View Full Version : Will not eat nuts anymore!!!

01-01-2011, 03:14 AM
My squirrel won't eat nuts or carrots anymore. Has anyone had their squirrel to completely stop eating nuts? She eats HHB's and greens and lettuce, along with other healthy foods but will not eat the nuts anymore. She will take them and hide them but won't crack them.

I wonder if this will affect her teeth as I do not see her grind them on anything. I hear her in her house scraping sometimes but not grinding. Sometimes makes a clicking noise with her teeth.


01-01-2011, 03:22 AM
Does she have a stash of nuts? - if she does take her stash away and only give her 1 or 2 nuts a day (in the evening hour) and do not give her any more the next day until you are sure she ate the nuts you gave her from the day before. * * * Make sure you clean out her cage daily.

Jackie in Tampa
01-01-2011, 06:44 AM
Check her teeth!
are they too long?

01-01-2011, 07:30 PM
I second that motion...check her teeth and gums for any injury or other problems.

If it hurts to grind or chew she may be avoiding harder food items.

How old is your squirrel?

01-01-2011, 11:28 PM
I just cleaned her nest out and got a stash of nuts out of it. I posted a thread here before called not long ago called "Pepper's Teeth" (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25981) and everyone agreed that they looked all right.Here is the picture from there. They look the same.

She eats good other than that so I think it has to do with her not wanting them. She eats so good that she is getting too fat and I need to come up with some diet food for her to eat so she can still get her calcium. She is so fat now that she can barely get in and out of the new house that she has had for only a month. If she gets any fatter I am going to have to make the holes bigger.
She is probably about 1 year and 4 months old.

01-02-2011, 08:55 AM
Ah, the STASH....such a troublemaker.

Cleaning it out is TOUGH LOVE, but very necessary since that stash will throw off any attempts you make to provide a balanced diet.

Giving a small amount daily, enough to eat for that day and none left to stash, I found is key to happiness and health among mine.

I'm glad to hear her teeth are ok.
They do look good to me in that photo.
Do make sure to regularly check the gums or inside the mouth for any other problems (infection, sores, cuts).

Early detection of a problem would make a world of a difference.

As far as being fickle about the carrots I would not worry.
Squirrels can get bored with the foods they once cherished.

Try rotating the produce items and she will probably find carrots irresistible the next time you offer them.