View Full Version : New Here/New to Squirrels

03-09-2011, 01:15 PM
Hello! First and foremost, I'd like to say thank you to this forum. I found it after reading a million websites claiming that I am incapable of raising a baby squirrel.

Anyhoo, my name is Jennifer, and I am a stay at home mother of two. I have 3 dogs, a cat and now a baby grey squirrel.

His story - Sunday morning after church a friend came up to me asking questions about this baby squirrel. He eventually led into, "we were just kind of hoping you'd take it. We talked to you husband and he said you would." The big shocker is that it was my hubby's idea! So, they brought the squirrel to me that evening. They said three babies fell out of the nest (no clue as to why/how) and the momma came back and took 2 of them, but wouldn't take this one. Ants were crawling on him and the hawks were circling, so they brought him in. They gave me the squirrel and a can of Esbilac liquid puppy formula.

I think he is about 6 weeks old. Sunday/Monday he just slept and ate. He crawled around a little bit when I gave him the opportunity. He ate well once he (and I!) figured it out and had to be stimulated to potty. Yesterday, he started wobbly walking and peeing and pooping by himself. He is also crawling out of his little nest (made of hand towels for now) to potty away from his sleeping area (he's in a large cat/small dog plastic crate). His poo was excellent, it's now a little bit runny, but I think I over fed him yesterday.

I've bought the esbilac puppy powder (oh, I forgot to mention earlier, I'm feeding him from a small syringe with a nipple on the end), some rat food blocks, some chew sticks, and a little mineral block thing. Yesterday he started showing interest in chewing on stuff, as well. He can't quite sit up without falling over, but he's trying.

We haven't decided what we're going to do with him. We keep hearing that males tend to get aggressive as they get older, and we don't want that. We will probably release him, and are raising him like that. He's kept away from the other animals and the kids. Most of his contact is with me, a little with my hubby. I'm trying to find a cage for him, and planning to build one if that doesn't work. I know he's going to need more room and space to climb soon.

Anyhow, that's it in a very large nutshell, lol. Glad to find a place where I'll be able to ask questions without getting slammed for not taking him straight to a rehabber!





03-09-2011, 01:25 PM
oh he is so cute!! now that his eyes are open you can introduce him to some regular food too.

03-09-2011, 01:30 PM
:Welcome Jennifer!
First off, He is adorable!!:Love_Icon I suggest you repost to; (Non Life Threatening Help Needed.) You will need some help and you will get more attention there by more experenced members.
Second, get him off the towels and anything else your using that he can (and will) get his nails caught in. Could cause him to lose a nail, twist and break bones, etc, etc,. I used torn up bed sheets for mine.
Concerned about the weakness or wobble, not so sure that's something that should be going on. Hang in there and you will get very good direction and advice from more experenced members soon...

03-09-2011, 01:38 PM
Thanks! I'll repost now.


03-09-2011, 01:42 PM
Oh my goodness he is so cute! He looks just like my Sammy when he was a LOT smaller. Enjoy! :Welcome

03-09-2011, 02:04 PM
Adorable and Welcome!!! The TSB is where you want to be for advice and support. So many wonderful folks here. :Welcome

03-09-2011, 03:17 PM
He is cute!!!

Jackie in Tampa
03-09-2011, 03:27 PM
:Welcome :wave123

03-09-2011, 07:49 PM
:Welcome Glad you are here. Alot of members here use fleece to put in with our babies so soft, so warm, and safe for them to snuggle in. Ask all the questions you need to.

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator

03-09-2011, 08:13 PM
He's soooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!! Lucky baby. Lucky you. the good folks here won't let your baby or you down. Best folks on the planet. :Welcome

03-09-2011, 08:38 PM

Glad you found us, Jenn. There's a lot of wonderful angels on this board and we will all do everything we can to help you and the little guy along.

What's his name?

03-09-2011, 09:33 PM
Please see our thread, it may help you with whats ahead and how great it is to raise the little guy!


As soon as he had teeth we gave him apple pieces without skins, or other Green veggies so he would get calcium. Then as he grew we gave him raw almonds and accords, string beans, cucumber, carrots...

You will have a blast! When his "Acorns" come in, at about 6 months, thats when he may start to wild up and you may need to thing about releasing him, again see our thread, until then he will be the best pet you have ever had! clean and sweet!!!

island rehabber
03-09-2011, 09:54 PM
Timdolbear i am sorry but I must delete your recipe.Scalded milk, or any kind of cow's milk fed "straight" is not healthy or recommended for baby squirrels. Please read the stickies that appear in several forums:


Fox Valley Day One Formula, specially formulated for squirrels, is highly recommended here at TSB.

ALSO: baby squirrels twitch constantly in their sleep. This is perfectly normal and no reason to change formulas or anything else.

03-10-2011, 02:30 PM
All I know is he went from sketchy to a normal squirrel when we changed to it, so I politely disagree. Sparky does too LOL. But anyway, back to how awesome it is to raise one of these little guys!

03-10-2011, 02:59 PM
Hello & Welcome to TSB - :wave123

Continue to use the Esbilac (thoroughly mix 1:2 as needed per each feeding with hot water from faucet) until you are able to obtain the Fox Valley Formula
- then switch over to the better stuff for healthier squirrels...... :thumbsup

A lot of us look for good solid bird cages off Craigslist for our squirrels to live in until they can be soft released @ 4 months old.
You can either personally build or order a nest box for your squirrels to live.
Look into purchasing some HHB as your squirrels daily supplement to help keep him healthy.
I have all the links you will need listed on my personal sharing website (see link to website under my user name).