View Full Version : new member looking for help with sick squirrel

02-24-2011, 03:41 PM
Hello everyone, happy to have found you. I rescue, rehab, and place mostly cats and dogs, but also have a 3 1/2 year old Eastern Grey I raised from a 3-week infant. Not supposed to in my area, but Chips made it clear very early on that she wanted to stay with me. So there we are. Very hard to find vets in this area who will even talk to you about a squirrel, much less see one.

Up to now, Chips has been very healthy and active in a very big cage, gets a good diet and daily sunshine. I've noticed a gradual drop in her energy lately, and now she becomes exhausted after a little exertion. She's puffing like a smoker with emphysema. She'll eat somewhat, move around and interact somewhat, but seems depressed and blah. She either goes into her hut or does a spread-eagle and wants to rest. I don't sense any pain, just fatigue and malaise.

Thinking it might be heart or lungs, and I'm desperate to find a doc who will help. Any ideas on what to start her on, where to get meds or where to find some open-minded input? I really love this little angel and am getting panicky....

02-24-2011, 03:58 PM
:Welcome Sorry to hear about your baby. You've come to the right place so hang in there, someone with proper knowledge will be along shortly to help you out with your concerns.

02-24-2011, 04:00 PM
First, :Welcome Second, I wish I could tell you what might be wrong but I have no idea. All I can offer are :grouphug and prayers. I'm sure other members with more squirrel knowledge will be on soon. I'd love to see pics of Chips when you have time.:)

02-24-2011, 04:05 PM
I suggest you re-post to: Emergency (Life Threatening) Help Needed for better/faster response.

02-24-2011, 04:19 PM
Thanks for your welcomes, members. I'll repost to Emergency and hopefully we'll get some quick response for my little girl...

02-24-2011, 04:21 PM
Sounds silly maybe but... how about you, are YOU a smoker?

How much exercize does she get a day? Does she ever come out of her cage to play? It's important that they do exercize regularly and I don't mean just inside a big cage.

I must say, I'm so sorry to hear about her illness and I know just how you must be so worried (I lost my sweet Scooter at the age of 2 yrs and 3 mos. and I was in total panic when he got ill, like you no vet even want to see a squirrel here) and you must be totally bonded to this little baby by now... :(

But, it's a good thing you came here right away. Repost in Life threatening and I'm sure somebody more pro than me will be with you very soon.

Good luck, I keep you and your lil one in my prayers.

02-24-2011, 04:32 PM
Good questions, Scooterzmom, and please accept my sympathies for your lost little one. No, I don't smoke or do any of that nasty stuff, (don't even drink, for that matter!), so I can't say it's anything Chips has inhaled from the indoor air that I know of. She does get to bounce around the bathroom occasionally, but as I have cats, she gets very nervous when she's out of her own habitat, and I'm extremely cautious about even taking her out of the cage (it's a big ferret condo).

Now we have had some respiratory viruses making the rounds with the cats, probably a herpes virus, and I'm wondering if this might be some weird trans-species kind of devil. Any kind vets on board here, I sure would appreciate your input. Thanks.