View Full Version : Help about cage chewing

02-09-2011, 11:26 AM
Just wanted to pick some very experienced brains here at TSB...any and all ideas are welcome.

My outside girl (Boo's sister) was injured in a freak accident that destroyed her nest. http://www.thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26795

She has improved over the past two weeks, yet is nowhere near releasable. She can not yet sit up on her haunches, altho she can climb, and walk. Her tail is damaged, not gloved, but has abrasions , etc. I think perhaps it was caught in the branches that fell on her and she had to pull it out. The end is "crooked' as well. Until the weather breaks, getting her to my Dr.for xrays, which would explain alot is simply out of the question.

I found a big (41/2x4x2ft) cage on Craigs list that is now in my bedroom in front of double windows. It was cleaned thoughly, only 3mths old and lightly used. It has a carpeted ramp that goes up to a second level landing. Lots of space! She has a fleece lined nest basket,fleece rope to tussle with, stuffies, & antler. The cage is made of coated green plastic 3/4" wire. That's probably not ideal, but I had to get her out of the aquarium that she was in. fast.

Problem is SHE SPENDS HER ENTIRE AWAKE TIME CHEWING ON THE CAGE TRYING TO GET OUT!!! She is not eating much at all, she was happy in it the first day...and now wants out. I have been augmenting food by feeding her baby food/formula in a syringe cause she needs the nutrients to heal.

This is my first "wild " squirrel that I have had to keep captive and I don't know how long to expect this behavior to last. Does it go away? Anyone have any "tricks" that they use? I did resort to squitring RR into her mouth while she was chewing, and today got some arnica into her hoping to calm her down a little. HELP!!

02-09-2011, 11:35 AM
I would try giving her some smaller branches or a coconut shell maybe she wants to chew on something more familiar than the antlers. All of my winter kids chew the heck out of the shells. I have also given them boxes (wooden) filled with leaves for hiding things.

Good luck, glad to hear she is feeling better.:grouphug

02-09-2011, 06:05 PM
I just bought a coconut, so I'll give it a go.:) I'll try and get to the place where I get the oak branches for Boo, it had been a problem because of the snow/ice, its melted some so maybe I can get back there. The only trees around my house are Norway Maples. The antler is hers that she had from a young squirrel, I had kept it on the porch, and she would chew on it there.

I feel so badly for her, watching her trying to chew her way out of the cage it heartwrenching, but I guess we'll both have to "suck it up" and get used to it somehow.

Thanks for your suggestions!!