View Full Version : Turned off vegetables.

03-07-2011, 03:15 AM
I'm (still) having a problem getting Annie to eat her vegetables. Compared to how she used to eat them to now is night and day for the past week or so. I have tried everything! She couldn't want for a better selection as I've tried everything on the list. I've brought vegetables for her I never even tried let alone could pronounce, I carry the list in my wallet. I've tried cutting them different, different locations, different food bowl, hand feeding. I've tried the almond butter, peanut butter, she just licks it off. I even remove and give her fresh veggies several times throughout the day, they could all sit there and rot for all she cares. My garbage disposal is over worked!
Occasionally she might eat half of a cherry tomato and she will nibble on fruit when given such as apple or grape. She only plays with eating a block but will down a boo ball without hesitation. I've even tried withholding the boo balls to get her to eat other things but she'll go without eating anything and I give in because I want her to eat. She will eat a nut (pecan) and has no problem cracking into a shell but I only give her one every other day because she gets the boo balls.
She drinks plenty of water, pee, poop are normal and abundant. Not losing weight but I don't see her gaining either. Teeth look good. She still "nibbles" a tad hard and is still putting her signatures on my woodwork. Eyes, nose look good, fur looks good. She is very active, friendly, playful, purrs, gets plenty of out/run time as cage door is normally open all day. She takes a nap during the day and puts herself to bed at night. Nothing is out of the ordinary except her eating.
I'm at a loss here, open to suggestions... :dono

03-07-2011, 06:34 AM
Try sprinkling a little (about 2/3 tablespoon) of ground flaxseed over her food. I did this with my guys (both greys and flyers) and they started eating everything again! I don't even do it every day now, but they still eat good. I know a couple others have done it with success. Flaxseed is good and they really like it. But use it sparingly.

03-07-2011, 07:36 AM
Other than for variety and a nice well-rounded diet, is there anything in SPECIFIC and of dire IMPORTANCE that they will miss nutritionally if they don't eat vegetables?

I know there's water and fiber and some vitamins and some calcium in the vegies, but if the squirrel is loving and eating a nice amount of Boo Balls every day, does it really matter [wrt morbidity and mortality] if they don't like those vegetables?

03-07-2011, 11:13 PM
Other than for variety and a nice well-rounded diet, is there anything in SPECIFIC and of dire IMPORTANCE that they will miss nutritionally if they don't eat vegetables?

I know there's water and fiber and some vitamins and some calcium in the vegies, but if the squirrel is loving and eating a nice amount of Boo Balls every day, does it really matter [wrt morbidity and mortality] if they don't like those vegetables?

I have to say, I think if they are eating some good rodent block it does not matter. Short term anyway. At the center where I trained they feed only mazuri(sp) or lab block maintenance and life stage. And I mean ONLY block. After a while at that center I would bring treats for the squirrels. They would just roll their eyes. Can't fire a volunteer. Other than just plain boring I think block can be fed only. Along with water of course. I'm not saying I agree with this but I know many rehabbers who do feed only block until pre-release.

03-07-2011, 11:25 PM
I try putting creamy peanut butter on their vegetables when they refuse to eat them and they seem to enjoy it - try 1 vegetable per meal.

03-08-2011, 10:08 AM
Try sprinkling a little (about 2/3 tablespoon) of ground flaxseed over her food. I did this with my guys (both greys and flyers) and they started eating everything again! I don't even do it every day now, but they still eat good. I know a couple others have done it with success. Flaxseed is good and they really like it. But use it sparingly.

:thankyou Got some flaxseed and tried it on a few pieces of veggies, she did appear to eat half of it so we'll just have to see how this trial goes. :dono