01-28-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi everyone. Just ran across your board for the first time today. Figured i'd introduce myself. I'm Bud from New Orleans, La. My baby is Sammi Jo. Shes a 9 year old grey squirrel that my wife got at the vet when she was only a few days old. We have rehabbed several squirrels and released into the wild but she was my first and after learning how to ride on the rottweilers back and playing with the cats i realized she would never make it in the wild so we kept her.
Soon as i can figure out how to do pics and video i will upload a few of her on here. She lives in a 5fthigh x 3ft deep x 4ft wide cage that she has 3 hammocks(nests) which she loves to death. Also we give her toilet papers cardboards and papertowel cardboards that she loves to play with and shred for bedding. Shes also got some oak branches in her house too. LAtely i've been putting a shoebox in with her and she tends to get great pleasure out of destroying it and throwing the pieces OUTSIDE her cage. 1 box will last her about 2 months.
She comes out her cage daily to play with the cats and attack my wife. (Sam hates wifey) She will sit on me for hours and watch me work on my computer. Suprisingly she will run to her cage and goto the bathroom which she learned around 3 years old. Before she would leave us presents everywhere.
As far as feeding when she was a baby we fed her a mixture of powdered kitten replacement milk, karo syrup,gatorade/pedalyte,water and some vitamen suppliments from my wifes clinic. We have used this recipe on all of the babies that have come in the clinic and my wifes brought home for me to nurse back to health with great success. Out of the 20 squirrels we have nursed back and released we have only lost 1. Sam eats acorns, unsalted peanuts, fruits,vegetables, potato chips, french fries and just about any non meat product there is. She is an alcoholic also. When i set my mixed drink(vodka n cranberry) or beer down she will fight me for my drink back. My wife jokes that when she dies we're going to cook her up cause shes been marinating for a few years now. We also give her a little squirt of goo (Nutrical) every few days that she loves also.
I read about heating pad issues with babies and we have never used a heating pad because we were afraid they would get too hot. Instead we would fill a latex glove/surgical glove up with water. We would then put the surgical glove in HOT tap water for a few minutes until the water inside got warm then wrap it in a towel(we made a pouch it fits inside of) and put it in the middle of the nest of towels we used for babies. Every feeding time we would reheat the glove but it would stay hot for a while and we have had great success at it.
Glad i found this board and i am hoping to learn more as well as help others who might have problems that i've run across before
Soon as i can figure out how to do pics and video i will upload a few of her on here. She lives in a 5fthigh x 3ft deep x 4ft wide cage that she has 3 hammocks(nests) which she loves to death. Also we give her toilet papers cardboards and papertowel cardboards that she loves to play with and shred for bedding. Shes also got some oak branches in her house too. LAtely i've been putting a shoebox in with her and she tends to get great pleasure out of destroying it and throwing the pieces OUTSIDE her cage. 1 box will last her about 2 months.
She comes out her cage daily to play with the cats and attack my wife. (Sam hates wifey) She will sit on me for hours and watch me work on my computer. Suprisingly she will run to her cage and goto the bathroom which she learned around 3 years old. Before she would leave us presents everywhere.
As far as feeding when she was a baby we fed her a mixture of powdered kitten replacement milk, karo syrup,gatorade/pedalyte,water and some vitamen suppliments from my wifes clinic. We have used this recipe on all of the babies that have come in the clinic and my wifes brought home for me to nurse back to health with great success. Out of the 20 squirrels we have nursed back and released we have only lost 1. Sam eats acorns, unsalted peanuts, fruits,vegetables, potato chips, french fries and just about any non meat product there is. She is an alcoholic also. When i set my mixed drink(vodka n cranberry) or beer down she will fight me for my drink back. My wife jokes that when she dies we're going to cook her up cause shes been marinating for a few years now. We also give her a little squirt of goo (Nutrical) every few days that she loves also.
I read about heating pad issues with babies and we have never used a heating pad because we were afraid they would get too hot. Instead we would fill a latex glove/surgical glove up with water. We would then put the surgical glove in HOT tap water for a few minutes until the water inside got warm then wrap it in a towel(we made a pouch it fits inside of) and put it in the middle of the nest of towels we used for babies. Every feeding time we would reheat the glove but it would stay hot for a while and we have had great success at it.
Glad i found this board and i am hoping to learn more as well as help others who might have problems that i've run across before