View Full Version : Squirrel Hibernating? Sick? Worried...

12-14-2010, 03:21 PM

My dad found a squirrel in his yard (Miami, FL) laying there very still as if hibernating. His heart was beating very sloly, and he was breathing (also very slowly), but his body temperature was very, very cold. I would like to start by saying that last night we had abnormally cold weather for Miami last night - it got into the 20's at one point. We brought him into the house in an attempt to keep him safe from dogs and such, and to help warm him up. Based on research that I have done it seems that the very slow breathing and heart rate and low body termperature that he may be hibernating?? But is it even possible that he would be hibernating above ground? Also as the day has gone on it seems that his breathing has gotten more frequent and he is moving a little more now. Any help would be much appreciated - including the best place to take him. I have a vet that I trust very much, so I may take him there - it has also been suggested to me that he needs Baytril, which is used for infections in a variety of animals?

Thanks in advance for any help...


12-14-2010, 03:48 PM
Is it a grey squirrel or flyer? I don't believe either one hibernates here in Florida so something else might be wrong.

12-14-2010, 04:14 PM
I know it has been very cold. Keep him in a cat carrier or a small cage, and if you have one, put a heating pad on low under one side of cage. Most likely he is probably young, and the sudden drop may have been too much for him. Hopefully someone closer to you can help.

12-14-2010, 04:31 PM
Hi Helpricardo- The squirrel is cold! They do NOT hibernate! Go down to the"Baby squirrel Questions" thread. It will tell you all you need to do to help this squirrel. There is even pictures that qill help you tell how old the squirrel is. Call your local vet-if they won't take him, call your nearest Fish & Game Office and ask for phone numbers of Wildlife Rehabbers. Good Luck!

12-14-2010, 05:44 PM
Hi HelpRicardo,

Your squirrel is just very cold. He will need to be warmed up before anything else. Like Anne said, a heating pad under one side of the container you have him in is best. This will allow him to move away from the heat if he begins to overheat.

Once he is warmed up you can offer him something to eat and drink. Go to the nutrition section of this site to see the long list of safe foods you can offer him.

If you have any questions feel free to ask any one of us ... we are here to help.

12-14-2010, 06:53 PM
Please take a picture of the squirrel beside a ruler, if possible, and post it here. It is important to ascertain if the squirrel is dehydrated. The most crucial and immediate things to take care of are heat and fluids.

Edit: Read this thread, please:

There is information there that will help you to see if the squirrel is deydrated and what to do about it.

12-15-2010, 09:24 AM
Any updates on this little one???