View Full Version : puppy rescue

02-17-2011, 07:18 AM
Hey guys wish us luck, we are heading out to go search for a litter of pups. Momma was found yesterday (in Orange City)- you could tell she was still nursing. Momma was a small whit pit mix, she was very amaciated - they put her down ? :shakehead So we are going to see if Max (maybe he can rendeem himself after yesterday) & Recon can help us locate the pups. If we find them we will post picks - may need to find homes if ya know anyone out there.

02-17-2011, 09:08 AM
well we searched. found nothing as of yet. we talked to a very nice neighbor near a house where we are sure the dog is probably from....or was near. we went onto the property...it is a foreclosed home and what we found nearly made me, hubby and my friend cry. it was a meth lab as well as a breeding farm. but not in a good way. all you saw was cages. the neighbor told us that the place was raided about a yr ago {she lives next door} and they were breeding everything including dogs, cats, rabbits, sheeps, goats, and who knows what else. i just wanted to bawl just thinking about what kind of life those animals had. the neighbor has grandkids and plans to take her dogs and the kids out to check the woods. they know the area better than we do. she will call if she or the kids find the puppies or anything. i am still holding out hope that if the mother did have the puppies....that they can last just a little longer. breaks my heart to see how cruel and uncaring some people can be.

02-17-2011, 10:16 AM
well we searched. found nothing as of yet. we talked to a very nice neighbor near a house where we are sure the dog is probably from....or was near. we went onto the property...it is a foreclosed home and what we found nearly made me, hubby and my friend cry. it was a meth lab as well as a breeding farm. but not in a good way. all you saw was cages. the neighbor told us that the place was raided about a yr ago {she lives next door} and they were breeding everything including dogs, cats, rabbits, sheeps, goats, and who knows what else. i just wanted to bawl just thinking about what kind of life those animals had. the neighbor has grandkids and plans to take her dogs and the kids out to check the woods. they know the area better than we do. she will call if she or the kids find the puppies or anything. i am still holding out hope that if the mother did have the puppies....that they can last just a little longer. breaks my heart to see how cruel and uncaring some people can be.

It's a womderful thing your trying to do and if the pups are out there I hope you can locate them. Just be careful and be aware of whats around you, these types of people just crawl into another hole...

Tickle's Mom
02-17-2011, 10:21 AM
Bless you for what you are doing.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

02-18-2011, 12:35 AM
I really hope you can find the little mites. Pits make the sweetest, most affectionate, most devoted and loving dogs you could ever wish when they are raised by someone who cares for them. They get VERY unfair press as they are actually a really great breed to have as a pet. It's the owners who ought to be put down, I think sometimes.