View Full Version : Found Baby Squir. How old, What do i do?

03-19-2011, 10:16 AM
Hey went outside to feed my dog, and found my dog taking care of this squirrel on the floor.

I have had him/her on pedialyte (homemade). Does it look old enough to eat solid foods? or do i need to go buy puppy forumla or something? Does anyone her/his age? Thanks for the help :)


03-19-2011, 11:21 AM
Hi :Welcome you've got yourself a pretty baby.

Going to need

goats milk
Heavy whipping cream
vanilla or plain yogurt not lofat

a 1 cc syringe (you can ask a pharmacist for one, say it is for a kitten)

03-19-2011, 11:33 AM
Hey there!:Welcome If I had to guess I would say that your baby is possibly between 5 and 7 weeks old but its hard to tell from the pics. Does it have any wounds or any obvious injuries?

03-19-2011, 11:36 AM
You've done great starting to hydrate first:thumbsup

Have you checked baby all over (6-7 weeks) over for any injuries, sores, wounds, etc?

Can baby walk ok all hands, feet, and legs working??

Baby is going to need a heat source heating pad or rice buddy(sock filled with rice or beans nuked 30-45 sec)

I'm here to help if needed:grouphug

03-19-2011, 11:38 AM
What a cute little foxer - FYI - Keep him/her? far FAR away from any pets you have, please - when it comes time for release, the LAST thing you want is to have a squirrel socialized with dogs or cats. Its almost a guarantee they will be killed or injured by one. Try and get as many syringes as they'll give you - I've found they dont usually have o-ring syringes, which is what you need.

03-19-2011, 11:44 AM
Thanks for all the helps/tips.

No, it doesnt have any wounds, it can run around and climb on stuff. Im keeping her/him in a shoebox, with a headpad that im warming up every 1-2 hours. He/she has little teeths, do you think its old enough to eat soilds?

And is she/he a fox squirrel? Thanks !! :)

03-19-2011, 11:46 AM
Thanks for all the helps/tips.

No, it doesnt have any wounds, it can run around and climb on stuff. Im keeping her/him in a shoebox, with a headpad that im warming up every 1-2 hours. He/she has little teeths, do you think its old enough to eat soilds?

And is she/he a fox squirrel? Thanks !! :)

This is a foxer :D

Baby needs formula first and formost

03-19-2011, 11:51 AM
This is a foxer :D

Baby needs formula first and formost

Going to go buy some right now :), thanks

03-19-2011, 11:51 AM
We can make a Jackie's goats milk recipe until we can get you some Fox Valley formula ordered and on it way. I'll get you the links to that in a min.

Pedialyte for no more than 24 hours

Puppy formula is known to cause severe diarrhea
Kitten formula :nono :nono

Are you wanting to try to care for this baby or would you like us to help you find a rehabber in your area????? Either will be fine though baby would do much better with other babies his/her own age.

03-19-2011, 11:58 AM
We can make a Jackie's goats milk recipe until we can get you some Fox Valley formula ordered and on it way. I'll get you the links to that in a min.

Pedialyte for no more than 24 hours

Puppy formula is known to cause severe diarrhea
Kitten formula :nono :nono

Are you wanting to try to care for this baby or would you like us to help you find a rehabber in your area????? Either will be fine though baby would do much better with other babies his/her own age.
:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost

Jackie in Tampa
03-19-2011, 11:58 AM
:Welcome hi!
just going to also add one thing(as you are getting great help already!}..
this little guy is not going to stay in a shoe box for long:shakehead
and a plastic cat carrier will not work either, they can chew fast even at a young age..
:Love_Icon your sweet foxer is going to need a cage asap!
Try craigs list, a bird cage with small {1/2inch} bar spacing works best..
A hamster cage is too little...
thank you for rescueing him...
TSB has several memebers scattered through out Texas...holler if you need help with anything..:wave123
PS, raising sqs is very expensive...supplies will ad up fast, if you would like a rehabber, I will find one for you in your area...
again, just holler!:)

03-19-2011, 12:01 PM
:Welcome hi!
just going to also add one thing(as you are getting great help already!}..
this little guy is not going to stay in a shoe box for long:shakehead
and a plastic cat carrier will not work either, they can chew fast even at a young age..
:Love_Icon your sweet foxer is going to need a cage asap!
Try craigs list, a bird cage with small {1/2inch} bar spacing works best..
A hamster cage is too little...
thank you for rescueing him...
TSB has several memebers scattered through out Texas...holler if you need help with anything..:wave123
PS, raising sqs is very expensive...supplies will ad up fast, if you would like a rehabber, I will find one for you in your area...
again, just holler!:)

Thanks for this I am running back an forth trying to get my kids all fed.

TSB team work rocks:alright.gif :alright.gif

03-19-2011, 12:25 PM
:Welcome hi!
just going to also add one thing(as you are getting great help already!}..
this little guy is not going to stay in a shoe box for long:shakehead
and a plastic cat carrier will not work either, they can chew fast even at a young age..
:Love_Icon your sweet foxer is going to need a cage asap!
Try craigs list, a bird cage with small {1/2inch} bar spacing works best..
A hamster cage is too little...
thank you for rescueing him...
TSB has several memebers scattered through out Texas...holler if you need help with anything..:wave123
PS, raising sqs is very expensive...supplies will ad up fast, if you would like a rehabber, I will find one for you in your area...
again, just holler!:)

Thanks for all the help! Well i have a very very small dog kennel/cage thats almost as small as him/her. Will that work?

Aww.. i got your message to late :(((( i just fed her a lil bit of dog fourmla :shakehead

03-19-2011, 12:25 PM
Here the link to Fox Valley. They make an awesome squirrel formula that most all rehabbers use anymore.


03-19-2011, 12:32 PM
Thanks for all the help! Well i have a very very small dog kennel/cage thats almost as small as him/her. Will that work?

Aww.. i got your message to late :(((( i just fed her a lil bit of dog fourmla :shakehead

What is it made of and how big are the spacing between bars? Picture? Like Jackie said - raising a squirrel is EXPENSIVE - you will need at least 3 more cages of increasing size before this little one is ready for release - and not just any cage will do.

03-19-2011, 12:36 PM
What is it made of and how big are the spacing between bars? Picture? Like Jackie said - raising a squirrel is EXPENSIVE - you will need at least 3 more cages of increasing size before this little one is ready for release - and not just any cage will do.

I have a very very small one, and a medium cage/kennel, they're both made from steel or some sort of metal

03-19-2011, 12:40 PM
I have a very very small one, and a medium cage/kennel, they're both made from steel or some sort of metal

Can you try to take a pic of it next to something so we can get an idea of the size - this little one is gonna need some space to start building muscle by climbing, walking, jumping, etc - if not already, in the very near future.

03-19-2011, 01:01 PM
Hey sweetie we need to get a weight on this kid. Do you have a gram scale kitchen/postage? You are going to want to feed 5-7% of it's body weight at each feeding.

Sorry about all the questions raising a baby squirrel as Jackie said is very time consuming and very expensive. Especially with your first one. A very proper diet is a must or they will die.

The good news is since you have a single it needs to be held and cuddled a lot. They need contact and like to hear your heartbeat.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug