View Full Version : Re-Introducing Myself

12-31-2010, 11:49 PM
Not sure if anyone will remember me because I never posted much, but now that I found my user name/password and finally have more time, so I was hoping to change that. :)

Also..I just realized it's almost midnight, so Happy New Year everyone!

01-01-2011, 12:00 AM
Looking at the time right now, yes it is. rofl4.

01-01-2011, 12:11 AM
lol I ran into a time-zone problem for a few of my friends because of their locations. oh well, it's the though that matters!

Tickle's Mom
01-01-2011, 01:45 PM
Welcome back. :Welcome
I'm relatively new but lurk for hours while "working". :D

01-01-2011, 07:10 PM
Welcome Back...are there Squirrels running around in your house ???
I have ONE---Rama Rota--the KING of Costa Rica...He's a HOOT
Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

01-02-2011, 02:53 AM
lol @ the "working". Thanks for the welcome.

I have a flyer. Technically he isn't really running around the house, but his enclosure is 6.5 feet long, 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide and he has his own room to explore with foraging areas and lots of toys and gyms for enrichment. All of the decisions are made around him, so I guess he kind of owns the house even if he isn't allowed to free-roam every single room for safety reasons :-p

01-02-2011, 06:26 AM
Welcome back whitewolf. I have an eastern gray squirrel, well, several actually. Three to be released this spring and three non-releasables that are pets. I've never had a flyer and only actually learned about them this year.

Your set up for your flyer sounds great! If you have pictures to share of your flyer and his setup, we'd love to see them. What is your flyers name?

Happy New Year to you too!
