View Full Version : Not an intro but...

01-11-2011, 12:06 AM
Just wanted everyone to know I'm still around just not on as much, got alot going on..ugh! i check my e-mail everyday..all the time, so if for any reason anyone needs to get ahold of me that would be the way:)

01-11-2011, 03:26 AM
Hi! Yes, you have not been around as much. If you have a minute, refresh my memory. I remember you had your dear sweet Dingo who passed away and I think you had some that you were releasing. And you had the wild black squirrel that had been attacked by a cat. Do you have any right now?

I am still wishing people Happy New Year cause there is still a whole lotta year left so . . . Happy New Year . . . I hope you have a good year!


01-11-2011, 04:41 AM
I still have Angel who will be released this spring..she is finally ready! So excited! shes still my baby but she is ready to be wild and is finally showing it. I miss my Dingo and I wish I could have saved my wild black but everything happens for a reason, guess it all kinda broke my heart ina way, dont know how everyone deals with it. My babys seem to mean to more to me than humans do when i lose them....is that normal? maybe its just life expierence.:thinking

01-11-2011, 07:36 AM
Soft release pls....
Well there is a chance Angel would want stick with you
Afterall it is and will be Angel's decision...


Jackie in Tampa
01-11-2011, 07:59 AM

01-11-2011, 10:58 AM
:wave123 :Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-11-2011, 11:23 AM
Good to see you back! We have not seen you for a bit. I have been thinking of you though. You had filled me in a bit privately about some of lifes hurdles. I thought I would give you some space. Please email me privately if you need to " talk". Sometimes it helps.
What you feel about bonding with your animals being so strong...I dont know if it is " normal", but I do know you are not alone as I get that same feeling. maybe we are normal! LOL
Please email me if you need to boil over a bit.