View Full Version : Help re: baby bunny initial feeding and care

03-20-2011, 12:35 PM
This morning while out on my porch I heard a murder of crows out in my field trees. As I was watching I noticed two on the ground chasing something. When
I got my binoculars out and looked I saw they were chasing an adult rabbit. Trying to figure out why when I saw the other crows swoop down into the field and fly away with something, then it zinged...they had her nest!!

I ran screaming like a wild woman into the field and they flew away. Walked to the spot searched around a bit and found the torn apart nest with one remaining baby. I covered it up and went back to the porch, in the span of an hour Mom never came back, but the crows did...at least four times. I finally went out and got the baby.

Haven't figured out age yet, eyes are closed, has fur. I still have it in the nest, in its cozy fur, put it in a high plastic bucket cause its all I had, with a heating pad underneath...will move it into fleece soon.

My car overheated and had issues on the way home from a wedding this weekend and I'm working on getting it home, so I have to leave for a bit to try and get it the rest of the way home

Is there anyone out there that can help me out with instructions for eastern cottontail rabbit care??? Thanks.

Don't have FV right now cause I've been dealing with older kids. I can order some, but need ideas for something to feed in meantime.
Gotta run, my ride is here

03-20-2011, 01:12 PM
You may want to PM SR&BT (squirrelsrule&bunniestoo)...
bunnies are her specialty!

Good luck!

Milo's Mom
03-20-2011, 01:20 PM
SR&BT might be at work. I think she works weekends. I will call her on her cell phone and leave her know that there is a member needing bunny help. Hopefully she can get online soon.

Best Life
03-20-2011, 01:23 PM
Just want to keep this current. THANK YOU for saving the baby! :bump

Milo's Mom
03-20-2011, 01:26 PM
Got her voice mail, left a message for her. In the meantime I am going to copy and past some of the info she had in her handouts from the Gathering. Hopefully it will provide some help.

Determining Age:
By 3 days old, the babies are starting to get noticeable fur on their body, but still have no fur on their bellies and their umbilical stub is still present. Their ears are no longer sealed, but are still held back against the head. They typically weigh 40-50 grams at this age.

At 5-6 days old the babies are fully furred but their fur is still very short. They may start holding their ears up, but for the most part they are still back against the head. At this age they typically weigh 50-60 grams.

At 7-10 days old their eyes open and they are holding their ears up more and more. They will begin exploring on shaky legs and it is normal for their head to wobble when they walk. They should weigh 60-90 grams at this age.

Milo's Mom
03-20-2011, 01:28 PM

I have experimented quite a bit with cottontail formulas and have found that Zoologic 33/40 mixed evenly with Zoologic 30/55 or multi-milk (both are the same thing) works the best for me. To mix the formula, I combine the two formulas then mix at 2:1 for full strength. So, if using a tablespoon as your measure, you would add 1 tablespoon of Zoologic 33/40 powder with 1 tablespoon of Zoologic 30/55, and 4 tablespoons of water.

I have also tried using Esbilac mixed with Multi-milk, since I used Esbilac for my squirrels before the processing changed and my cottontails seemed to do well at first, but later some became very weak and even lost use of their back legs before dying. They seemed to have very weak bones.

Some formulas I have not tried but would consider trying if the bunnies had issues with the Zoologic formula is Fox Valley’s 30/50 formula for Beaver. That is closer to cottontails’ nutritional requirements than the 32/40 formula designed for cottontails. I would also consider trying Zoologic 33/40 with heavy cream added. I have heard from several rehabbers that hand feed their cottontails (I tube feed all eyes closed cottontails) that their bunnies love heavy cream and that KMR with heavy cream is readily accepted by the fussy babies. KMR alone in my opinion is too high in protein and too low in fat for cottontails, but with the addition of the heavy cream, that would increase that fat and it should be a good choice nutritionally.

There are many formula options and what works for me may not work best for you; so experiment with the formulas until you find something that you are happy with. The protein and fat content should be roughly 30 and 50 respectively, so in order to ensure your babies grow up healthy and strong, try to stay as close as possible to those numbers.

Milo's Mom
03-20-2011, 01:31 PM

I always use a 3 cc syringe for bunnies under 40 grams and feed just 3 ccs and I use a 5 cc syringe for bigger babies and never exceed 5 ccs per feeding. I feed my cottontails 8-10% of their body weight 3 times a day until they are 70 grams, then I cut back to 2 feedings a day. At 80 grams I cut them back to 1 feeding a day, and I wean my cottontails (provided they are eating greens well and at least maintaining their weight without formula) at 90 grams.

Managing stress will be a major key to success with cottontails. Even babies that come in eyes closed and are used to you caring for them can stress out and die. You never know what will freak a bunny out. It can be anything from a dog barking to even a plastic bag or the noise of a tarp, the beeping of an alarm, you just never know.
A few pointers that work well for me are:
• Put sheets or pillow cases over their aquariums
• Move them to another room when vacuuming
• Establish and maintain a schedule
• Keep the area as quiet as possible and find an area out of the way that won't constantly have people walking through it.
• Don't house near predators or noisy animals
• Provide plenty of hiding places in their cage.

Milo's Mom
03-20-2011, 01:38 PM
She also had in the handouts that she has tried using FV with her bunnies, but had some problems. Although she also mentioned a possible alternative using FV...see below

Fox Valley at 3:1 with heavy cream or multi-milk added might be OK for bunnies though.

I hope some of this info helps.

Thanks for saving the little one.

03-20-2011, 01:55 PM
All I can send is my support:grouphug I've never had any luck with Bunnies they are so fragile:grouphug

03-20-2011, 01:57 PM
Thanks so much Milo's Mom!!!

Part of my problem is that my vehicle needs a new radiator atm, but I think I can limp it to WAWA and back to get some cream. I will have to order the formula, the only other thing I have is powdered Esbilac from last fall and I think its probably too old to feed. I can order some of the Zoologic.

Around here, rehabbers do not pick up animals, you have to take them there. I have no way of getting this little one to a facility, so I'll have to do what I can.I am not in a squirrel or bunny friendly state, but have 48 hrs by law to see what I can do.

03-20-2011, 02:00 PM
oh no, just priced it...~sigh~ with needing my car fixed, there is no way I can pay 64.00 fro the Zoologic, will have to try the KMR

03-20-2011, 02:06 PM
I don't have to be to work until 6 :). I didn't get a message though, Milo's mom, did you call my home phone or cell? I never have my cell phone on, so that would explain it if that's what you called :tilt. I'd call you back, but I have some biochem homework to get done and don't have 5-6 hours to chat :rotfl.

Anyways, for rabbit care, pretty much what Milo's mom posted. I'd feed 3 times a day and go for about 5 ccs per feeding. Bunnies are really fussy so you will probably have to do 5-6 feedings of 2.5 ccs because that's all you'll be able to get into him at once. Just go slow and be patient.

The best bet for the bunny is to get to a rehabber, though. With a newbie that hasn't ever raised a cottontail, I'd only give the little guy about a 20% chance of living. If you get him to an experienced cottontail rehabber, he probably has a 60-80% chance depending on the rehabber. Of course, finding a rehabber in your area that is good with cottontails might be a challenge, but if you PM me your location, I can try to help you find someone. Did you check the area real good for additional babies? I have never seen a litter of just one, sometimes 2 but never just one. I have heard horror stories of crows and baby bunnies :(. Usually the crows don't kill them, but they could carry them a short distance away and I have heard they poke their eyes out. I have never personally seen a crow attacked cottontail or gotten a call about one but I have heard stories.

Good luck. For now, I'd just get the little tyke on heat (a heating pad under his cage set on low) and let him settle in. Can you post a picture so we can get an idea of how old and if he has eaten recently or has been without mom for a while? If he is well fed, I wouldn't feed him until this evening and in the meantime, I'd be looking for a good rehabber nearby to take him in.

03-20-2011, 02:08 PM
You don't have time to wait for formula to arrive. Can you call a friend to get the little guy to a rehabber? Or at least get a friend to go to the pet store and get a small can of KMR for you?

03-20-2011, 02:16 PM
I did walk the fiedl looking for more, I watched the crows carry off at least two as I was running across my wetland field screaming like a banshee. I'm going to call someone to see if she knows someon who is good with bunnies. As to getting someone to take me to store, thats gonna be tough until tomorrow. Everyone is working or away.

03-20-2011, 02:27 PM
squirrelsrule&bunniestoo, I sent you a pm

03-20-2011, 02:33 PM
I found someone to pick me up a can of KMR at Petco it will be here shortly

03-20-2011, 02:37 PM
Can they pick you up some heavy cream to go with it? Have you check to make sure they are hydrated? Have you tried to potty them at all? I usually always start with hydration formula, to make sure they are hydrated, and to help push the moms milk through their systems. Make sure to check very thoroughly for an injuries. You have gotten great info, wish I were close enough to help. Is anyone near her that has any FV? I have never tried the zoologic, but have done great with the FV.

03-20-2011, 02:52 PM
Can they pick you up some heavy cream to go with it? Have you check to make sure they are hydrated? Have you tried to potty them at all? I usually always start with hydration formula, to make sure they are hydrated, and to help push the moms milk through their systems. Make sure to check very thoroughly for an injuries. You have gotten great info, wish I were close enough to help. Is anyone near her that has any FV? I have never tried the zoologic, but have done great with the FV.

I just put more water in my radiator and made it to Wawa and back and got heavy cream. I haven't tried to do anything yet, didn't want to disturb too much until I could feed something. It was way down in the nest and the crows had not yet reached it, no injuries that I saw when I looked. Mom was with them up until the crows pushed her off, so I'm figuring baby is ok hydration wise.

03-20-2011, 04:28 PM
baby didn'y make it...think the stress of thre nest attack, etc was to much
thanks for everyone's help.

03-20-2011, 05:04 PM
Poor baby, thank you for trying to save him. :grouphug

Milo's Mom
03-20-2011, 05:12 PM
awww, I'm sorry. Thank you for saving him from the birds and for trying.:Love_Icon

03-20-2011, 05:51 PM
Thank you. I'm upset. He was very young, going from the info Milo's Mom posted, about 3 days old, altho hydrated, did not look fat or well nourished. At least from this, I've discovered a rehabber I can contact if I need one in the future. I was arranging a way to get him there.

Altho it was a "National Geographic Moment" watching the crows work together to attack this nest, I really wish it hadn't happened or that I would have had time to scare them off sooner.... ~sigh~

Going to go give and get lovies from my squirrely girls in an effort to feel better.

03-20-2011, 07:50 PM
I am so sorry. Bunnies are very tough, even under the best situation, and this one had a lot stacked against her. RIP sweet baby. You will always have fields of clover to play in and will never hurt again. Again, I am so sorry.

03-21-2011, 01:45 AM
Awww, so sorry to hear the little tyke didn't make it :sad. He could have been attacked by the crows and had internal injuries. How sad :sad. Bunnies are heartbreakers, but I love them :Love_Icon.

Rest in peace little tyke :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

03-21-2011, 03:51 AM
RIP little one:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

naturelady thanks for trying:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug