View Full Version : help please on my lost friend hammy

01-02-2011, 02:42 PM
hammy is a 9 month old grey squirrel i found in the middle of the road on a construction site. hammy had life in the house since i found him at 5 wks old. he ran the house and played with my 4 cats and seemed very happy.
i tried to let him go this summer but didn't want anything
to do with it, he was scared and hide under my shirt. resently he would go out but came right back or came when i called him.
christmas morning he wanted out so i let him out. he ran out the door like someone shot him in the butt. i tried to
get him back but wouldn't come. i do have 3 other squirrel out side and at first i thougt it was because of mating season and he would come back. there is one squirrel out there i believe is him because sometime when i talk to him he'll lay on a branch and then run but
doesn't come near me.
so my question is, is hammy still out there. it's cold but i put he bed out in the shed with s sheet, towel, and tolet paper in it, i put food out everyday for him, and yell to him all day long. but nothing. do you think i'll ever get to hold him again which is what he liked and to be rubbed under his chin. he love to cuddle. im miss him lots and hoping he's ok. it's cold here. what can i do? please help.
tears are hurting my eyes and heart is broken.

01-02-2011, 03:24 PM
First of all, at nine months he's pretty much a big boy. Second, it's been very cold here and guess who grew twice as much fur OVERNIGHT! They all look like little Porky Pigs right now. It is mating season here in Boston, so I assume it is in Maine, too. I feed my guys out my window at set periods of the day. They know this schedule and arrive in swarms, right on time. If you want to see him again, set a schedule. He may have chosen to be a wild squirrel now, and if that is true, be cautious how you try to scratch or cuddle him. He will be cautious not to let you catch him again and bring him in the house. Can you imagine what it is like for him to run free in the tree tops for the first time and meet other squirrels? Boys his age to play with and pretty young girls that smell so goooood? Just being there for him if he gets in trouble is about all you can do right now.