View Full Version : pee pee problem!!!

03-03-2011, 01:34 PM
Hi everyone, my year old Sarah .......some of you already know her :) I noticed her standing up with her back legs while all four legs are on the ground, kinda looks like she is stretching but she does not ever do that to stretch. While shes doing that her she looks like shes falling asleep cause it feels good. Today I massaged her back legs and butt and she did not move, she was loving it. I also saw little private area and the poor thing is swelled up with a little blood and puss. She has a weird smell to her and I can smell her urine and it has a strong odor to it...............what do you think?????? If she needs meds I def want to get them in her today, she hasent has her usual smile on and it kills me to think shes uncomfortable THANK YOU!

03-03-2011, 02:52 PM
Maybe in heat?

03-03-2011, 03:01 PM
Are you in a squirrel-friendly state?
(Meaning, can you take her to a vet?)
It's hard for anyone to diagnose a problem or recommend meds
without examination.

It may not even be anything serious, maybe something she ate,
or even that she is in heat like SammysMom suggests.

island rehabber
03-03-2011, 03:10 PM
Sounds like a UTI to me, I'm afraid. Are you able to get any antibiotics (Sulfatrim or SMZ-TMP, same thing, would be good, or Baytril)? In the meantime you could try a little diluted cranberry juice for her, but if you see pus there is infection and that doesn't go away with 'bugs and berries' -- you need ABX.