View Full Version : New noise from newton

02-21-2011, 10:30 AM
Hello squirrel board,
Today I was browsing the internet in bed while all of a sudden I realize that I was hearing some weird barking noise. Well the only animal in the room (other than some hamsters) was Newton, and sure enough, it was her. She was standing straight up like she was alert or frightened and then would (approx. every 4-6 seconds) stomp on her box and make a high pitched "bark" then right after make a descending whistle. She did this for about a minute or two, then I took my camera and recorded her, when I got right next to her she noticed, bolted to her upstairs half of her cage, then stared out the window doing the same noise, and moving very strange. She has stopped since then, but that whole scenario seemed very odd. mating ritual of some sort? thats about the only thing I could come up with. Im sure she isn't hurt because she's running around like usual now. Has this happened to any of you?
(ps. newton is about 9-10 months old I believe)

Nancy in New York
02-21-2011, 10:58 AM
Hi Mandee, Newton is adorable.
What you were hearing is a warning sound of danger. Most likely Newton saw something outside that startled him and he is alerting "the others" of the danger. Was his tail flicking at the same time? If they see a predator, you will hear this all of the time, just listen outside if you see a cat in your area, then you will know where the squirrels are, just follow that sound :rotfl Nice how they look out for one another.:D

02-21-2011, 11:36 AM
Oh that reminds me of a funny experience! We woke up one lazy Sunday morning and I hear a wild squirrel noise. My Sammy was in his cage with a cover over it when I glanced into the dining room. I went around the other way through the house and called up to my husband "I'm afraid there's a wild squirrel in the house! There's a big squirrel up on the woodwork over the sliding glass door!". Well...let's just say tht upon further inspection, though the cover was still on the cage, Sammy had gotten the door open and was doing a terrific wild squirrel imitation. Once he saw me he came hippity hopping over and climbed his favorite tree (ME) to snuggle up! He has never made the noise since...lol :jump