View Full Version : fresh brussel spouts ok for grays?

squirrely pearly
01-13-2011, 02:12 AM
I just bought fresh brussel spouts, was wondering if they are ok to feed or anyone has experience with them..would rather ask first than have a bad experience

01-13-2011, 03:48 AM
They are good for greys. I've been feeding them to my Hami and he just loves them. :)

I just try to be sure to wash them thoroughly and to remove the top leaves - as a precaution. You want the leaves to be crisp and not yellow. If any of the top leaves are yellow (or yellowish) then discard those and make sure you peel them off until you have only the fresh looking leaves. Don't want to risk any alphatoxins (sp?). He prefers them cut in 2 - from top to stem - because he prefers the inner part... picky little eater I have. :)

01-13-2011, 06:36 AM
They are good for greys. I've been feeding them to my Hami and he just loves them. :)

I just try to be sure to wash them thoroughly and to remove the top leaves - as a precaution. You want the leaves to be crisp and not yellow. If any of the top leaves are yellow (or yellowish) then discard those and make sure you peel them off until you have only the fresh looking leaves. Don't want to risk any alphatoxins (sp?). He prefers them cut in 2 - from top to stem - because he prefers the inner part... picky little eater I have. :)

YEs to all of the above
if you smell something funky? it's probably the brussel sprouts!

make sure they don't tuck them in their nestbox!

island rehabber
01-13-2011, 07:40 AM
Every once in awhile you can find them on the actual stalk they grow on....fantastic looking thing! Then you can set it up like a tree and the squirrels can crawl all over it and pull the sprouts off.

01-13-2011, 07:43 AM
Every once in awhile you can find them on the actual stalk they grow on....fantastic looking thing! Then you can set it up like a tree and the squirrels can crawl all over it and pull the sprouts off.
I saw those in the market too...have grown them but not recently...
How does that smell and how long can you keep it in the cage?

island rehabber
01-13-2011, 07:47 AM
I saw those in the market too...have grown them but not recently...
How does that smell and how long can you keep it in the cage?

It lasted a very long time without 'turning' -- about 2 weeks.

01-13-2011, 07:58 AM
It lasted a very long time without 'turning' -- about 2 weeks.

do they get ...gas?

cI discovered cucumbers made Finnagin a weapon of mas473.62=/
+ m, oi00
of mass destrustion...like he needed more...needing romp before i head out... ugh

01-13-2011, 10:22 AM
Well, guess I will have to try them. I did w/Pinkie and Fonzi, but they wouldn't touch them. Never seen them on the stalk like that.....thats cool!

Jackie in Tampa
01-13-2011, 10:34 AM
That's cool IR, who knew!
I feed brussel sprouts to everything here but the cats and dog!
Everyone loves them, daytime and night time querlies, guinea pig, rabbit and tortoise! I like them too! I love that pic...now I want to grow some too! Wow'ed!

squirrely pearly
01-13-2011, 01:10 PM
thanks everyone, I have 4 I am over wintering..and I am running out of ideas! you know how they all love variety. they won't even look at the calliflower anymore..now they are snubbing their little furry noses at brocolli. I did however stop feeding yams because they wouldn't touch them, but started feeding those again after a week, and now they ate them. So I guess they just need a break every now and again.

any other ideas on good veggies to feed them? so far I go through brocolli, cranberries, cherries, avocado, carrots, green beans, occasional mushrooms, blueberries, baby spinach, squash.

IR that is the neatest thing, those brussel sprouts! never saw them like that!

they all still take 1 10 cc syringe of FV still at bedtime, I'm going to keep that up as long as I can. but they are well past the weaning stage.

01-13-2011, 02:22 PM
My four greys fav by far is sugar snap peas!!!!! (I think they will take that over even a nut!!! lol)

squirrely pearly
01-13-2011, 03:20 PM
My four greys fav by far is sugar snap peas!!!!! (I think they will take that over even a nut!!! lol)

sugar snap peas! haven't tried those. I will get some today, I love to see them eat their veggies!

01-13-2011, 03:26 PM
All mine love the sugar snap peas. Right now my kids are tearing up anything orange sweet potato, carrots, butternut squash and oranges. I've always had good luck with brussel sprouts. :thumbsup

01-13-2011, 04:16 PM
Every once in awhile you can find them on the actual stalk they grow on....fantastic looking thing! Then you can set it up like a tree and the squirrels can crawl all over it and pull the sprouts off.

IR, I saw those for the first time at Trader Joes before Christmas - I had never even THOUGHT of what brussels sprouts looked like growing. It was hysterical - there was a crowd of people ooohing and ahhing over them and half the people in the place had one of those spikes in their basket. I bet most of them had never eaten one in their life. Marketing, baby!