View Full Version : Do squirrels change their locations?
01-15-2011, 02:58 PM
I have a sweet white squirrel that has been living in a tree near my home for over six months. We have named his Edgar and he is very small. He has been very protective of his tree and has not allowed other squirrels by it. The other day I noticed many other squirrels have invaded his tree and his is no where to be found. I am really worried about him and hope nothing happened. I live in Michigan and it has been very cold and snowy. Is it possible he moved or could something awful have happened to him. My heart will be broke if I never see him again. Please tell me he may be in another tree.
Worried sick over Edgar. ;(
Awww...poor thing! However, many say that squirrels have more than one drey. I wouldn't be too worried. :) Have you been feeding him? Hope he shows back up!
Hopefully a rehabber will be on soon to give you more info.
Good luck on finding Edgar!
01-15-2011, 03:51 PM
Thank you, Tara! Edgar use to frequent my squirrel house when he was a baby and he ate very well. Then he moved to this tree and has been there ever since. I did leave food for him at the bottom of the tree. I am so concerned because he has been in that tree for a long time and then suddenly he was gone. He is the cutest, pure white tiny thing. Very unusual in Michigan. I hope he is ok and did not get hurt. I will wait to see if what others say. Thanks again.
01-15-2011, 04:01 PM
EDGAR >>>>>>>>>
Phone Home...
Your Mom is worried....
Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
01-15-2011, 04:18 PM
Thank you Stosh!
Kelly Brady
01-15-2011, 06:07 PM
Please don't worry. I have had some of my favorites disappear much the same way. I thought for sure something happened to them because they were not coming for my food as usual etc.
They finally returned. When I saw them after that they were coming from directions they used to never come from.
They move a lot and take pride in their nest making, especially as they mature.
Edgar for gosh sake stop worrying your Mother:grouphug
01-15-2011, 06:22 PM
So sweet of you Kelly! He is probably only 6-7 months old. So very tiny and irresistible! Do you think he will return? I was amazed how the more mature squirrels took over his tree. He would have never allowed it if he were still around. I sure hope I see him again because he has many fans on Facebook and everyone would be so sad if anything happened to him. We have hawks in the neighborhood. He is very hard to see in the snow but stands out like a sore thumb in the barren trees. Edgar, please phone home! :Love_Icon
Kelly Brady
01-15-2011, 07:08 PM
I raised and released a little boy named Clearance in March last year and it was about that age that he disappeared. We know Clearance because he was tough too and had chunks missing from both ears and always comes right up to our feet for food.
My husband and I had given up on the thought of his return and everything runs through your mind as birds of prey are always in every neighborhood.
He returned after two months. Do you know we still see that very special boy and last appearance from him was last weekend. Coming for food that we leave out for all of our wilds. Keep laying the food out were you always have and don't lose hope because they live crazy lives those fuzzers. They have a great memory and NEVER forget where the food is. He has probably just moved on to a new tree for a while. Keep us posted
01-15-2011, 07:44 PM
Thank you for putting my mind at ease, Kelly! I could never give up on Edgar.
I am so in love with this little guy. Below are a few links to articles I wrote about Edgar on my garden blog that you may enjoy!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! (((Hugs)))
Kelly Brady
01-15-2011, 08:09 PM
The link to your newsletter is adorable. I love it!!! The soil sisters.
Well now I am attached to Edgar as well. Another thing crossed my mind as I read your stories about him. He is maturing sexually as well. He may be living closer to a pretty female. I cannot wait to here that he has come home to eat Moms cinn and peanut butter. Meanwhile read some of the stories here on The Squirrel Board. Squirrels have climbed in to my heart and are amazing little critters that do calm the soul just as Edgar has. Each with its own very unique personality.
Please keep us posted. I would love to keep up with your newsletter if you have an email list put me down to receive it please.:D
01-15-2011, 08:27 PM is so nice to connect with others that love squirrels, too! I am so glad I found this site. I was so desperate today that I just started searching and found you! The internet is a beautiful thing. You have so much experience with these adorable creatures. They certainly do have their own personalities!
If you would like, you can subscribe to the site directly and have it sent to you rmailbox but you have to do that on the site. It is at the top in the left hand corner. How great to hear you like it!
We also do a lot a squirrel chatter on Facebook at
I have two more favorite squirrels, Stump and Patch. Both adorable, too! Bless you, Kelly!
01-15-2011, 08:30 PM
Edgar will be home soon.... I Love your links... I would like to share some of your EDGAR photos...
He's a beaut---- and we at TSB live & breathe Photos...
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Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
01-15-2011, 08:41 PM
Thank you, Stosh! Please feel free to share Edgar with the world! There are many more photos of Edgar on my Facebook Page.
Edgar has made quite the debut on Facebook. Everyone loves him! I am praying he returns soon! He is very very tiny and white as snow! There is not an ounce of another color on him. Completely white! God willing he will come back. He truly is my White Knight! (((Hugs))) to you Stosh!
Nancy in New York
01-15-2011, 08:45 PM
Oh my goodness....he is one of the cutest little squirrels ever! Adorable. There is a little red squirrel on the board that initially was abandoned by mama, then taken in by two wonderful people. They put a nest box up on a tree for him and he stayed around for a while....then took off, only to come back a few months later to claim the box and tree.
Well shortly after another little red decided she wanted his tree and box, and they fought it out....little Meemor was pretty banged up, so mommy and daddy took him in again. But to answer your question....yes they do move around, and it's the start of mating season and he could have been temporarily booted out of the neighborhood.
If you ever want to read a heartwarming about Meemor, you will be hooked....:Love_Icon
Here's the link...
Oh, and welcome to the board!!!:grouphug
Thanks for posting the pics, Stosh. :multi :multi
tinfoil Edgar, please go home now so your poor momma knows you are safe and warm in your beautiful home she has built you. Yummy sandwiches await your return and we all look forward to more pictures of the White Knight.
01-15-2011, 08:51 PM
he is adorable. i have never seen a white squirrel til i joined this group. now i am wondering if there are any in my state. lol.
01-15-2011, 08:59 PM
Oh my gosh...I love Meemor! Thank you and the others for the heart warming welcome. I was beside myself today and very sad thinking something happened to him but now I have hope! I walked the neighborhood praying to spot him somewhere!
He was pretty aggressive with the others and definitely stood his own. Except he was always by himself. Perhaps the others knew he was different? I did not know they mated in winter and I am not even sure he is a he! He was named after Edgar Winter, the rock star.
I feel better now and will make sure there is always food for his return! In the meantime, I have likened two other cuties, Stump (black squirrel with a white stump of a tail) and Patch (missing fur on his back). They, too, are very much loved on Facebook!
Thank you again and all the others! I am so glad I found you! Warm regards from Michigan!
01-15-2011, 09:01 PM
What a fabulous group I have found! Big hugs from Edgar's Momma! x0x0x0
squirrely pearly
01-15-2011, 10:11 PM
beautiful! I have never saw a white one! thanks for sharing..I am sure he is not far away, and has you in his sights. He'll be back!
01-16-2011, 06:25 AM
Thank you, Squirrely Pearly! Edgar will always be in my sight and in my heart! Anxiously awaiting his fabulous return!
01-16-2011, 08:45 AM
Edgar is awesome ! I love your blog, really cool, signed up and going to like you on Facebook too:poke I've had favorite backyard buddies disappear, sometimes for weeks, and just when I give up hope of ever seeing them again, boom- there they are:wave123 I can understand your worry though, Edgar is a special little guy, he looks like a little unicorn !:Squirrel
01-16-2011, 08:59 AM
Thank you, Kat! Andi is amazing and so lucky to have found his way into your home! The Squirrel Board has been overwhelmingly supportive and encouraging!
We are very honored to have you join our FB Page and Blog. There are plenty of people who share the same love of wildlife as we do! I hope you enjoy it!
I have also thought Edgar was magical...just like a unicorn! Thank you and I am so honor to be part of this "Nut" house!
01-16-2011, 12:18 PM
Sweet Jesus, looks who's back! Thank you to all my new "Nutty" friends! You gave me hope and encouragement! Oh me with little faith! Today's gonna be a good good day! ;)
Hooray! So, did he take HIS tree back? :) He's so handsome!
01-16-2011, 12:39 PM
Sweet Jesus, looks who's back! Thank you to all my new "Nutty" friends! You gave me hope and encouragement! Oh me with little faith! Today's gonna be a good good day! ;)
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Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
Visit Rama Rota at :
01-16-2011, 12:48 PM
Yes, he is in one of his favorite trees and I spread all kinds of goodies along the bottom for him! Thank you everyone! Sending big (((Hugs))) from Edgar in Michigan! mjs
01-16-2011, 01:25 PM
Yes, he is in one of his favorite trees and I spread all kinds of goodies along the bottom for him! Thank you everyone! Sending big (((Hugs))) from Edgar in Michigan! mjs
Oh thank goodness....he is adorable!
Reading this I knew logically that they move around all the time but seein g that white coat and knowing that squirrels are prey animals I was afraid his pearly white coat did him in.
The boy has no camo!!!
Edgar as in Edgar Winter? Where's Johnny? :D
I'm glad you enticed him to return!
Kelly Brady
01-16-2011, 02:28 PM
Edgars Home, :multi Edgars Home:multi
That is one heart stopping beautiful fuzzer. Thank you so much for the update and for the picture. :wave123
I am so happy for you. I have been in those worried shoes before. You just made my day. Edgar heard all of our prayers the little stinker.:thumbsup
01-16-2011, 06:16 PM
Hi @TWOwomenANDaHOE, welcome to the squirrel board
I really enjoyed the pictures of Edgar and love the name the white knight, its perfect for him. I've never seen a white Squirrel in the wild so just had to post how much i :Love_Icon Edgar, he is truly special and your so lucky.
I loved the stories about him, looking forward to hearing more :thumbsup
01-16-2011, 08:33 PM
Yes, he is in one of his favorite trees and I spread all kinds of goodies along the bottom for him! Thank you everyone! Sending big (((Hugs))) from Edgar in Michigan! mjs
Hi TWOwomenANDaHOE, I am new here too. I'm so very happy that your little Edgar the White Knight came back home, I was also worried about my little wild squirrellys who have disappeared for the last week or so...I noticed today that the usual nests have been torn apart too but hearing that they do move around makes me feel better.
I just love this forum and I'm sure you do too...
Here's to being squirrelly!!mjs
01-16-2011, 09:12 PM
I just love your SoilSisters blog! Fab! And Edgar.....what a delightful name for a delightful squirrel - AND HE'S HOME what a great story!! Thanks Stosh for posting photos and you too 2Women&aHoe - and yes I am with the TSB - photos are our 'lifesource' here! Welcome!
01-17-2011, 12:01 PM
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:banana :squirrel1 :bunny :wave :multi :jump :wahoo :alright.gif :thumbsup :D
Welcome back Edgar !
( I wonder if he went off to make little Edgars with some fluffytailed beauty.I haven't seen hide nor hair of any of my backyard squirrels the last few days, and it is mating season ?:Love_Icon :thinking )
01-17-2011, 12:06 PM
Thank you, Kat! Andi is amazing and so lucky to have found his way into your home! The Squirrel Board has been overwhelmingly supportive and encouraging!
We are very honored to have you join our FB Page and Blog. There are plenty of people who share the same love of wildlife as we do! I hope you enjoy it!
I have also thought Edgar was magical...just like a unicorn! Thank you and I am so honor to be part of this "Nut" house!
Thank YOU , it's such a cool page and blog, look forward to all the photos and reads.Also, just wanted to add, had Andi since she was orphaned at birth, but she is unreleasable due to some medical issues which is why she lives with me = )
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