View Full Version : Hello from Florida

12-29-2010, 09:08 AM

I am glad to be here! I became a HOF in October when my father spotted what looked like a 'fuzzy frog' hopping across his driveway. His cat was closing in on it from one side and chihuahua was closing in on the other. A little animal juggling later we had a very scared flyer in a box. Since my house did not have animals at the time, and my father had three cats and two dogs, I became a new mommy.

She was approximately 4-5 weeks old. Lucky for me, I live down the road from the folks at Henry's Healthy Pets and was able to get the milk replacement quickly and get her eating what she needed. She has constantly gotten bigger and cuter by the week!

I am a radio news anchor by trade and Amelia spends her days in the newsroom, in my shirt, while I do newscasts. She's become the unofficial mascot there. I am also a pirate reenactor in my spare time so she has already traveled three states with me and has a three-tier travel cage so she has room to play. At home, we've made her an 8 foot tall cage and am working on fixing up a room for her.. Yeah, I know, she's got me well trained.

We still have a few problems, such as the the live-in-boyfriend gets bit every time she gets anywhere near him even though he is SOOO good to her and built the big cage, brings in branches, acorns and other offerings on a daily basis and really tries hard to be her friend. I think she's just decided I am hers and he is competition so he must be sent away... :(

Anyways, here's a link to a few pics that I have put up of her.


I am looking forward to more insight from many of you as I continue raising her.


Lady Squirrelly
12-29-2010, 09:18 AM
Welcome. I type as Baby Girl runs around in my shirt. :D

Glad you found us.

:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome

Tickle's Mom
12-29-2010, 09:25 AM
Welcome :Welcome and I am relatively new too. First thing I see besides MAJOR cuteness, is GET RID OF THE BASKET OF ACORNS!!!! If I have learned anything, and there's a lot to absorb with these little critters, acorns are only a treat! Please read the nutrition thread as soon as possible. The grey I acquired in November is paralyzed due to MBD (read that sticky too).

Again welcome!

12-29-2010, 09:33 AM
OMG I just love those flying squirrels!!!

12-29-2010, 09:41 AM
Welcome :Welcome and I am relatively new too. First thing I see besides MAJOR cuteness, is GET RID OF THE BASKET OF ACORNS!!!! If I have learned anything, and there's a lot to absorb with these little critters, acorns are only a treat! Please read the nutrition thread as soon as possible. The grey I acquired in November is paralyzed due to MBD (read that sticky too).

Again welcome!

Thanks for looking out for her, but the basket was JUST For the picture :) As a matter of fact, that same basket is still sitting on the porch and I pull a coupld out of it from time to time for her. She only gets 2-4 acorns a day and if she is not eating her veggies and other healthy things I cut those back.

12-29-2010, 09:47 AM
:Welcome :Welcome You are most certainly a HOF :D :jump Glad to have you with us.

Lady Squirrelly
12-29-2010, 10:17 AM
Great pictures. Amelia is a doll.

12-29-2010, 10:50 AM
OK, now I have to go look at the pix.:rotfl

Oooo, still a youngster.
Have BF wear a bonding pouch. (not in public, us guys gotta keep an image ya know):rofl4
Squirrel may very well take a liking to him.

12-29-2010, 11:02 AM
OK, now I have to go look at the pix.:rotfl

Oooo, still a youngster.
Have BF wear a bonding pouch. (not in public, us guys gotta keep an image ya know):rofl4
Squirrel may very well take a liking to him.

The problem there is that she abhors bonding pouches...as in 'I hate you! I am sure you are trying to kill me! I am going to eat the pouch and then you once I get out of it!!' kind of abhors it. At least the one I had with a zipper.. Any ideas on how to get her to like a pouch?

12-29-2010, 12:01 PM
No zipper.:D Makes it a confining jail.
Put some of her bedding material inside so it "smells" like home.
Couple of those acorns wouldn't hurt, either.

When at home, just wear the pouch.
She'll discover it herself.

12-30-2010, 12:52 AM
:wave123 :wave123 :wave123 :wave123 :wave123 :wave123

WELCOME to TSB - I too live in Florida and have a Love for Squirrels.

12-30-2010, 06:21 AM
No zipper.:D Makes it a confining jail.
Put some of her bedding material inside so it "smells" like home.
Couple of those acorns wouldn't hurt, either.

When at home, just wear the pouch.
She'll discover it herself.

But that will not fix the biting him problem. there is no way HE can wear the pouch without her coming out and biting him.

I don't wear a pouch because she is much happier just curled up in my shirt. I tried a pouch in the beginning and she never liked it (open or not) so I just let her curl up in my shirt.... She and I get on beautifully and have no issues. I just wish I could get her to be nice to him. They don't have to be best friends or anything, but at least being able to be in the same space without bites would be nice :)

Jackie in Tampa
12-30-2010, 07:36 AM
:Welcome :wave123

12-30-2010, 09:38 AM
Hello and Welcome!!:Welcome
She's a beauty!!:)
Looks like you have done a great job.
Lots of great advice and loving people here.:D

12-30-2010, 09:43 AM
welcome! many great people and much info here! you will love the squirrel board! although, a few NUTS here too! lol :jump

12-30-2010, 05:54 PM
Just a thought but when my baby Nibbles was in her bitey phase I grinned at her once real big and showed her my BIG TEETH and she doesn't bite any more. Have your boyfriend grin at her...

12-31-2010, 07:55 AM
Just a thought but when my baby Nibbles was in her bitey phase I grinned at her once real big and showed her my BIG TEETH and she doesn't bite any more. Have your boyfriend grin at her...

Hmm... I'll have to try that, that is one thing we haven't done :) I'll let ya know how it goes!