View Full Version : Filing teeth
12-30-2010, 05:23 PM
My little NR gal, Sunshine the Boo-boo girl, has difficulty keeping her teeth at proper length. Not quite sure why, suspect it has something to do with lack of jaw strength due to the head trauma she sustained as a baby. She is quite the cuddle puss and absolutely loves having me rub and stroke her head,chin,jaw and teeth. (yeah she's special :Love_Icon ) Loves it soo much that when I do, she actually falls asleep and drools like Homer Simpson. lol
This is when I normally trim her teeth. I put the narrow end of a bamboo chopstick in behind her teeth, and using that as a guide, run the file back and forth (do this after trimming).That way I can better file at the correct angle and keep her soft little mouth safe. )
I started thinking tho :thinking would it be safer for her,to file her teeth instead of cutting them? She literally sleeps through most I do at this point, and I could do it as daily maintenance instead of waiting for them to get long. She gets so upset when her teeth start getting too long, it just really affects her, and seems to make her snort and snuffle more when chewing.
Does anyone else do it this way? I know many of you trim on a regular basis.
Is there some reason why I shouldn't maintain them this way if I can? Would love to hear some input, as the "teeth trimming issue" is one that frazzles my nerves the most. I can't take her to a vet to have them trimmed, so its on me to take care of the maintenance.
Loving my little Boo-boo girl! CM916
12-30-2010, 05:53 PM
Wow, if you can do trim this way I say that is the best way for your little girl.
Less stress for sure. It is probably more normal too:)
I have had two with this problem. I worked at a rehab center so I took them in and sedated them. Then used an electric Dremel and sawed them off very quickly. I like this method better than using cutters while they are awake.
But if your little one lets you file and this works to keep them at a good length, I say continue:thumbsup :grouphug
12-30-2010, 05:55 PM
P.S. I love where you live.......I live there too:wave123 (Peter Pan and Wendy do too:D )
12-30-2010, 06:11 PM
P.S. I love where you live.......I live there too:wave123 (Peter Pan and Wendy do too:D )
Its an awesome place to be for sure! CMfairy
Thanks for answering! This is all new stuff for me with squirrels. When I worked with Birds of Prey we used to used a battery operated dremel for talons,etc. it wasn't as noisy.
My stomach gets tied in knots every time I trim ,and since this is going to be a long term issue, I'm admittedly trying take the less stressful, easy way out...for both of us. I can't think of what would be wrong with doing it this way, but theres so much I don't know that I thought I'd get some thought from those of you that have more knowledge than I.
12-30-2010, 06:48 PM
I have NEVER had to do this, but I would think that if you have a compliant squirrel, it would be a much more natural way to do it - instead of going from long to short, long to short, you are "wearing" then down daily, as she would be doing herself if her bite was correct.
12-30-2010, 10:13 PM
CritterMom that makes sense to me. I think that I'm going to continue doing it this way. Seems to be that the biggest hurdle to most trimming is the squirrels individual behavior. If mine happens to enjoy have her mouth taken care of, :wott then I'll continue to file them on a regular basis, for as long as I can.
01-01-2011, 03:57 PM
I tried this with Maruska after I read this thread, because she's taken to passing out in my lap so hard that it takes a lot to wake her up and she doesn't even notice when I inspect her teeth and apply her eye ointment. So I got the chopstick in and started filing, but she woke up and got annoyed. Let her go back to sleep and then ran my fingers over her teeth to simulate the file, it annoyed her at first, then she went back to sleep so I tried the file again and got more filed, but it woke her her again.
I was so excited about maybe not having to trim her teeth! I'll keep trying to get her used to it, because she hates teeth trimming so much!
01-01-2011, 05:32 PM
When you are successful each time, even if it is only for a short time, give her an extra special treat. And always stop if she gets upset - if you associate it with positive things and work slowly but steadily at it, I bet you can...
01-01-2011, 06:01 PM
Hopefully time will help!! I messed with Boo-boo's teeth with my fingers when she was dozing since the very beginning. I think she finds it soothing somehow. I think I'm really lucky in that she totally sleeps through most of it. If she stirs, I give her chin massages and she zonks out again. When I trim with the cutters I usually use Rescue Remedy as an extra little precaution...I think I need it more than she does!!
Good idea about the treat!! :) My "poor" girl doesn't get one cause she's still sleeping when I'm done!
01-01-2011, 06:03 PM
When you are successful each time, even if it is only for a short time, give her an extra special treat. And always stop if she gets upset - if you associate it with positive things and work slowly but steadily at it, I bet you can...
Very good idea! Thanks!
Hopefully time will help!! I messed with Boo-boo's teeth with my fingers when she was dozing since the very beginning. I think she finds it soothing somehow. I think I'm really lucky in that she totally sleeps through most of it. If she stirs, I give her chin massages and she zonks out again. When I trim with the cutters I usually use Rescue Remedy as an extra little precaution...I think I need it more than she does!!
Good idea about the treat!! :) My "poor" girl doesn't get one cause she's still sleeping when I'm done!
Where do you get the rescue remedy? I've read about it here, but don't know exactly what it is or where you can buy it?
01-01-2011, 09:06 PM
Bach's Rescue Remedy is made of different floral essences that have a calming effect. I know you can get it online, but any good health food, whole food or organic food type store should have it. I believe if you go to the Rescue Remedy website, that there is a store locator tab that allows you to search by zip code. I have been told that you want to buy the stuff for ppl, not animals. From what folks have posted on TSB,the ppl formula can be applied to feet, gums, inside ears and absorbed that way if necessary.
I already had the kind for animals, so I've been using that until it is gone and for Boo-boo it has been adequate. I have used the ppl RR in the past personally when going through stressful times and found it helpful.
Good luck with Maruska.!! Give her a little chin rub for me :Love_Icon
01-01-2011, 09:19 PM
I found one of the posts about RR
and it was CritterMom that posted it!! :)
Use the human stuff. The animal RR is made without alcohol, and the alcohol is what allows it to be absprbed through the skin. For immediate shock/trauma, get it on the mucous membranes in the mouth - lips, gums, under tongue. For long term, just keep hosing down those nice, big rear paw pads.
01-01-2011, 09:21 PM
Bach's Rescue Remedy is made of different floral essences that have a calming effect. I know you can get it online, but any good health food, whole food or organic food type store should have it. I believe if you go to the Rescue Remedy website, that there is a store locator tab that allows you to search by zip code. I have been told that you want to buy the stuff for ppl, not animals. From what folks have posted on TSB,the ppl formula can be applied to feet, gums, inside ears and absorbed that way if necessary.
I already had the kind for animals, so I've been using that until it is gone and for Boo-boo it has been adequate. I have used the ppl RR in the past personally when going through stressful times and found it helpful.
Good luck with Maruska.!! Give her a little chin rub for me :Love_Icon
I found one of the posts about RR
and it was CritterMom that posted it!! :)
Thank-you and I will!
01-18-2011, 07:15 PM
OMG... this would be so awesome to not have to take Chumpy for vet trimming every 3 to 4 weeks...!! $35.00 later, it's done with squirrelito, sidecutters and no sedation but bachs. Vet said that sedation (gas) that often is not good for their systems and that dremel can get very hot, very fast. I would so love to have like a sandpaper finger cot to do this when she becomes, as we say, "marshmallow."
Thanks for the info!!
01-18-2011, 08:50 PM
OMG... this would be so awesome to not have to take Chumpy for vet trimming every 3 to 4 weeks...!! $35.00 later, it's done with squirrelito, sidecutters and no sedation but bachs. Vet said that sedation (gas) that often is not good for their systems and that dremel can get very hot, very fast. I would so love to have like a sandpaper finger cot to do this when she becomes, as we say, "marshmallow."
Thanks for the info!!
Look for 'Needle files' in the hardware store. You may even find a slender diamond file.
Doing it more frequently and lower is impact is the way to go.
01-18-2011, 08:57 PM
Thanks for answering! This is all new stuff for me with squirrels. When I worked with Birds of Prey we used to used a battery operated dremel for talons,etc. it wasn't as noisy.
I was just going to suggest this for the same reason! LOL
Ever trim beaks and talons on eagles and owls?
They get some very serious hooks on them don't they?
We just did a Barred Owl that hoot howled like a baby and had eyes like my dog
...made my blood run cold
frankly it sounds like you have the right idea...less more often...lower impact and lotsa luvin
01-18-2011, 10:24 PM
I was just going to suggest this for the same reason! LOL
Ever trim beaks and talons on eagles and owls?
They get some very serious hooks on them don't they?
We just did a Barred Owl that hoot howled like a baby and had eyes like my dog
...made my blood run cold
frankly it sounds like you have the right idea...less more often...lower impact and lotsa luvin
I've trimmed beaks and talons on Great-Horned Owls, Red-Tailed Hawks, Screech Owls and Kestrels. Respected them all! lol Tho I will admit to being extra careful with the GHO talons!!
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