View Full Version : Tail skinned

Peanuts mom
02-24-2011, 11:43 AM
Ok, so Peanut has gotten a large, about a quarter size piece of his tail peeled of down to the bone/cartilage! There is no hair anymore, we found the piece of tail on the floor, we think he got stuck on something when he jumped, he made no sound, we were all there and it skinned it! Now he has a part of the bone sticking up at the end, its covered in other hair, you really don't see it and he seems not to care other than.... Don't touch it, don't even look at it!!!
I would imagine its very sensitive! Do I leave it there or should I try to remove it, it seems as though it would just snap! I feel like that is the right thing to do, so it could heal shut but..... what are your thoughts? Maybe it will fall off own its own... oh, this happened like 2 weeks ago!
He is fine, you'd never know he had a boo-boo, playful, active, eating well, growing.... soon it will be time to see if he wants to join the "real" world :(
Not sure he will go, he has been out a few times over the past weeks, in the big, huge, condo cage we built him :thumbsup , but as soon as I open it to bring him back in, he runs back into the house!
Oh one more thing, do they shed? His fur has started to look dull and patchy in areas on his back, he has done this before, around his neck and it went away again in winter so.... is he getting summer fur?
Thanks for all your input..... :wott

02-24-2011, 01:08 PM
That happened to one of mine too.
He too acted like it was not a big deal, I was the one panicked!

I was recommended to put ointment on it etc
but before I had a chance to he took care of it on his own.

Seems most of the time they just nibble it off...and VOILA!

02-24-2011, 01:10 PM
Silly me, I just noticed you said it happened a few weeks ago.
Well then I don't have advice.
Not sure if the hair will eventually grow back or what is recommended.

My own personal policy on squirrels is...
I try not to remove parts unless it's absolutely the last resort. :thumbsup

Peanuts mom
02-24-2011, 04:41 PM
Thanks DJ,
Yes the part/piece that is left is rather dried up looking, truth is it looks as though it should just snap right off! So I will just leave it alone as I'm afraid removing it will create a problem were this none!

02-24-2011, 05:14 PM
Yeah, I was told it would eventually fall off,
except my Buddy decided he did not care to wait!
It was "gone" by the next morning and he's just a bit short-tailed now!
He was not phased...on the path to release as we speak!

02-24-2011, 06:42 PM
Thanks DJ,
Yes the part/piece that is left is rather dried up looking, truth is it looks as though it should just snap right off! So I will just leave it alone as I'm afraid removing it will create a problem were this none!

Yes, just let it fall off on its own. If you try to intervene, it could cause him pain or possibly an infection. It is an extension of his spinal cord so it is best to let it be.

02-24-2011, 09:11 PM
It's called a degloving injury and is common enough but not entirely painless. Squirrels are fairly stoic. The gristle left will eventually be chewed off.
No it will not grow back.
That's a lizard trick

Peanuts mom
02-28-2011, 05:45 PM
Thanks so much for all your answers, it helps so much!

Today we let him play in the grass, boy did he love it!!! More then me I'm afraid :sanp3, he did try to run off :nono but in the end came to Mom :Love_Icon Guess he got a little scared after all!!!! Next week he will spent a night outside, well a few and then..... cage door opens!!! Not sure we are ready for that..... well by that I mean me :dono