View Full Version : Patch - Abcesses?

02-23-2011, 03:48 PM
I picked up a little loner on Monday. He was found by a dog, who brought him to her owner & did not injure him. As far as I could tell, Patch (the newbie) was about 7 weeks old & had no injuries. He does have a few missing patches of fur (thus the name :) ), but the skin is not red/raw & he showed no injuries.

Got him hydrated & started on FV yesterday morning. He drinks ok, but doesn't scarf it like my other kids that are the same age. He's been lethargic, but I couldn't find any obvious problems...until an hour ago. I got him out of his cage & noticed some matted fur. Got a tissue with water thinking it might be formula & all of the sudden there's pus oozing out of a hole that WAS NOT THERE this morning. Squeezed out all of the pus & proceeded to examine his body again. On the same side, I found a small lump, which opened up & started oozing with pus & left a hole also. There were no wounds whatsoever on Patch for the last two days. I have no idea what's going on or what to do for him. He's eating & resting & has gained a few grams. (Came in at 85g & weighs 93 today.)

So, what do I do? I have triple antibiotic ointment. I also have baytril & sulfamethoxazole-tmp in tablet form.

I can't talk on the phone...been sick all day today, probably bronchitis, so I need you guys to help me through this, please. :thankyou

island rehabber
02-23-2011, 03:54 PM
That is typcally what abcesses look like that I have seen on squirrels. it's very hard to determine whether there have been puncture injuries on a fully-furred baby, so let's assume the doggie did this. I would start him on the SMZ-TMP right away, as it is very effective on abcesses. Keep the abcesses clean and OPEN.....they must drain, so don;t cover them with anything thick like neosporin or silvadene. Betadyne wash is best, IMHO.

02-23-2011, 03:55 PM
Had one just like this last summer/fall. You need to keep the Ab's on board, BUT ALSO: flush these wounds with 3:1 wamer water to iodine solution (3 parts water, 1 iodine). They will spread quickly if you don't get on it right away. WASH your hands, quarantine this squirrel from all other animals! It prob is a Staph infection, and could be MRSA. You'll be safe if you treat it safely. I'd also recco using gloves when you handle him.

02-23-2011, 03:58 PM
Ok. I've got sulfamethoxazole-tmp in tablet form...how do I mix it/dose it?

Pointy Tale
02-23-2011, 04:17 PM
Legomom—this is easier said than done, I know that, but I believe it to be best way to help, hope you’ll consider.

For an abscess—squeeze some “cottage cheese like” stuff out of there and then if possible pack with “sterilized packing” it comes in a brown jar, leave the packing in, cover, if necessary and do this 2—3 times per day. This will allow the “cottage cheese like” stuff to come out and the wound closes from the inside out vs. the outside in—meaning, if there is bacteria it won’t get trapped inside causing an infection. Also, administer antibiotics as appropriate for a squirrel during the entire process.

02-23-2011, 04:22 PM
I know this may sound REALLY weird. But its something I personally have found helps when it comes to abcesses. My vet is the one who prescribed it for one of my babies with a bad abcess that developed due to bot flies, and I used again on abcesses from cat bites.

My vet gave me U.S Vet "Go Dry Mastitis tubes" Its a penicillin G procaine.

he told me just to insert the tip into the wounds and squirt some in and do this daily (cleaning tip off after use) until the wound no longer is oozy wet with pus.

And he had me do oral antibiodics at the same time.

I have also used ToMORROW® dry cow treatment which is cephapirin sodium. But I have never used that on squirrels I dont know if its a squirrel safe antibiodic. But its used to treat Staph like infections :dono Someone else might know!

I just know it dries the infection up. :dono

But thats just something I personally do. :peace But im not an expert. :tilt

02-23-2011, 04:27 PM
Ok. I've got sulfamethoxazole-tmp in tablet form...how do I mix it/dose it?

What Mg is the Tablet?

02-23-2011, 05:01 PM
I'm gonna pass him off to Philo. I just can't risk my health right now if this is staph/mrsa. I have baytril, but it's almost a year old. I gave him a dose & will give that to Philo when I see her tonight.

The SMZ-TMP doesn't have a dosage (mg) on it. It does say substituted for Bactrim DS.

Pointy Tale
02-23-2011, 05:11 PM
Legomom—my personal opinion based on personal experience from several different occasion is that is was NEVER a STAPH infection, the antibiotics are a precaution.

02-23-2011, 05:33 PM
I appreciate your advice & input, PT. I feel better knowing that Philo has dealt with this in the past. I've never dealt with abscesses & don't feel up to it now. I trust Philo completely to do whatever is needed for my little guy. Who better than a vet student, huh? :thankyou

02-23-2011, 06:05 PM
No one can be sure it's Staph. That is for certain. But I have access to get culture and sensitivty data for this bacteria faster than anyone else. And if it is Staph, at least we're ahead of it before it gets worse. If it's not, then at least we were extra precautious, right? :peace

Pointy Tale
02-23-2011, 06:06 PM
Legomom—I get it. But, I have no doubt you could do it, trust me if I can do it, you definitely could and of course philomycus will do an amazing job—no doubt, didn't mean to imply differently, only wanted to share my experience that Healing From the Inside Out Is a Good thing. Looking forward to reading all good things about your Patch!

02-23-2011, 06:15 PM
If you change your mind, I am here and have meds ready. Have dealt with MRSA just recently. I am cool with whatever:D

02-23-2011, 06:27 PM
Thank you all so very much. :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

Philo is the easiest for me to get to tonight & hubby is willing to make the drive. If he cultures that it's not staph or MRSA, I'm willing to take him back, Philo, but I trust your judgment completely. I'll see you later & I'll keep everyone posted.

Say a few prayers for Patch, if you will & throw in a few for me. I feel like crud. The joy of having kids is that they share EVERYTHING with mom...especially colds. :tilt

02-23-2011, 08:56 PM
Yep, when my children were growing up, disease WAS the only thing they seemed to willingly share!:jump :jump :rotfl

02-24-2011, 06:09 AM
Quick update. Patch came in close to 11:00 pm last night. Legomom needs to clone her husband- she could make millions :) Driving all that way at night for a little fuzz butt.

He ate 6 cc's last night and at 6:00 am this morning. He's got an Iodine flush last night in both wounds. This morning, the smaller lesion is no longer dripping pus and is already sealed. The larger lesion (which I could get a cathether inside last night (gross!)) has already reduced in size by 50%! He looks good so far. He is obviously scared and nervous, but I started to rub him, and he gave me the "armage" so I know he enjoyed a little snuggle time.

I got to go to class. Post later when I can.

island rehabber
02-24-2011, 06:18 AM
:thumbsupwonderful news, Alana! Here's hoping the little sweetie is much better today. Oh, and legodad, we love ya!! :bowdown :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
02-24-2011, 06:20 AM
Wonderful update. He is just adorable. Do you believe this is a dog bite? He is in great hands. Thank you legomom's hubby and philomycus!

02-24-2011, 06:23 AM
I'm so glad he seems to be doing well. He is a little sweetie. Thanks, Philo, for taking him when I know you have so much on your plate with finals coming up. :thankyou :bowdown :thankyou

And, yes, my hubby rocks! :bowdown :Love_Icon :bowdown

02-24-2011, 06:40 AM
I'm so glad he seems to be doing well. He is a little sweetie. Thanks, Philo, for taking him when I know you have so much on your plate with finals coming up. :thankyou :bowdown :thankyou

And, yes, my hubby rocks! :bowdown :Love_Icon :bowdown

Legomom,:wave123 this the wonderful thing about TSB. Having someone to step in when we feel it is in the best interest of the animal. TSB rocks:alright.gif

02-24-2011, 07:18 AM
This is great news. I've been, like many others I'm sure, watching the board and waiting for news... this is the best.:D :D

02-24-2011, 08:10 AM
I'm in class now, we are discussing cows.... So I'm surfing TSB ;) it could have been a cat bite, botfly, claw mark from a bird trying to steal him that originally started the lesion, and then bacteria took over. I doubt dog bite seriously, as it would have crushed him and he'd have internal injuries and wouldn't have made it this far.prob not cat either. Give u guys update later.

02-24-2011, 10:20 AM
Sounds like he knows he has a new Mommy, poor little tyke.

02-24-2011, 12:14 PM
I guess the dog that caught him could have scratched him & I missed it. I doubt it. He was covered in fleas so I gave him a Dawn bath & looked at every inch of him. Did not find one wound. He is missing several patches of fur, which could be where the damage came in, but he had no wounds or scabs when I got him. Who knows what happened. I'm just glad that Philo knows what to do for him & is willing. :grouphug

02-24-2011, 01:12 PM
:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif

02-24-2011, 01:43 PM
Both wounds are back open again, draining. Still both smaller than yesterday though. He's a decent eater considering his condition. Im worried about how bad it truly is underneath the skin. If the pus continues in the morning, he will be going to visit the board certified dermatologist tomorrow. I'm still optimistic, but was hoping for a little more improvement from this morning. Next couple of days will tell.

02-24-2011, 02:57 PM
If there's anything that I can help with, Philo, just say the word.
He came through me, so I'm happy to support you with him if needed. :grouphug

02-24-2011, 03:13 PM
Come On...PATCH...you can do it.... as Mr.SPOCK would say...

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%

Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

02-24-2011, 04:39 PM
Lurking and praying.

02-24-2011, 06:03 PM
Pray harder. I just got 2 3.5 week olds. Tree cutter got them with a chain saw :( I've loaded them with Ab's and pain meds, so in a 1/2 hour I can clean out the wounds. This is gonna break my heart. These 2 if they survive the night are going to Anne tomorrow. I've got to keep them and their open wounds away frpm Patches.

02-24-2011, 06:12 PM
God Bless You...and hopefully your hard work and experience will offer your small "Patients"
a second chance to see the seasons change...

02-24-2011, 06:42 PM
Now this is what Munchkin did for 30 days. His hand would drain and it would look all better, then the next day it would be swollen up again and bright red, then it would drain again, and keep going through this cycle. BUT, each day the wound looked slightly smaller and gradually his fingers re-emerged from the huge pink mitten that was his hand. He still had a dot or 2 of scabbed wound when I released him.He was get6ting Sulfatrim, and he had had one shot of SubQ'd Convenia as well ,at one point. Geez Louise! Do you think it could have been staph?

02-24-2011, 07:15 PM
I just debrided the wounds. The one who's in worse shape didn't scream, but the other one did :( Man this is hard. I'm not gonna post pics... but at least it didn't pass through the muscle. The abdominal cavity at least is safe. I can not begin to imagine how much pain he is in :(

02-24-2011, 07:27 PM
Aw, jeez. I'm so sorry, Philo. The pinkies I got two years ago were hit with a tree trimmer, too. I hope & pray these babies survive & that Patch pulls through, too. Lots of prayers, hugs & love to you from me. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

02-24-2011, 07:38 PM
I just debrided the wounds. The one who's in worse shape didn't scream, but the other one did :( Man this is hard. I'm not gonna post pics... but at least it didn't pass through the muscle. The abdominal cavity at least is safe. I can not begin to imagine how much pain he is in :(

Did you have to put in stitches?

02-24-2011, 08:20 PM
After consulting a vet on the phone, I'm about to stitch him up. Good thing I have sterile suture lying around :)

02-24-2011, 09:14 PM
I'm sure you did a fine job. If baby squirrels are like human babies, it'll heal up in no time. :thumbsup

02-24-2011, 09:40 PM
praying for your new babies and Baby Patch as well.

02-25-2011, 01:46 AM
Poor babies. :( Praying for them and for God to guide your hands. You ar an gel for these poor little ones. Bless you. :bowdown

island rehabber
02-25-2011, 05:54 AM
philo....prayers and healing energies on this rainy day going out to you from me & my fuzzies.....:Love_Icon

02-25-2011, 07:03 AM
The two chainsaw victims are doing well! Sutures look good. Hopefully I closed it in time to heal. Well know in a few days if it's gonna need another round of stitches. They both ate, good appetites this morning.

Patches ate 8 cc's this morning and is looking better. It could take a week fir this thing to heal, but so far everybody is looking good considering. Exam at 1:00, so I gotta go study.

02-25-2011, 07:09 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Healing prayers for all.

02-25-2011, 09:55 AM
Hoping all of them continue to do well. Good luck on your exam. :grouphug

02-25-2011, 10:19 AM
So much suffering and so much healing on TSB. thanks everybody for the healing. Good exam vibes!!!!!!!!

02-25-2011, 06:33 PM
All are doing well. I didn't get to take the two chainsaw squirrels to Anne today- I am exhausted and gas is just too high.

Patches is still hanging in there.....

island rehabber
02-25-2011, 06:40 PM
:grouphug:grouphug:grouphugphilo & patches & chainsaw kids:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

02-25-2011, 08:48 PM
:grouphug Philo :grouphug
:grouphug Patches :grouphug
:grouphug Chain & Saw :grouphug

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, Philo. Kisses to all of the kids & an extra nut the RockStar for putting up with the invasion of little ones. :Love_Icon

02-26-2011, 07:00 AM
Wide awake now, feeling better after some sleep. All three are doing well this morning. I had to give Patches a bath and clip the fur to keep his wounds clean. No draining this morning, but this guy looks like he's got some muscle atrophy or necrosis on his affected side. he's still stable. Hoping that I can get him back to Lego by the end of the week so he can join his other buddies his age.

Yeah, Rocky is missing the mommy and me time a little. Gonna have to make it up to him.

02-26-2011, 09:15 AM
Are the wounds closing, Philo? Is Patch any more active than when I gave him to you?

02-26-2011, 12:48 PM
The wounds are smaller than they were originally. As long as I keep him on Baytril and keep flushing it with iodine, I think he'll pull through. He's def still in ICU ;) he's so sweet, very nice personality. I'm doingveverything I can for him. Dermatologist never got back with me _ maybevthiscweek??

02-26-2011, 01:22 PM
He's very sweet. I'm almost afraid to put him with the other 3 his age. Bunch of growly babies. :shakehead I'm sure he'll be fine with them once he feels better. :)

02-27-2011, 07:47 AM
Patches ate 9cc this morning! His wounds are scanning over. I now feels it's safe to say I'm very optimistic for him!! Two chainsaw babies are very stable, no infection!!! Stiches look fantastic and they are being transferred to Anne today. Then I hit the books (again) I'll be offline for the week!

02-27-2011, 07:52 AM
:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif
You rock philomycus!!!!!

Oh and also :thumbsup and :multi and a few :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown

02-27-2011, 08:40 AM
:thankyou :bowdown :thankyou :bowdown :thumbsup :wott

02-27-2011, 05:23 PM
Lego- let me know if you want him back. I HATE releasing solo squirrels, but I will do it if you want. I'm very confident this little one is over the hump and will make a full recovery, as long as their are no more surprise abcesses!!! :) Good save, and good transport by your hubby. CLONE YOUR HUSBAND!!!!!! We need more squirrel transport!! :)

island rehabber
02-27-2011, 05:27 PM
go philomycus! great news....:wahoo

02-28-2011, 04:50 PM
I'll be happy to take him back & raise him with the other 3 growly kids that are the exact same age as Patch. I think it'll do him good. How is he getting around? How long should I keep him on the baytril? Should I get some more? Can you meet me half way on Saturday or any evening during the week? I know you've got finals so whatever works for you. :thankyou :bowdown :thankyou :bowdown

Nope, not cloning my hubby. Just keep dreaming, ladies. :D

03-01-2011, 08:10 AM
Ill be in Jax sometime this weekend. It'll be either Fri night or Sat night. I'll keep you posted. No more Baytril needed. He is starting to use the front left leg more every day and is getting around really well. I'll call you soon!

03-02-2011, 05:49 PM
Please say some prayers for Patches. I just got off of the phone with Philo & he has had a bad relapse. These lesions are under his skin & still causing damage. I trust Philo completely to do whatever needs to be done. She's going to take him to a vet tomorrow & we may have to make the heartbreaking, but humane decision to release him from this pain. We are both hurting right now. This can be so damn hard some times. :Cry :hissyfit :Cry

Pointy Tale
03-02-2011, 05:59 PM
Legomom—You know I’m Not a rehabber and you I know I think You and philomycus are excellent at rehabbing—but I’d just like to add my 2¢ once again.

I believe Patch should remain on antibiotics as whatever is appropriate for a squirrel and the lesion, abscess if you will—“remain open”, I know everyone wants it to close, but I know that leaving it open longer and packing it with sterile packing allows this to heal from the inside out preventing bacteria if any to enter the blood/body—it could take several weeks, if not longer, but I believe in my heart this is correct. If it closes too soon, the stuff gets trapped in there—does that make sense? I hope you will consider this, I mean, isn’t it worth a try? Oh, I forget, what was the strain of bacteria this little one has? :grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-02-2011, 06:21 PM
Legomom—You know I’m Not a rehabber and you I know I think You and philomycus are excellent at rehabbing—but I’d just like to add my 2¢ once again.

I believe Patch should remain on antibiotics as whatever is appropriate for a squirrel and the lesion, abscess if you will—“remain open”, I know everyone wants it to close, but I know that leaving it open longer and packing it with sterile packing allows this to heal from the inside out preventing bacteria if any to enter the blood/body—it could take several weeks, if not longer, but I believe in my heart this is correct. If it closes too soon, the stuff gets trapped in there—does that make sense? I hope you will consider this, I mean, isn’t it worth a try? Oh, I forget, what was the strain of bacteria this little one has? :grouphug

Pointy Tail....I saw that you had posted this once before. I know that you are so respectful of stepping on anyone's toes, and know that this took a lot for you to repost. I also know you well enough to know that if you didn't feel in your heart that this was the answer, you wouldn't post it. I agree, if you are talking euthanasia for this little baby, what would be the difference then if you gave this method a shot?

03-02-2011, 07:35 PM
Here is my two cents, too. It took 30 days for Munchkin to heal up. It seemed as though he would get better and then relapse, get better and then relapse, over and over again. I kept him on the Sulfatrim longer than I know it is recommended (all 30 days), and eventually he did heal up. His abscesses looked just like the ones on Patch, but they consumed his whole right arm. He is running around in my tree now, wrestling with his friends and stealing nuts whenever he can.

03-02-2011, 08:46 PM
Munchkin's 30 day abscess:
When he first came in, about June 9th

June 22nd

132979 132981

July 4th, 3 days before he was released on July 7


03-02-2011, 09:58 PM
I understand what you are saying, PT & JLM. I also understand what Philo is saying. She is consulting with a vet tomorrow. Neither of us wants to euthanize. Please, believe me. Neither of us takes that step lightly. But, we also do not want to force Patches to endure pain unlike anything we can imagine if the outcome is bleak. You have no idea how this little one has wiggled his way into both of our hearts after 3 days in my care & 5 in Philo's. There is something special in him & if we can bring him through we will. I promise you that. We are not 100% sure what type of bacteria/infection we are dealing with. We may never know since he's been on baytril for 5 days. Maybe we both were having a bad moment because he was doing so well. Who knows. All I ask is that you try to understand what this is costing both of us emotionally and support us. :grouphug

One of us will let you know what happens at the vet tomorrow.

03-02-2011, 10:04 PM
I am so sorry that you are having to stand at this crossroads.
A wise rehabber once told me, that from the animal's perspective,
there is a very fine line between rehab and torture.

I am very much against euthanasia, but understand there are
circumstances where that is the only humane option for some.

I will pray for improvement and hope for Patches, and for wisdom
and strength for you and Philomycus...


03-02-2011, 10:07 PM
I know that somebody could do better than I can. But I am in vet school. I am currently taking NINETEEN, that's right 19 credit hours. My tuition is 12,500 PER SEMESTER, so I drive to Jax every Saturday 1.5 hours each way to make as much money as I can to stay in school.

In the meantime, I suture up squirrels, I drive hours and many miles and find the gas $$ to do that for squirrels I can get to other locations, all of which is about an hour and a half away. I mail free supplies to people here and find a way to get to the post office to do it. I volunteer for the Purina pet food program 6 hours a month, every month.

I'm in class from 8-4 most days. Some days, it's 7 to 7. I foster cats that are going to be killed because they sneezed funny at the shelter, but are perfectly adoptable otherwise. I volunteer once a month at operation Catnip for 5 hours on a sunday to help reduce the homeless cat population, every month.

I have a 3 legged grey squirrel that I try to find time for, and I dog that I ride my bike with. I cook for my husband, and find time to make my lunch somewhere inbetween that. I drive to Georgia every 3 weeks to mow grass on 7 acres that was my grandma's property, b/c that's where my heart is and I don't won't to let it go downhill and have my mom sell it and break my heart.I consult my limited schooling knowledge that I've learned so far here on TSB to try to help.

Oh btw, I study so I don't flunk out and I learn as much as I can.

So yeah, I could do better with Patches. Let me go buy sterile packing material to do that. Let me find a way to take him to a vet that won't charge me out the a** on $ I don't have. I'm doing the best I can here. So as I struggle to get through 2 more years of this repeated cycle, please don't be offended if when I get out, having loans debts of $160,000, and only making $60K, if I get offened when people start knocking on the door who want my help and I just have to say no.

I am doing the best I can with what I have. Period. I know you all mean well, but please have a little faith in me. I am doing the best I can. I am taking him into an exotics vet tomorrow, sacrficing my study time for my 6th final exam in 2 weeks to try to save his life. Have some faith in me. I've always had it in you guys, haven't I?

03-02-2011, 10:12 PM
I've never doubted you, Philo. I have faith in you, your abilities & your dedication to all things non-human. :grouphug

island rehabber
03-02-2011, 10:12 PM
You have absolutely got my faith and admiration 150%, Alana. Your love for animals is tangible....it surrounds you and we can see it in your eyes. I KNOW you would not ever make a choice that was not in the best interest of an animal in your care, and you certainly owe us no explanations.

:bowdown :grouphug:bowdown

island rehabber
03-02-2011, 10:18 PM
One more thing:
it is so easy for those of us to judge who only know Patches from the posts here on TSB, as we sit in the safety of our living rooms and will not have to decide his fate. Let's allow those who are holding Patches for real, and seeing him, and feeling him, make the decisions. Neither we, nor anyone we call upon behind the scenes, is equipped to make those decisions.

03-03-2011, 01:35 AM
Philo, you are one of the BEST period. Do what you have to do when you can and I'm behind you 100%. Let me know what I can do to help you and I'm there.
Thank you again for all your love you show to all animals!!!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-03-2011, 09:49 AM
I never said on this board I was going to euthanize this squirrel, simply b/c it was eaiser. Last night, Patches skin sloughed off. He has lesions on 20% of his body. Before last night, it really looked like I was winning the battle with this. He made a sudden relapse last night, and that was what got me worried. I called Shanon, and told her I had to take him to the vet first thing in the morning.

The vet is seeing him now, I go pick him back up this afternoon. They are going to pack the wound with sterile material (just as PT has suggessted). I was never saying this was the wrong treatment. I agreed with it totally, but I did not have time to take him before this morning. I had an exam on Mon, Tues and Wed this week. I did not have the money nor the facilities to anesthtize him so I could do the proper job that needed to be done. Shanon has agreed to pay for his care, so now it is possible to get this taken care of.

Again, I never questioned anyone's sugesstions, and a lot of them I agreed with. But I'm short on 2 things: time and money. Being in school has completely crippled me financially.

So I know ya'll suggesstions are good, but there are things on here that constrain us sometimes. So today, I will spend 2 hours back and forth to the vet's office. And I don't mind, b/c it's Patches, and he's a sweet soul, and I'd do it for any animal. So when I read your suggesstions, it's not that I'm not listening to you. Maybe I can't do it right that moment because I'm busy as heck. So maybe I shouldn't have even taken him in?

After this I have made the decision: I'm not taking any more squirrels until I get out of school, b/c I can not do this and balance the rest of my hectic life, and then feel like I owe everyone an explain about my daily happenings. Baby season is here, and it's gonna be busy. I feel it's going to be one of the hottest summers on record and a busy storm season too. But I am saying 'no' now to anymore squirrels. I have to take care of me first. I can't save the world one fuzz butt at a time if I can't take care of myself.

Maybe I'm over reacting here, but I'm stressed and I've got a final tomorrow at noon that I HAVE to do well on. So I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone.

Point is, we as rehabbers do the best we can with what we have. And rehabbers should trust each other that maybe they are doing everything they can at that point in time. I was just hoping that you guys would have faith in me and trust me. I'm not a vet yet, but I'm also not an idiot, so have a little faith. :peace

03-03-2011, 09:59 AM
I would trust you with one of my babies without hesitation! :)
Having met you and feeling your passion for helping squirrels,
I can say that with confidence.

We all have to make choices based on our resources and abilities,
and it's tough to feel like we are being judged when all we need is
a bit of moral support and guidance.

I'm sure we've ALL been there at one time or another...

Hang in there! :flash3

03-03-2011, 10:36 AM
thx dj :peace

Obviously, all I wanted was to save this little guy's life. Hopefully, he will finally heal a little faster now.

03-03-2011, 10:50 AM
Philo, this sounds more and more like what JLM27 went through with her wild Munchkin - she mentioned it earlier in the thread. The part where it looks like it's going away and then suddenly more bubble up to the surface - everything. Her baby is fine and terrorizing the neighborhood now, but it took a long time to get him there with a lot of the same get better/get worse cycles you just saw with this one. It sure would be nice to know what the heck it is... I think we theorized that it possibly could have been a spider bite but who knows??

03-03-2011, 11:09 AM
Philo, this sounds more and more like what JLM27 went through with her wild Munchkin - she mentioned it earlier in the thread.

I know. I never even dis-agreed with that. But it sounded like you guys thought I did or was refusing to entertain that, or refusing to treat him- I wasn't. I was busy taking exams and didn't have time to respond to every single idea or post on here. I've seen you guys telling me the same thing 4 times. I don not have time to respond to every post, nor should I have to. You guys should have a little faith in me, you know I'm busy and trying to do the best thing.

03-03-2011, 11:31 AM
I know. I never even dis-agreed with that. But it sounded like you guys thought I did or was refusing to entertain that, or refusing to treat him- I wasn't. I was busy taking exams and didn't have time to respond to every single idea or post on here. I've seen you guys telling me the same thing 4 times. I don not have time to respond to every post, nor should I have to. You guys should have a little faith in me, you know I'm busy and trying to do the best thing.

It wasn't an attack. I merely pointed out that someone else has seen the same thing and it would be great to know what the heck it was because we never did find out what was wrong with Munchkin.:shakehead

03-03-2011, 12:26 PM
The vet agrees with me- it was either a bird puncture, bot fly, or cat bite that started the entire infection. I'm sorry, I'm on edge. Im stressed out. The past two weeks have been tough.

03-03-2011, 12:48 PM
If you need some donations for Patches, please let us know. We hear ya about gas and vet bills. Nothing can be done about your time, though, except find another caretaker once he is stabilized. No criticism intended. Just trying to be helpful :hidechair

03-03-2011, 02:29 PM
Well, after they got him under anesthesia, wound isn't big enough to pack. They told me that I'm doing exactly what they would have done. I've been flusing the wound, been putting Muricin gel in it. The only thing they want to do different was change the Ab. They said as bad as it looked, they would've tried Baytril 1st too.

Patches looks like he's gonna be okay. I knew I didn't have the time for him after this week, the entire plan all along was to return him to Shanon as soon as he stabilzed, because my schedule was going to be bad next week. I'll transport him to Jax Fri. I'm sorry I got snippy, but I am worn flat out. Just spent over $200 on my kitty this week, and if she can't seem to pass that hairball, she's gonna need surgery.

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2011, 03:07 PM
can I help?
Alana or Shanon, you both have my number.
I have faith, but I also have time and all supplies for this little guy if needed..:grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-03-2011, 03:09 PM
can I help?
Alana or Shanon, you both have my number.
I have faith, but I also have time and all supplies for this little guy if needed..:grouphug

Maura and I want a Jackie in Tampa in New York!!!!!!!:bowdown
Thank God we have our Tomo...but we can always use more, and Jackie you will love the winters.....:rotfl

03-03-2011, 03:10 PM
I need to apologize for being so defensive. My schedule is hectic, and my mom is always asking me to do stuff for her around her house.... I try to let her know how busy I am, but she just doesn't get it. I find myself biting my tongue all the time and not just break down and lose it. So when i thought some of you weren't getting me, I snapped. I shouldn't have but I did. I am sorry. I was a b*&^$. I hope you guys will understand.

Jackie, I prob will bwe bringing Anakin to you in 3 weeks, providing gas isn't $5 a gallon by then ;)

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2011, 03:15 PM
Maura and I want a Jackie in Tampa in New York!!!!!!!:bowdown
Thank God we have our Tomo...but we can always use more, and Jackie you will love the winters.....:rotfl
I just gave away my snow boots too!:rotfl

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2011, 03:17 PM
Jackie, I prob will bwe bringing Anakin to you in 3 weeks, providing gas isn't $5 a gallon by then ;)
I sent your baby cage with Liz... See ya soon then, I'll take your mom too, love her!:D

Nancy in New York
03-03-2011, 03:34 PM
I need to apologize for being so defensive. My schedule is hectic, and my mom is always asking me to do stuff for her around her house.... I try to let her know how busy I am, but she just doesn't get it. I find myself biting my tongue all the time and not just break down and lose it. So when i thought some of you weren't getting me, I snapped. I shouldn't have but I did. I am sorry. I was a b*&^$. I hope you guys will understand.

Jackie, I prob will bwe bringing Anakin to you in 3 weeks, providing gas isn't $5 a gallon by then ;)

Sometimes we just have to remember we are not super women....and that NO is a sentence.....so much easier to write than to actually do.
Please KNOW that we all are here for one another...and if you need funding, or help....all you have to do is ask..:grouphug
It takes a big person to say I'm sorry....that speaks volumes for your character...:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
Oh, did you see that Jackie will also take mom????:rofl4

03-03-2011, 03:40 PM
At this point, Jakie can have my mom :) But I think Jackie knows better that to do that!

03-03-2011, 03:54 PM
For the time being, I will be taking Patches back. That was the plan all along. When his abscesses first showed up, I was sick with a cold that had me in bed for 3 days & is still lingering. Philo was easiest for me to get him to & she was willing...even with her schedule. (And hubby was willing to transport him 1 1/2 hours each way.) I do not regret getting him to her for a minute. The point is, we were never giving up, but we did get discouraged & maybe a little scared.

I never questioned anyone's suggestion. I just felt helpless because I was sick & I didn't know what to do for him. That being said, we have hope & a plan. :thumbsup

Thank you, everyone, for understanding. And, thanks, Jackie, for your offer. I feel a bond with Patches that I haven't felt for too many other critters except Christine & Teddy. He is special. I want to help him heal & I want to learn from him. :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2011, 04:00 PM
thanks to both you girls..
and healing vibes to Special Patches!:Love_Icon
hope you feel better soon Shanon & Straight A's for you Phillie:thumbsup

03-03-2011, 07:12 PM
Maura and I want a Jackie in Tampa in New York!!!!!!!:bowdown
Thank God we have our Tomo...but we can always use more, and Jackie you will love the winters.....:rotfl

Oh no she won't enjoy your winters. I've seen how she doesn't like our Florida cold weather. Besides that, F.A.R.T. wouldn't be the same without her!