View Full Version : Would like to do some baking for my backyard friends

03-19-2011, 01:48 PM
I was wondering, does anyone have a recipe for something nutritious I could make for Pola and the others? At the moment, I fill the feeders with mostly black oil sunflower and corn, and would like to feed them something healthy for a change. I know 4S makes the Wild Bites, and maybe at some point I'll start buying them since they sound like a good idea, but I also will need activities over spring break and so would like to attempt it myself.

I also have some frozen acorns from last fall. I made sure they were all green with no cracks or holes when I got them, but do I just thaw them and feed them or should I toast them to kill any mold, or are they no good and I should throw them out?

03-19-2011, 02:07 PM
Hello Cleo,
I am also looking forward to hearing suggestions about acorns.. :)
