View Full Version : Another Floridian joins the ranks!
02-17-2011, 12:46 AM
Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself to what I believe to be the greatest lil' forum on the web.:wave123
I found the site while frantically searching for info about care of baby squirrels, as I had found two on the 15th, and wanted to give the little guys the best chance possible. Sadly one died only moments after I had found them. The nest that had been removed, by either a dog or other predator, from a VERY large chunk of bamboo that the squirrels, as well as the subsequent predators that follow, seem to love. Long story short, I immediately grabbed my heating pad, syringes, fleece blanket, and hauled tail to the feed store for Esbilac. My little guy was so cold I honestly thought my efforts where in vain, but to my surprise he heated up and started a little crying fit! I started giving him a bit of pedialyte as i do not know how long him and his brother had laid on the ground without mommas warmth or sustenance, and it has been quite chilly. I got him rehydrated, fed, and comfortable (Thanks to alot of GREAT info supplied by this site) and he seems to be very content now! :wahoo
I age him at about 4 weeks old, and his eyes have yet to open.
This will be my second squirrel rehabilitation, yet my first would not count, as I was only about 9 at the time so my mother and father did all of the initial raising at that time. 16 years later I remember how that squirrel bonded with me, and the screaming fits I would have when he would swoop down and steal my reeses cup milliseconds before my teeth chowed into it! :rotfl He was released when he decided it was time to be a wild squirrel, yet came to the door and in the house for a year or so until he found a mate presumably. Saw him for many years after that, and was such a treat. I would love to have another great squirrel experience, and I believe with all of your help I'm sure I can!
ANYWAYS I'll quit blabbering about my new little buddy, And finish what I first sat here to do... SAY HELLO! I'm looking forward to being a part of the Squirrel board community for some time to come! :Squirrel
02-17-2011, 12:58 AM
HELLO - :wave123
and........................ Welcome to TSB
02-17-2011, 01:13 AM
Hi :wave123 and welcome aboard! :Welcome I read your story and it feels so good just to imagine your little friend coming and going to visit you as he did. :) I can only wish I could have that happen with mine.
How did you (your parents) manage to have him come and go like he did? How exactly was he released? Did he have his nest inside the house and came to sleep at night? Pardon all the questions, I'm just so intrigued, so curious.
02-17-2011, 01:23 AM
Hi Stover. Welcome. :worthless You will see this posted many times! We love pictures so please share pics when you get a chance. Please read as much as you can. When I was new, I learned a lot from reading old threads and doing searches. Of course, anytime you have a question, please post it. There are no dumb questions when it comes to our squirrels. You will find members that are novices, working with their first squirrel all the way through to the experts who work with squirrels at all levels 24/7, 365 days a year!
We have squirrels from Costa Rica, Canada, Sri Lanka, Mali just to name a few of the international locations represented here on this board.
I have three non-releasables (one year old, about an 11 month old and a six month old); three that will be released as soon as my release cage gets finished and I currently have four babies.
Look forward to seeing you around!
02-17-2011, 02:10 AM
Thanks for such a warm reception guys, Now that I'm here your never gonna get rid of me! :rofl
I will post pics tomorrow and show off my little pride and joy :D I've been steadily filling up my memory card with squirrel pictures these last few days, so there is no shortage of them!
And regarding the release, they placed a cage outside and allowed him to be comfortable until he decided to go off and make his own little place of residence. He would sleep inside sometimes, outside others. He would scratch on the door when he wanted to come inside, stay for a bit, run around and take a quick nap. Then before you knew it, he would be scratching at the door to be let out. This went on for a few months until he decided to stay outside and make a life for himself. For years afterwards he would sit on the steps looking in the glass/screen door every once in a while. It was an experience I will cherish all my life.
02-17-2011, 06:08 AM
:Welcome Stover glad you found us:wave123
island rehabber
02-17-2011, 07:21 AM
Stover what took you so long? Sounds like you were one of us from birth, especially with those terrific squirrel-loving parents :rotfl:bowdown:rotfl
Seriously, :Welcome to TSB and we are glad you found us. Good job rescuing and raising your baby, and we will all enjoy helping you grow him right :D. Remember diet is the MOST important thing with squirrels, so as soon as his eyes open, put some quality rodent block in that container and get him used to it. (Henry Blocks, Harlan Teklad, Mazuri.....) He'll just gnaw and mouth it at first, but then he'll always look forward to it. That will get 75% of your diet worries taken care of. :thumbsup Our List of Healthy Foods in the nutrition section will take care of the rest.
ALSO: we strongly recommend that you switch from Esbilac to Fox Valley 20/50 ( Esbilac's method of manufacture has changed in recent years and there have been some very unpleasant results.
Again, :Welcome:Welcome:Welcome :)
02-17-2011, 07:44 AM
Buenos Dias from Costa Rica...
So happy you found us. TSB saved my Rama Rota , too.( it translates BROKEN BRANCH, because a part of his nest and branch fell over 50 ft. and he was unharmed-a miracle) He also was about 3 or 4 weeks when we found him. Anxiously awaiting your ( 100's of ) photos.
Rama has a Looooooooog thread >> 230 pages >> and loads of photos. He's the only Varieagated Tri Color Tree Squirrel on the Board, and he is under the impression that he is the KING of Costa Rica,,,so we treat him as such.
There are so many wonderful stories and exceptionally beautiful squirrels on'll just have to take a month's vacation...and start reading...
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Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
VISIT the KING at :
02-17-2011, 08:03 AM
:Welcome Stover, Glad you found TBS. Just alot of squirrel loving people trying to help squirrels and each other.
Tickle's Mom
02-17-2011, 08:20 AM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome
This board saved Tickle, given to me the day before Thanksgiving. :thumbsup
We are all in good hands and thanks for the info on the radio re: Flower.
Again, welcome......this place is ADDICTING! :D
:Welcome :Welcome Fellow Floridian! So very glad that you have found the board. I blush to admit it (NOT) but we are the best there is----:thumbsup :D
Some one will always be here to talk to, or hold your hand in time of worry.
02-17-2011, 09:03 AM
Welcome!! good to know there is another animal lover here in florida!! welcome to the site!!
02-17-2011, 08:14 PM
130239 Stover!! You have for sure landed smack-dab in the middle of a Squirrel Lover's heaven You are going to find some of the kindest souls in here and for sure the most educated rehabbers from around the world.
I'm in Panama City Beach and a proud member of the Florida Animal Rescue Team ( teeheehee ) and am giving you a hardy cyber handshake. Now, we all love pictures so...130240
02-17-2011, 08:47 PM
I will post pics tomorrow and show off my little pride and joy :D
02-17-2011, 08:51 PM
They say patience is a virtue ?130247
02-18-2011, 12:54 AM
Well I finally got one of my cameras to upload, but of course it had to be the El cheapo low res 10 dollar special. My bigger, more expensive camera is having a bit of trouble and fighting with windows ATM. So here are a few for now!
Introducing my lil buddy! (Still need name Ideas) :Love_Icon
Again, sorry about the quality of the pics. I'm still fighting with my card reader :P
02-18-2011, 06:18 AM
Introducing my lil buddy! (Still need name Ideas) :Love_Icon
How about "Palmer" cause he just about fills up your hand (PALM)
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Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
island rehabber
02-18-2011, 06:21 AM
:goodpost or.. I like Baker. Goes with Stover. :D
He is ADORABLE, BTW. :Love_Icon
:WelcomeYou found the best place to help you raise your little baby. He sure is a beauty!:grouphug
Awwwwww, what a cutie! It doesn't matter about the camera-we have pictures!:D :jump
02-18-2011, 07:51 AM
Love the name ideas, especially "Baker" :rotfl
Heres a few more with my better camera, hes a little messy boy and didn't have his after breakfast rubdown bath as you can see on his little arm and face! And he sure did find his voice last night! Maybe he's trying to tell me his name in squirrel, and I'm just not getting it :thinking
02-18-2011, 07:59 AM
What a sweet baby!
The best is when they start poppin open their eyes.
Coming soon! :tilt
02-18-2011, 10:03 AM
:Welcome Welcome - this forum is awesome and you are among friends that's for sure!!!
02-18-2011, 10:51 AM
Let us know which EYE opens FIRST...I'm bettin' on the right eye...
02-18-2011, 10:58 AM
Nothing better than baby squirrel pics with eyes still closed....... :Love_Icon
02-18-2011, 03:31 PM
I'll keep you posted on the eyes Stosh. I went and bought the little bottle kit with all the nipples JUST for the nipples to slide on my feeding syringe. He loves it!, a heck of alot more than the plain hard endof the syringe. On another note, I am not able to PM anyone or edit my own info in the use CP, do I still need to be activated by an admin? I figured it's that or my account is funky.
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