View Full Version : Help in St Pete Fl

Pennys dad
02-15-2011, 05:42 PM
Hi everyone I have a wild that has shown up and is in distress. She has her back arched and is taking only little steps hopping like a bunny. She is eating and drinking. Her fur seems a bit dishelved as if she isn't grooming herself.
I'm not sure what her problem is and difer to the board for help. I'm reluctant to trap her at this time as the last one I did died in my arms after getting her to a vet. She is distressed but not in dire need
Pennys dad

02-15-2011, 06:05 PM
If she's moving like that, it's likely she is injured ... most likely her back.

She would benefit from being examined either by a vet or a licensed rehabber.

We often have squirrels with bruised backs or other injuries that are fixable at the place I vonlunteer, it's not necessarily a death sentence.

Most of the time it's the R&R that lets them heal, because in the wild she would probably reinjure herself trying to go about her business.

If you can trap her and get her checked out she would have a chance.
You should check if she shows signs of being a mommy (you can see the nipples clearly if someones been suckling them).

In that case I would hesitate to take her away from her babies.

Good luck!
I am sure some of the local TSBers will chime in soon with advice or referrals in your area.

Nancy in New York
02-15-2011, 06:08 PM
Is this squirrel with you now? Or did you just see her today?

02-15-2011, 06:20 PM
Penny's Dad, it sounds like she has injured her back. If she is not nursing, is Loopy an option? I remember the magic she worked on Cindy...

Nancy in New York
02-15-2011, 06:27 PM
Penny's Dad I am going to pm you the phone number of a person who will come and take a look at him when you see him again.:thumbsup

Pennys dad
02-15-2011, 06:36 PM
Unfortunately I haven't been able to contact Loopy as of yet. Answering your questions: I haven't been able see if she is a nursing mom, She has
been coming to the haven for about a week and a half. I'm also of the opinion that she has a problem with her back. She is going up the trees but slowly. Cindi is a success, Juliette wasn't and that's why I'm a little gun shy to trap this one. I do have Metacam if you all think that would be good for her
Pennys dad

02-15-2011, 06:46 PM
I don't like giving pain meds to outdoor squirrels because pain will stop them from doing things that may make the injury worse. A captive squirrel can be kept in a small container that prevents them from moving around and making the injury worse, so the pain meds are okay.

Pennys dad
02-15-2011, 06:57 PM
good advice,She is a younger squirrel so that I'm sure is on her side. My wife has just named her Gracie so that's what I refer to her from now
Pennys dad

Nancy in New York
02-15-2011, 07:00 PM
OK just got this from the person that I gave you the number for...

PLEASE tell him not to give her Metacam. I will be glad to go look at her as soon as he calls me. If she is nursing a big group she may be low on calcium.

Please call him as soon as you see her, he is in St. Pete...:thumbsup