View Full Version : Haemorrhagic diarrhoea
Hi guys,
Need some advice that is squirrel specific!
I know what to do with dogs, cats and even other small mammals when they get diarrhoea, but with squirrels I want to be 150% sure I do the right thing.
My little palefaced baby has developed haemorrhagic diarrhoea tonight, he is bright, happy and fine in himself, but this horrible almost liquid red diarrhoea is coming out of him.
He is eating and drinking and very lively.
I know I can't starve them like I would a dog or cat, I have given him some probiotics and no fruit or veg for the time being - but wanted to know if you had anymore ideas?
I can always pop home and grab him and bring him into the hospital i work at if anyone has any ideas of anything else i could do for him.
I plan to buy some natural yogurt when the shops reopen and I finish work. But I was unsure whether to use that as he has already got probiotics in his water?
Giving him subcutaenous fluids at this stage seemed a bit cruel as it would hurt him so much, but I really can't think of anything else to try?
I don't want to loose him, any advice is gratefully received...
Subquetaneous fluid will not help him. Well, it will help hydrate, but it won't help the diarrhea. It can be stopped but needs to be treated aggressively. Deliver (sold at Chris's Squirrels & More, also at Farm & Tractor, Agways, anywhere you can get livestock stuff) is the only thing I have ever used that works. Using jello out of your cupboard will not work!
Deliver coats the intestinal tract which for some reason is irritated, it also slows the movement in the GI Tract, allowing it to rest. If you can find some i will go into more detail. Pepto Bismol may or may not work, I would not waste valuable time waiting to see if Deliver is available. It is made for calves, so look in that section.
I may go off line, but will check back frequently.
Thanks for the fast reply - problem I have is that I am from the everywhere is closed now:(
Second problem I have is I am a emergency night veterinary nurse, so I am cooped up in the hospital for the next 12 hours :shakehead
The best I can do will be to run home and grab him and bring him in, I had tried to avoid doing that due to the stress of moving him, and because he seemed so boyfriend at home is under strict instructions to watch him closely and call me if he deteriorates even the tiniest bit.
I am working tonight with a ex-large animal vet, he may know about "deliver" and any kind of close comparison we may have here.
Thanks once again for the help...
Wow, there must be something there you can use. Deliver is used for scours in calves, maybe that will help you think of something similar. How long has he had diarrhea? How old is he? What are you feeding him, what color is the diarrhea? Does it stink? Could be coccidia, may be just something simple like over feeding formula.
I think to be honest you are correct with the last statement..
I have reared 11 squirrels this year, and only lost one, but these two I think are the greediest i have ever met.
Unfortunaly I found out my boyfriend has been feeding them as well, as he didn't really get involved with the others, but has grown quite attached to these guys!
He has had diarrhoea for about 4 hours
They are approximatly 11-12 weeks old
He is eating "squirrel mix", various nuts and veg
The diarrhoea is bright red
It smells a bit, but not really bad
They take no formula now
if it was just soft poo I would not be worried, but its the blood that scares me :/
No, I'm wrong, they only get diarrhea from being overfed on formula. Is there food coloring in the squirrel mix? Bright red indicates it is in the lower half of the intestinal tract. The higher up it is, the more brown in color.
You say you have treated diarrhea in domestic animals, what have you used?
Also, how many times has he had diarrhea in the past four hours?
He is passing it really frequently.
And yeah i agree, about it being lower half of the intestinal tract, it doesn't look like coffee grounds colour that higher up indicates.
In the dogs and cats we treat, we starve for 12-24 hours, which we obviously can't do here. Then we'd feed a bland diet for the next couple of days. We also use probiotics, tagamet (cimetidine) and Antepsin (sucralfate) - I have no experience to find out if they are safe for squirrels?
The vet has been chasing around like a mad thing tonight, so I have been unable to properly catch him to ask much yet :(
Gonna call my boyfriend in a sec for another update :/
You're right, can't starve. Is he straining for the stools, just dripping blood? Any feces mixed with it? Any mucous? can you describe it better?
rather than call to see how he was I popped back home.
the faeces is still really soft and he doesn't seem to be aware he is doing it, so he isn't straining at all.
he keeps rubbing himself though, rubbing his face and body on his bedding, he kind of slides along the ground...its rather odd.
The faeces now is normal in colour which is a relief, but still very very soft. there is a little mucous possibly, they do look a bit slimey, but not an awful lot of it, just a coating really.
He seems to be passing a blob every 5 mins or so, and his little bottom looks a bit red now.
I took home some glutalyte solution and gave him some and left some in a bowl for him, I am so worried about him becoming dehydrated, so at least that should prevent that happening. i gave him 10mls with a syringe, he actually liked it! :)
Glutalyte is an electrolyte solution, with glutamine added.
11-25-2006, 06:39 PM
Well, Gabe is a more experienced and pro rehaber but when Chancie developed diarohea last summer and it went on for over a week, I was told to get Skye to feed her pureed bananas with some powdered asidolphilous (sp). And with in a few days she was well. Now if they don't like bananas you have to almost liquidfy it and syringe feed the mixture. I know that you said that stores are closed now but maybe you Vet has some Bene-bac. I have had great success with kitten Bene-bac and squirrels.
Hey Timber, that is part of what we call the BRAT diet. Banana, applesauce, rice and toast. We'll forget the toast part for squirrels, but they are all binding agents. Not to be confused with raw apples, only applesauce with all that good pectin from the skin works.
Suro, why don't you give it the night? Just continue with the glutamine, he won't starve on it, give his tummy a rest, and see how he is in the morning? Glutamine, I'm not familiar with, but Deliver is electrolytes and it has something in it that thickens as it sets, much like Metamucil. The thickening agent is all natural, but coats the GI Tract, while the electrolytes work.
Yeah I will try to stop worrying for now, and let him sleep. He was still frisky and alert when i went to see him, so hopefully things will continue to improve.
Maybe i worry a bit quickly with them, but i so totally love them and don't want anything to ever happen to them! :D
Seeing that bloody diarrhoea was scarey :(
At least its brown now, and i know he won't get dehydrated. I did wonder if they itchyness and him sliding about the cage is their way of showing they have a tummy ache possibly?
Fingers crossed anyway, 8.5 hours to go at work, then i can go home again. :)
Thanks for all your help Gabe, I really appreciate it :D
If he is still bad I will buy some bananas and baby rice and applesauce tomorrow :)
11-25-2006, 10:11 PM
With some probiotic paste I think the baby will be ok.The red color can be due to continued diarrhea.Or food coloring.Im glad its gone now.Because the worst thing that could happen is internal bleeding.Keep it up and keep us updated.:grouphug
Suro, Haven't heard from you today. How is your little guy doing?
Hi again! :)
Thanks for thinking of him! :) :thankyou
He still is eating, happy and bright, but his faeces is still very soft and squishy. :(
I am still only giving them the electrolyte solution to drink, they really like it actually, and I'm sure it can't hurt to keep it up for a couple of days at least.
He was still rubbing himself on the bedding alot before passing faeces again today, but for sure the amount of faeces passed has become less frequent.
I suppose keep doing what I am doing until I see solid ones again?
Its a shame though, because i planned to take them to their new home in their larger enclosure early this week for the next stage of their lives.
I think I will hold on for solid faeces first though, but its a shame for the other one because he seems desperate for more space. :(
Yeah, I would wait until you're comfortable with his helath before moving him, but squirrels are hardy, he may bounce back fairly quickly.
Somebody's Mother
11-27-2006, 06:30 AM
how are they doing suro?
11-27-2006, 05:21 PM
My squirrel flattens himself out and drags his belly accross either the bed or a towel. I don't think that is anything you need to worry about, it just feels good to them. :)
They have actually both been doing the "bum slide" today, so I do wonder about worms?
I have cut out all fruit and veg for now, and have reduced their food intake a little, they are both well rounded figures, so i think that will be ok! :)
I am going to keep them both one more week, to let things settle down before the move, but also now let them have free reign in the spare room to charge about and burn some energy off! I don't think my curtains will ever recover - its brilliant fun to watch though! :D
The faeces today is still soft and slightly smelly, but both are still really happy and full of it and bright.
Hopefully things continue to improve! :):thankyou
Probably wouldn't hurt to check for coccidia. Especially since you have access to a vet practice. Usually shows as soft stools, gray or green tinged, and is smelly. From what I've read, it is often present, as squirrels have many parasites, but doesn't show up unless their systems are stressed, and it is contagious.
11-28-2006, 07:43 AM
That dragging is all about releasing their scent. When mine were here I was convinced it was constipation. Then found out later it was marking its scent.
Both bottom dragging and tumming rubbing!:D
11-28-2006, 12:01 PM
Probably wouldn't hurt to check for coccidia. Especially since you have access to a vet practice. Usually shows as soft stools, gray or green tinged, and is smelly. From what I've read, it is often present, as squirrels have many parasites, but doesn't show up unless their systems are stressed, and it is contagious.
I would agree that a fecal check is in order. Consistent diarrhea like this could be due to parasites, including worms. Have you given them anything for the diarrhea? If it's parasites, Kaopectate [aka pink bismuth] (or tiny ammounts of immodium in severe cases) won't help the diarrhea...but if it's digestive, usually it'll harden the stools some.
Hope this helps. Diarrhea long-term can be really bad for them. I hope it stops soon...
Keep us posted!
Thank GOD!
It stopped today, finally!
/happy solid poo dance!
I was going to worm them, but it cleared up today of its own accord.
The faeces is very pale beige, but solid.
I stopped all fruit, and just gave dry food and plenty of water.
They are as lively as can be, running around the room and up the curtains!!!
No more mess - yay!
They are all set to move home this weekend...are for the first time in 4 months I will be squirrelless! :(
Thanks to EVERYONE for all your help and advice and moral support, you guys are fantastic! :D
:grouphug :thankyou :grouphug
island rehabber
11-30-2006, 11:18 PM
Thank GOD!
It stopped today, finally!
/happy solid poo dance!
I was going to worm them, but it cleared up today of its own accord.
The faeces is very pale beige, but solid.
I stopped all fruit, and just gave dry food and plenty of water.
They are as lively as can be, running around the room and up the curtains!!!
No more mess - yay!
They are all set to move home this weekend...are for the first time in 4 months I will be squirrelless! :(
Thanks to EVERYONE for all your help and advice and moral support, you guys are fantastic! :D
:grouphug :thankyou :grouphug
Yay, Suro!! May I be the first to offer to move this thread out of the Emergency section? I just love when there's good news.
12-01-2006, 12:18 AM
WHEW :thumbsup :wahoo :alright.gif :jump :bowdown :thumbsup3 :thumbsup5
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