View Full Version : Spring and a female squirrel?

02-20-2011, 01:36 PM
My female gray squirrel has been a bit different in the last 2 weeks. She has not been eager to leave her pen. She has a large pen in the house (my bedroom) where she is quite comfortable but usually enjoys coming out, hopping on me, hopping around the house. Georgie Bellie is 2 1/2 years old. She took some shredded paper last week that I gave her and has built an expansive nest in the old purse that she uses for her bed. I am wondering if this might be the time that she is in heat and that this might alter her personality a bit? Do they come into season on a regular schedule or is it random? I assume this would be something that happens but it would be very hard to spot any outward physical signs of such. Any similar experiences out there? What to expect?

02-24-2011, 06:51 PM
Well, I have had Runny about four months and just noticed that I think she is in heat too. Her little pee pee is red, and my cat went nuts over the odor in the room when the squirrel left it, which is unusual. Anyway, she is acting fine, may be a little more aggressive that's all.

02-25-2011, 02:26 AM
Four months old is definitely too young, I believe. They don't generally breed before one year of age, but occasionally do so at six months or older. I would wonder if something else is going on. Acorns turn their urine red, BTW.

02-25-2011, 05:33 AM
My Ella becomes bi-polar when in heat. She starts tossing things out of her current nests and starts refurbishing and building new ones. During these 10days-2 weeks I try hard to just let her do her own thing. This didn't start until after she was a year old.

squirrely pearly
02-28-2011, 07:20 PM
Four months old is definitely too young, I believe. They don't generally breed before one year of age, but occasionally do so at six months or older. I would wonder if something else is going on. Acorns turn their urine red, BTW.

gosh thank you for this posting! about acorns turning their urine red! I just got in a batch of acorns a few days ago and noticed for the last 2 days red pp..I thought it was bloody urine when I saw it today. scared me, I've been on here searching for reasons for a few hours and came upon this post! what a relief!:thankyou

03-04-2011, 04:20 PM
She is still acting sort of guarded, less friendly and not wanting to come out. Otherwise she seems very healthy so I am guessing this is just something to wait out. Hope my little girl's personality turns around soon though - I miss it!

03-04-2011, 04:38 PM
Has her diet changed recently? What does she eat?