View Full Version : Chumpy cut her head!!! What now??

02-26-2011, 11:58 PM
Chumpy will be 3 this August and is a free roaming squirrel. This evening, somehow she cut to top of her little head. I examined her as soon as she would let me and there is a gash but not much bleeding. I also found a small tuft of hair on the floor. I put some neosporin on the cut and she settled down, ate a bunch of food, and acted pretty normal except for being protective of her cut. (I don't blame her) Is there anything else anyone can think of for me to do?? She is acting completly normal.

02-27-2011, 12:47 AM
If she's acting normal she should be fine, it's clearly not bothering her too much. Unless it gets infected, it should heal normally, but the neosporin should help prevent that. My squirrel hasn't had any injuries yet, but I've dealt with minor cuts and scrapes with a lot of other rodents and pets, it seems the general rule is that if it doesn't effect their behavior, and they don't seem to mind it, they should recover from it just fine.

edit: btw, that squirrel is beautiful!!

02-27-2011, 08:54 AM
Might be good to try to figure out what she ran into and remove it. Chumpy is a pretty little girl.

02-27-2011, 10:44 AM
My baby girl just got up and she's doing fine!!! Thanks for the replies, and thank you for the compliments. I have been searching for what may have happened, but since I wasn't in the room at the time, it's hard to pinpoint. I'm gonna keep checking and try to squirrel proof a little more. I already have everything hot glued down so it can't topple on her!! As you all can relate, she is so precious to us!

02-27-2011, 12:18 PM
:sorry Maybe something she tried to squeeze her head into or raised up on something?
Beautiful girl by the way. :thumbsup

02-27-2011, 01:17 PM
:wave123 Hi, she is a beautiful girl. Just wondering, only asking for safety, are there any other animals in the house? If this is an animal bite, even just playing, we would need to handle differently than just a cut. As you look around you might find blood and a little fur at the site. That might be easier to see. I think she will be fine. Let us know.

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator

02-27-2011, 01:37 PM
WOW, what a beautiful girl you have there. Her coat is so black and fluffy, at first glance I thought she was a cat! Just GORGEOUS!!!

02-27-2011, 11:08 PM
Yes, there are other animals in the house but they were no where around when this happened... they run from her because she is the boss!! And thanks, again, she is a beautiful girl isn't she???