View Full Version : My Introduction and Story

03-14-2011, 11:45 PM
Hello TSB!

I am possibly one of the newest to this board and squirrel care both. I live in between Waco, Texas and the tiny George Bush, Western White House, of Crawford, Texas.

I am here because of my new buddy. I found a baby squirrel this afternoon getting attacked by two small dogs. They had him at the base of a tree and it seems the dogs roughed him up pretty bad. I picked him up and brought him inside and cleaned him up a bit, there were two small gashes that cleaned up pretty easily. I looked up the emergency care points and made a run to the store for a syringe and Pedialyte, and I've fed him twice now as described in the videos and instructions, and he seems to be alright with that.

My biggest concern is that when he attempts to move around, he does not use his back legs at all. I can't make the call, in no way would I like to come across like I have any idea about animal care, but he has the symptoms of possible paralysis. I have attempted to get him to urinate using a Qtip, but have failed thus far.

He has been oddly cuddly for a wild animal, I've held him multiple times today/tonight and he just cuddles against me. I've set up a little basket with a few old shirts and a heating pad underneath half of the living area. The pad turns off every hour, but I have terrible sleep patterns so I dont mind waking up every hour to turn it on.

His eyes are open, he has hair on his entire body, including belly, and he has hair on his tail that lays down flat with the tail, leading me to assume he has to be around the 5 week period.

Any help or tips regarding this would be extremely helpful! I don't know what to do about the legs, he is just next to be sleeping at the moment. Thank you for allowing me to post!


03-14-2011, 11:47 PM
Please post in the E.R. Section so you can get HELP RIGHT AWAY!!!
keep him warm in the mean time and slowly feed pedialyte

And Welcome to TSB :wave123

03-14-2011, 11:50 PM
Because he's injured it's best that he be treated asap with antibiotics,
and assessed for any breaks or spinal injuries.

Keep him safe and warm and hydrated for now, until any of our
Texas folks can offer you some help.

I'm not sure what the laws in Texas are, if vets are squirrel friendly,
but someone experienced needs to check him out asap to ensure
his best chance at treatment and survival.

Thank you for helping him out!

03-14-2011, 11:52 PM
I agree with Rhapsody...
Put another thread in the ER section to get immediate attention. :thumbsup

03-14-2011, 11:57 PM
Will do, thanks for the quick replies!

03-15-2011, 12:20 AM
hi ...answered you in the other thread...:D

Tickle's Mom
03-15-2011, 09:52 AM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome