View Full Version : Site newb....

01-19-2011, 07:06 PM
Hello all.
I am looking for some advise.
I have been researching for a few months now and I'm currently looking into different breeds of squirrels. I'm hoping for the same bond that my sugar gliders offered me when I was younger. I just loved having them sleep in my shirt or bra...yes they slept there...lol. Miss the way they scurried about me using me like a tree, having them "help" me prep their meals...
I have been doing most of my research on the southern flyer but was looking for something slightly bigger.
Is the temperament of the tree squirrels much different then the flyers? Do flyers bond better?
Thank You for your help!!!:)

01-19-2011, 07:16 PM
Hi! :Welcome I don't have a ton of information to compare them for you (sorry). I have one flyer who I've only had a few weeks and probably will be leaving to a new home soon because I don't know much about their care. I also have a grey squirrel that was just a foster (I foster for a local rehabber) but as it turns out, she may have decided to stay. The grey squirrels (not sure if all other kinds of squirrels are the same) normally wild up on their own--no matter what you try to do to prevent it. They have instincts that kick in and in most cases let you know that they want to be wild. Most of the ones I raised would wild up sometimes starting before 10 weeks old. They also only bond to one person with some rare exceptions. You also have to be extremely careful with their diet because they are prone to getting MBD (metabolic bone disease) if not fed good foods that are high in calcium and low in phosphorous. I would recommend doing research and seeing if there may even be a rehabber that you can foster for. It doesn't pay money, but the experiences are worth it. You learn a lot. Good luck in your venture. I'm sure more people will stop by and give you some more info and advice. :)

01-19-2011, 07:43 PM
Well said Lulu.....especially about fostering for a rehabber first. And perhaps after you are more familiar with tree squirrels a little fuzzer with special needs NR (non releaseable) will find it's way to you. A normal healthy squirrel does not make a good pet.

01-19-2011, 08:03 PM
Hello all.
I am looking for some advise.
I have been researching for a few months now and I'm currently looking into different breeds of squirrels. I'm hoping for the same bond that my sugar gliders offered me when I was younger. I just loved having them sleep in my shirt or bra...yes they slept there...lol. Miss the way they scurried about me using me like a tree, having them "help" me prep their meals...
I have been doing most of my research on the southern flyer but was looking for something slightly bigger.
Is the temperament of the tree squirrels much different then the flyers? Do flyers bond better?
Thank You for your help!!!:)
Hello there--
Welcome to The Squirrel Board:Welcome
What part of Ct do you live in Closer to Manchester--or East Hampton-
What do you do for work-do you have children, A PLAY spot for your future furry child,:) Hope youre not a big "go away vacationer"
Ct isnt a legal state--if they did catch you with it--they come take it probably put him/her down-----these are some of the questions youd have to answer--
This animal could be that,"One in a million" like my Bean--that never turned wild--he loves to be with me--and both my kids--but he hates my husband-bites him every chance he get's-he growls & charges at him..

Would you be able to spend alot of time with it- Buy fresh produce- the healthy diet that AINT cheap- Bean eats better than WE do--and I (UNSHAMELESSLY-- yell at any one getting into his-organic- foods):D If some thing happened to him/her-Ct --again-no-Vet would treat it and hand it back to you--:shakehead I know it stinks!
Your vacations are pretty much shot, because most outside Grey's ONLY (If & possible bonds with you)---Its rare--that he/she will allow **anyone else** to get near it---again -mine & countless others--DO have inside --FURRY-squirrel Family members..

You have to think --now if you dont have children now-OR- yet--the possibility THAT BABY not be tolerated? Then what? Cant send the baby -back---:rotfl

My Boy squirrel -HATES 98% of all MEN--he will bite and draw blood--
You'd have to consider that as well---
Also when you have company-if thy get torn up-bitten--you could get the pants sued off of you-Bitten lips--or fingers CRUNCHED on--

This is a decision that not only effects your LIFE--but most IMPORTANTLY-this future squirrel's--that may or may not bond with you..and leave you broken hearted and an UNhappy inside squirrel that wants to shred you inspite of you feeding it all of--its goodies..
These are just some questions--you could think over--( I know sugar gliders are legal there!!)

There would be ALOT of reading up and home work with a grey's--youd get it here--but again--you're in an Illegal State-I probably wouldnt risk--having my heart broken--and it taken from you.. UGH!! terrible!

I am for the pro's and con's==and its a life long decision--not to be taken lightly--
Its nothing like a domestic pet-nothing like a Cat--or dog--When you can pour it a bowl of crunchies and have the neighbors pop in and let out for a play--
Squirrel's demand as MUCH ATTENTION as you would your OWN FLESHLY born child--its never an inconvenience...it's now part of your life forever--:D

Good Luck in what ever you decide on doing..

01-20-2011, 03:43 PM
I work from 6am-2pm.
As for kids I have a medical condition in which I'm not able to have any. This is why I have always surrounded myself with animals. I currently have 3 cats ages 5 Jinx, 7 Lelu, 9 Beau. They are the loves of my life. I have had sugar gliders in the past and have been researching to find another critter that will bond to me and be with me always... That's how I came apon the southern flyers.
It has been a few months now doing research...I have been waiting for the timing to be right in my life before I bring a critter into it. There is a pet store that has sfs babies in the spring but I'm unsure if going with a store or a breeder would be a better bet. I have heard great things about Helen's little critters.
I understand concern and know this is not a decision to be taken lightly and that is why I have been waiting...:)
Rehabbing is an awesome idea as well!:)

01-20-2011, 03:46 PM
Why not sugar gliders again?