View Full Version : Hello everybody! I want to introduce Thor!!!
12-09-2010, 09:56 AM
Back in late September my fiance Courtnee gave me an exciting text message!
It was about her dad finding a squirrel out while he was working (he has a lawn business) and that he is bringing it home. Well long story short a couple months goes by and he ends up living with me until Courtnee and I get married on Jan. 15th. His eyes opened to the sight of Courtnee's face! and although she is Thor's favorite... I am certainly his daddy!
It was a simple rescue on Courtnee's fathers part and he is in perfect health. We live in Florida in a very busy and built up area... unfortunately we see dead squirrels all the time where we live due to cars and such. So after falling completely in love with our little guy we decided to keep him and give him a very comfy home and lots of love. In Florida it is perfectly legal to own a squirrel and we've done plenty of reading on how to give them a good life! :wahoo he is totally a people person and lets Courtnee and I hold him as he snuggles his face between our fingers (his favorite thing to do) and often times dozes off in my hands! Watermelon is his favorite food... but sunflower seeds are a treat he really loves to! He is so sweet! he doesn't even mind being pet while eating or anything he might be doing. The other day while he was eating a piece of watermelon I put my mouth over his hands while he had the watermelon in there lol he nibbled on my nose like "wtf man!" then he continued eating!
Anyways... we love him very much!
So here is our little guy! :D
Also here is a youtube video one of our friends posted of him "rapping" to a song lol very cute!
12-09-2010, 10:09 AM
Welcome! What a cutie! This is the right place to be to learn Nutrition and care and share. I just joined too and have learned so much, plus my squirrels cages are now decked out in the latest fleece designs. Love the video - Love Thor!:Welcome
12-09-2010, 10:13 AM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome
I love the head stand pic.
12-09-2010, 10:19 AM
He is very sweet. Make sure that little one is eating a good quality rat block of some kind and go REALLY EASY on the sunflower seeds. I don't want to see you on here looking for MBD help for that cutie.
12-09-2010, 10:43 AM
Hi! Thank you for welcoming us! And what rat block do you use for your squirrels? Where can I buy some?:)
12-09-2010, 11:37 AM
Hi! Thank you for welcoming us! And what rat block do you use for your squirrels? Where can I buy some?:)
Hey THere!!!:wave123
welcome to the forum
There are a number of recipes on this board. I use the BooBall recipe.
You can use purchased block as the base of the diet.
Harlan Teklad 2018 or 2014...
SunSeed Critter Cubes <<<my new fav
Oxbow Regal Rat
Mazuri rat
ZuPreem Monkey biscuits...
KayTee FortiDiet PLUS
Use FoxValley formula 20/50 for the BooBalls
go easy on the nuts ... they are a treat
Lots of fresh veggies, greens, fruit
Squirrels LOVE to eat BUGS!!!
Jackie in Tampa
12-09-2010, 12:30 PM
:Welcome :wave123
Jackie in Tampa
12-09-2010, 01:47 PM
:poke I saw your ad on Craigs list just now!
12-09-2010, 02:10 PM
Aww I see! yeah that was me... I am saving some money to donate to the Lil lita tree shelter... That woman is amazing. I don't know her name but.... I'm a 24 year old grown man... but after reading the stories of her Lita and what she does.... I was brought to tears to be honest :dono Especially after watching the youtube video. But if she can't take in anymore squirrels maybe I can take in one and give it a chance like my little Thor!
On her website you can Sponsor a none release Squirrel also... I won't to see how to do that. If anybody hasn't seen this yet please take a look here!
I'm planning on donating some money on the 15th when I get paid... unfortunately I can't give to much because I'm saving for a wedding but... I am going to give something...
12-09-2010, 02:41 PM
Aww I see! yeah that was me... I am saving some money to donate to the Lil lita tree shelter... That woman is amazing. I don't know her name but.... I'm a 24 year old grown man... but after reading the stories of her Lita and what she does.... I was brought to tears to be honest :dono Especially after watching the youtube video. But if she can't take in anymore squirrels maybe I can take in one and give it a chance like my little Thor!
On her website you can Sponsor a none release Squirrel also... I won't to see how to do that. If anybody hasn't seen this yet please take a look here!
I'm planning on donating some money on the 15th when I get paid... unfortunately I can't give to much because I'm saving for a wedding but... I am going to give something...
Please do help!
I can guarantee it will go to a good cause!:bowdown
Every little thing we do to help each other make this world a better place.
12-09-2010, 02:52 PM
Hey THere!!!:wave123
welcome to the forum
There are a number of recipes on this board. I use the BooBall recipe.
You can use purchased block as the base of the diet.
Harlan Teklad 2018 or 2014...
SunSeed Critter Cubes <<<my new fav
Oxbow Regal Rat
Mazuri rat
ZuPreem Monkey biscuits...
KayTee FortiDiet PLUS
Use FoxValley formula 20/50 for the BooBalls
go easy on the nuts ... they are a treat
Lots of fresh veggies, greens, fruit
Squirrels LOVE to eat BUGS!!!
OK!!.... here I can buy at a store today... is this good enough till I get my shipment of ether Healthy Henry's Squirrel Blocks or the Harland Teklad 2018. I can't decide between the two but I'm ordering one or the other by tonight... in the mean time.. is this ok?
It's the only thing I can buy locally... but I won't to start feeding Thor the right stuff as soon as possible. Will that Kaytee Rat food be good till my order comes in?
Also I already bought this stuff is it ok to sprinkle a little of this on his food?
12-09-2010, 03:54 PM
HI & WELCOME to TSB - there is nothing like the LOVE of a SQUIRREL :Love_Icon
12-10-2010, 01:13 AM
hey thor does resembles the Avenger with that pointy horn like ears and cape like tail~ =D
It has really nice looking tail by the way :peace
:Welcome to TSB tinfoil
12-10-2010, 06:41 AM
Welcome to found the MOTHER-LODE of Info on care, nutrition and emergrncy aid ( hope you never need that one)
I'm in Costa Rica with my Rama Rota. He just turned one on Wednesday and he has made the last year the BEST I can remember... Stop in and visit his thread when you find time.
So glad to have you in our Family...Hi THOR
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING (of Costa Rica )
12-10-2010, 07:38 AM
Yes, the Kaytee Forti-Diet is fine for now. I don't know anything about the stuff from exotic nutrition; I like and have bought mealworms and things from these folks but as far as I am concerned, I don't care too much for their "squirrel" stuff. If you get Thor on a good quality block and limit nuts to a couple a day plus fruits and veggies, he won't NEED any further supplementation.
12-10-2010, 07:57 AM
OK!!.... here I can buy at a store today... is this good enough till I get my shipment of ether Healthy Henry's Squirrel Blocks or the Harland Teklad 2018. I can't decide between the two but I'm ordering one or the other by tonight... in the mean time.. is this ok?
It's the only thing I can buy locally... but I won't to start feeding Thor the right stuff as soon as possible. Will that Kaytee Rat food be good till my order comes in?
Also I already bought this stuff is it ok to sprinkle a little of this on his food?
What I don't like about the Exoticnutrition stuff is the lack of D3 they use D2 as a source for D vits This is made more for flyers and sugargliders that have a different calcium & D requirement...the Vionate on that same site would be preferable.
There are drops that can be added to water for rats, mice and hamsters...look in the petstores or let your fingers do the walking...
12-10-2010, 12:15 PM
Welcome!! we are in florida too and we also have a non release baby we have named Leroy. He is the sweetest!!
12-10-2010, 02:07 PM
OK, I just saw you mention on Rama Rota's thread that your squirrel and ferret are friends.
I wanted to grab your attention so I didn't respond there.
Ferrets and squirrels just won't work. It might be *right now* but your ferret is a predator of squirrels and one will happen so fast it will be over before anyone can do anything.
Please, if they want to interact through cage bars, that is okay; I understand they have been friends up until now, but oh, man, this is such a bad idea...
12-10-2010, 04:28 PM
OK, I just saw you mention on Rama Rota's thread that your squirrel and ferret are friends.
I wanted to grab your attention so I didn't respond there.
Ferrets and squirrels just won't work. It might be *right now* but your ferret is a predator of squirrels and one will happen so fast it will be over before anyone can do anything.
Please, if they want to interact through cage bars, that is okay; I understand they have been friends up until now, but oh, man, this is such a bad idea...
I have never had a squirrel get along with our ferret face to face. Sasha is very laid back and non aggressive. The dogs mess with her especially the Jackalpuppy Zinnia. I would never trust a ferret with a squirrel EVER. Chances are the squirrel will eventually attack the ferret either in play or because he's jealous...squirrels are like that ....and the ferret will retaliate. The outcome would be a lose lose scenario.
I very very strongly advise against this.
They don't speak the same language so there is no way of knowing how they will react when push comes to shove.
THe other thing is that your squirrel will change as he ages. When he becomes mature he may become a a very opinionated animal about who he will tolerate. the scary part is they can be very fickle. These are wild animals and subject to wild behaviors that kick in on instinct.
Please be safe rather than sorry
12-10-2010, 07:26 PM
Welcome Thor!!!
Man you're a cutie!!
Just watched your Youtube video...he's such a hustler! LOL
Look out you ladies! There's another guy on the board.:rotfl
Lord knows, I need all the help I can get around this place. :p
Thor. Good Norski name. Hope he doesn't come with a hammer.:D
12-11-2010, 03:19 AM
Look out you ladies! There's another guy on the board.:rotfl
Lord knows, I need all the help I can get around this place. :p
I think you do just fine Skul ...unless of course you're afraid we'll make you start wearing pantyhose and lipstick!
(we know he really likes sarah Palin because she's a cute chick:poke ) :D
12-11-2010, 04:00 AM
:rofl4 You betcha.:D
AHA!! I KNEW IT!!!! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
12-13-2010, 07:57 AM
A giant thank you to everyone welcoming our family! And I noted all that was said about the ferret and the squirrel. They won't be able to play any longer. As I want the best for both of them. And I started him on a proper diet although if somebody could direct me to to the thread with with gooballs recipes?.. I haven't been able to find it.
Also! Anybody know of a good cage for inside squirrels? I'm not afraid to spend money... 250-500 is ok. I just want to give him a fun home!
12-13-2010, 08:23 AM
A giant thank you to everyone welcoming our family! And I noted all that was said about the ferret and the squirrel. They won't be able to play any longer. As I want the best for both of them. And I started him on a proper diet although if somebody could direct me to to the thread with with gooballs recipes?.. I haven't been able to find it.
Also! Anybody know of a good cage for inside squirrels? I'm not afraid to spend money... 250-500 is ok. I just want to give him a fun home!
click quick links
click mark forums read in the drop down window
scroll down to Squirrel Nutrition
look for the BooBalls Sticky
Read as many stickies as you can stand...:D
These threads are stickied because there is valid info in them that needs to be easily accessed.
12-14-2010, 05:07 PM
How is Thor doing tonight??
Im partial to this guy.....he has that glimmer in his eye just like my guy.
12-14-2010, 05:27 PM
How is Thor doing tonight??
Im partial to this guy.....he has that glimmer in his eye just like my guy.
Hey! Hah thank you! He is doing great actually the last couple days he has been so sweeeeeet!!! Especially today. He normally just plays and gets on my shoulders but today he actually nested himself in my arms and at one point fell asleep. He gave me kisses today to! I don't know if its the proper diet being the rodent blocks or what but he has been such a lover! Courtnee is coming over tonight and we are going to wrestle with him :)
12-14-2010, 05:37 PM
Hey! Hah thank you! He is doing great actually the last couple days he has been so sweeeeeet!!! Especially today. He normally just plays and gets on my shoulders but today he actually nested himself in my arms and at one point fell asleep. He gave me kisses today to! I don't know if its the proper diet being the rodent blocks or what but he has been such a lover! Courtnee is coming over tonight and we are going to wrestle with him :)
Not sure of you have met CritterMom yet...but she so graciously sent my Baby Jude some toys.
If it wasn't for that...I would look like a piece of raw hamburger with a head. LOL
Does he have any "guys" to play with?? She sent Jude some hedgehog stuffies and they are BY FAR his favorite things in the world
You will notice as he gets a bit older that he will try and play rougher with you.
Having his guys to beat the crap out of will help tremendously and keep you in one piece!
Give Thor a belly kiss from Auntie Jo!!367w3mn <-----this was Jude typing BTW.
He LOVES TSB!!!! :rotfl
12-15-2010, 10:49 AM
This is Thor chilling with me while I was watching a movie :) he always keeps me company and I gave him plenty of belly kisses for aunt jo! :D
12-15-2010, 10:51 AM
Love it ! I like the arm hanging over - he's chill'n
12-15-2010, 10:59 AM
Don't you just love the way they casually sling those little arms over things? It always cracks me up.
Mister P has a PILE of stuffies. He currently has FIVE hedgehogs, Pink Piggie, his big brown dog, a big white rabbit, and a fluffy Gund bear. We have a full out wrestlemania with them at least once a day - Mister P stands tall and brave against the onslaught of 9 savage stuffies. He absolutely LOVES them.
The hedgehogs, which are the Gold Standard of squirrel toys, are unfortunately made by Hartz, an absolutely horrible company. I hate giving them any of my money but it is undeniable - the hedgies are the bomb. Walmart sells them - about $5.
12-15-2010, 11:51 AM
Don't you just love the way they casually sling those little arms over things? It always cracks me up.
Mister P has a PILE of stuffies. He currently has FIVE hedgehogs, Pink Piggie, his big brown dog, a big white rabbit, and a fluffy Gund bear. We have a full out wrestlemania with them at least once a day - Mister P stands tall and brave against the onslaught of 9 savage stuffies. He absolutely LOVES them.
The hedgehogs, which are the Gold Standard of squirrel toys, are unfortunately made by Hartz, an absolutely horrible company. I hate giving them any of my money but it is undeniable - the hedgies are the bomb. Walmart sells them - about $5.
Ok I'll take your word for them being a bad company but!!! if they make a must have squirrel toy then Thor must have it!!! =)
I know I said this before but he has been extra lovey dovey lately! he loves my nose and literally licked my lips when I went to give him kisses.. I hate work because I can't be with Thor all day! Ahhghh it drives me nuts.
Thor also had his first Acorn the other day (after eating his rodent block of course) and he LOVED it!. I thought Watermelon was his favorite but it would seem he has a new favorite. :rotfl
12-15-2010, 12:11 PM
ohhh looks like little Thor thor's having a new toy for christmas..
*heres a little pet on Thors head*:D
12-15-2010, 12:20 PM
also can I have some of your opinions on the cages here?
the ones under 300 anyways... I would love to get him a mansion but =/ I'm not real wealthy...
this caught my eye the most ---> <-- but at the same time doesn't leave him the most climbing space so......
also how about some of these products?
I wonder if any of these up top are safe for Oder control?
Also think he'd like this ?
12-15-2010, 12:28 PM
Knothead has a ferret nation cage...he likes it but he really never goes anywhere so it's big enough for him...I love the ferret mansion cage
Kelly Brady
12-16-2010, 08:44 PM
Hello and welcome to TSB :Welcome
Thor is such an adorable fuzz butt. Love the coloring of his nose:D
Another person stricken with squirrel fever. You can tell he has climbed in to your heart. :wave123
02-07-2011, 09:55 AM
Hello! Everybody just wanted to let you all know Courtnee and I are now married back from our honeymoon and Thor is doing fantastic!!! He is our little guy through and through. He ended up doing the opposite of wilding up it would seem a everyday he grows more and more friendly. He even listens to us now. He know basic commands like come here and no and seems to get excited when I say words like block and dinner lol. His main diet is henrys healthy squirrel blocks. And daddy always ends up giving him tiny bits of his dinner if it's ok for him to have!. Well anyway hope everybody and thier squirrel friends are doing great :)
Little guy has really grown.
I sure hope he stays a love-bug.
02-07-2011, 11:49 AM
Congrats on getting married!! hubby and i have been married over 11 yrs now. it is the best!! your Thor is very handsome!! just watch out for the first season when he is sexually mature. they can do i put this nicely....horny. we went thru it with Leroy...our non release....but now that he is almost two...he seems to handle it better. but he tends to play rougher when he hits that time of yr.
02-07-2011, 04:57 PM
I LOVE a happy story!!!
Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
The squirrelies are smart
I think they are far smarter than dogs.
Some squirrels are smarter than others too.
Mugzi was brilliant
I have yet to see another squirrel do the things that he did...scary
Waiting for more Thor stories.:D
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