View Full Version : Found 3 babies need a rehabber

12-05-2010, 11:03 AM
hey I had posted my number in a petstore for anyone who finda a baby squirrel, a lady called me today she said she has three of them I am located in the kissimme fl area and need someone to come get them I am in my finals week in school and am not in the position to provide for them.....if you can get them please get in contact with me thanks and i will find out more info about them. THANKS

Jackie in Tampa
12-05-2010, 12:36 PM
I will pm a few members near you....do you have them on heat? do you have pedialyte?

1 quart warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teasppon salt
mix well and store in fridge for upto three days..
do not use solution or any hydration method for more than 24 hours, too much sodium.
do you have syringes? formula.
Do you have a car incase someone can meet you?
Please keep them half on a heating pad set on low , monitor the temp, just barely warm is good.
How old are they?
DO YOU HAVE THEM? or does she?

12-05-2010, 01:03 PM
they look about 4 weeks old, no cuts or bruises, they have a heat source on them and heat is being monitored

she has been mixing the formula with pedilyte, she does have a car and she will be in the castleberry area, so if you know of a rehabber in that are thay would be better because she would be able to drop themoff tomrrow morning.

I gave her syringes and just born puppy formula I have also check them to see if I heard any clicking noise and it was NOT present. she was using a bottle BUT i gave her syringes and showed her how to hold them and told her to make SURE SHE TAKES IS SLOW even if that means them lapping it up on their lips.

Need rehabber in castleberry thanks she has only had them since 730 pm last night and they do NOT look dehydrated.

12-05-2010, 01:52 PM
There is a rehabber in Altamonte Springs, very close to Casselbery.
I will PM you her info.

12-05-2010, 01:57 PM

If that rehabber does not work out for you please let me know.
I am nearby and willing to take them.
Was trying to take a break for a bit since my last ones are heading out to release soon, but will take them if you don't find someone else today.

If you need to contact me send me a private msg with your phone and I will call you on my work break.


12-05-2010, 05:54 PM
I live in Kissimmee and if you still need someone just let me know..

12-05-2010, 06:52 PM
I am in Lakeland (not that far from Kissimmee) and I am available tomorrow to come pick them up IF you are still in need of some one to take them just let me know. I am all ready for the care of three babies (I have a new can of unopened formula, heating pad, unused syringes, small nipples, clean cage and most of all a lot of time on my hands).

I can take them tonight IF you could meet me half way.

12-05-2010, 07:43 PM
I am going to pick up the babies tonight after work because the lady that has them is unsure about getting them to a rehabber tomorrow.

For those of you nearby who have offered since the last post...

...I'm not going to turn away 3 innocent babies that need care, but if someone else is willing to take them to raise them I'll be happy to coordinate a transfer either tomorrow or Tuesday.

I was anxious for a little break ... it's been baby squirrels non-stop since July and I still have 3 juveniles in the house. Two of those have turned out to be NR's to my dismay and I really need to focus some time and energy into building cages, bonding and getting them used to being handled since I cannot release them. New babies will put a huge dent into the time I have available right now!

If interested please let me know by post or PM.
I may not have time to check in until later tonight, heading out at 9pm after work to go get them right away.

12-05-2010, 09:50 PM
thanks everyone for working together that shows how passionate everyone is I have been waiting for this opportunity but unfortunetly I am in my finals week and wont be able to feed them every 2 hours I am so bumbed but.....

12-06-2010, 11:16 AM
if someone else is willing to take them to raise them I'll be happy to coordinate a transfer either tomorrow or Tuesday.

I am available to take the little one's in to raise and then they can be released with Picasso come Spring (prob around April) as Picasso is spending the Winter months with us. Since you are picking them up tonight I can arrange a time with you Tuesday to get them from you (I am in Lakeland) just let me know when and where.

12-06-2010, 01:57 PM
Awesome! :thumbsup

They are 3 healthy adorable babies, about 3 weeks old.
Nest fell out of a tree and finders said momma squirrel did not turn up.

A good samaritan in the form of a sherrif's deputy took them home to his wife who did her best with no prior experience to keep them safe and warm and fed.

It's 2 boys and 1 girl weighing in at 52g-54g and good appetite.

I will PM you to work out the details of the exchange :bowdown

12-06-2010, 01:59 PM
and I almost forgot....honorable mention of fire-eyez who helped coordinate this series of events. many thanks to you also! :multi

12-06-2010, 02:08 PM
I will PM you to work out the details of the exchange :bowdown

I will be checking my email off and on all day today.... :thumbsup

12-06-2010, 02:37 PM
High fives to all involved! Ahhh Rhapsody, enjoy those babies; hope to see pictures.


12-06-2010, 02:47 PM
hope to see pictures.

Dont worry you will as PICTURES are one thing I am never short of..... :thumbsup

I am sooo excited, this is my 1st trio

12-06-2010, 03:32 PM
and I almost forgot....honorable mention of fire-eyez who helped coordinate this series of events. many thanks to you also! :multi


12-07-2010, 08:42 AM
I will be picking up the three babies today at 11 am (pics to follow)

12-07-2010, 02:56 PM
The little ones made it to my house in Lakeland (2 boys 1 girl) - they had their first feeding (which went well) and now they are all back in their warm bed all snuggled up together warm and cozy. :)

12-07-2010, 03:18 PM
I am in Lakeland (not that far from Kissimmee) and I am available tomorrow to come pick them up IF you are still in need of some one to take them just let me know. I am all ready for the care of three babies (I have a new can of unopened formula, heating pad, unused syringes, small nipples, clean cage and most of all a lot of time on my hands).

I can take them tonight IF you could meet me half way.

Fox Valley comes in a can?

12-07-2010, 03:19 PM
Good job everyone - cant wait to see these little ones! :thumbsup