went and got her food ready, prepared 7 cc, but she took 1 and look totally happy just to run around and not eat.

Perhaps 5 hours may be a good plan? Thoughts?

03-21-2011, 08:50 PM
I think at her age 4 hours is a good amount of time between feedings, longer through the night. I wouldn't worry about occasional looser stools, as long as it isn't for 24 hours or more. What an adorable baby Pat is, she looks great! Give her lots of lovins for me!!

03-29-2011, 09:21 AM
I know someone near you if you need some help!*snip*
Hey Jackie, I'm just now catching up and reading all the posts on any thread I started and I missed the line in the middle where you said you knew someone.

Could you point me to that person? I live in Shreveport, which is northwest Louisiana. If you go to any Louisiana Wildlife type website - they are all about the South (Katrina leftovers) and no one that I can find is in North Louisiana.

Your suggestions would be appreciated.

Pat is doing just great. Day after we found her, she weighed 99g today she weighs 155!

03-30-2011, 11:00 AM
...Pat is doing just great. Day after we found her, she weighed 99g today she weighs 155!
A regular little piggy.
Always amazing how fast they pack on thw weight.

03-30-2011, 11:13 AM
A regular little piggy.
Always amazing how fast they pack on thw weight.

Last night she weighed 166! I can't believe it!

03-30-2011, 02:29 PM
Welcome!!! What a cutie! Squirrels do wiggle their way into your heart! I know - found 1 little grey boy 6 years ago in my yard. Now I'm a Licensed Rehabber with cages all over!! LOL!!

03-30-2011, 07:47 PM
Wow she is doing great. Great weight gain too. :)

04-06-2011, 03:14 PM
New pic. She's doing so good. Just a few weeks left before we start the release portion of our time together.
https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B8AqlZTRp2WwYjI3YTk0YWItZTgyNy00YjYzLTk5M DgtZmNmNTIzOWM4ZjQ2&hl=en&authkey=CPOwk5EJ

04-06-2011, 04:09 PM
New pic. She's doing so good. Just a few weeks left before we start the release portion of our time together.
https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B8AqlZTRp2WwYjI3YTk0YWItZTgyNy00YjYzLTk5M DgtZmNmNTIzOWM4ZjQ2&hl=en&authkey=CPOwk5EJ

Nice job - she is beautiful! More pics would be fun!